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Why is Google allowed to pay so much for developers?
Jeremiah Cox
Other urls found in this thread:
Christopher Hall
>allowed to pay
Fuck off commie
Julian Jenkins
Preeeeety sure these kikes are a monopoly.
Justin Perry
Gavin Cook
The same Google that colluded with other SV firms to keep wages down?
Developer wages follow a binomial distribution. You have an elite being pushed up, while the left side is pushed down thanks to H1B or equivalent in other countries.
I'm not convinced that the difference between the two parts of that distribution is related to skills.
Isaiah Walker
salaries has gone up a lot last couple of years, see
Chase Ross
nothing else to say
Isaac Lopez
I love capitalism and its need for indian code monkeys. Fuck off commies wooooo!!
Gavin James
this is another reason to make these people a target
if you cooperate with, or supply any kind of service or product to ANY soros company or alphabet, twatter, jewbook, 23&jew, CHARLIE HEBDO style visit is coming to see you, your employees, your family and your kids
make it scary to work directly or indirectly for the censors, make it clear that you will lose everything you hold dear and that includes your kids (yea they gotta go too)
Extensive torture and mutilation, BATACLAN style, should be used on minions before execution, and all on HD video for other to understand the risks
reminder that charlie hebdo the paper has become toothless after the murders, so this works.
Juan Hughes
isn't there basically just one way to code something in a given language? I remember notch talking about rewriting the Doom code from scratch and it turned out to be exactly the same as the original source
Sebastian Cook
They still can't afford a house in San Fran
Asher Wright
They don't. They use a bunch of exchange students and promise them to help to settle down why they work their asses of for a shitty wage rotting in the same apartment with 8 people.
Michael Gutierrez
Jaxon Gomez
Well.. I'd say there's one "best" way that's easiest to code.
Another "best" way that runs the fastest.
Another "best" way that uses the least memory.
Another "best" way that's easy to read and debug.
So no, not really. But if your aim is speed of execution, for example, then probably not much has changed in 20 years. But lots of people aren't coding for speed.
Carson Wilson
you earned this (You)
Jack Smith
thats why they buy a house on the edge of oakland and gentrify it
Jacob Diaz
Because america is too cucked to destroy an advertising monopoly.
Connor Smith
They're paying to keep employees in line
Austin Campbell
Gotta keep up the algorithms to suppress free kno0wledge and support (((facts)))
Angel Russell
Why are you commenting roma scum?
They pay 130k+ to fresh undergrads
William Harris
>tfw I should be getting 7 figure wages.
Henry Edwards
Oh great. Cant wait for another 400000 poos to come into this country this year and use github scripts 78 times a day to justify the banning of american workers in the CompSci industry
Aiden Long
nigger cunts ill get em m8s
Jason Flores
Hey magapede, will having gay buttsex give me the super aids if I find the bug chasers
Carter Mitchell
Go to bed
Lincoln Rivera
I feel like this is the most likely scenario and it's probably a very, very small portion of people who are Bill Gates level of intelligent making the near 7 figs. All the average/normal people just get pushed down to work along side the pajeets and clean up their code.
Landon Mitchell
its 3:50 pm tho
Christian Martin
Federal, California, and then San Francisco taxes all that shit away
Nathan Perez
Fuck you and your retarded time zone. Its almost 10pm here
Juan Hughes
"senior developer" is more project management than actual programming
Jason Russell
The end of nearly every career path is management.
Aiden Barnes
I come from the future to tell you that you're still a faggot tomorrow.
Juan Williams
>workers being paid more is a bad thing
Brayden Diaz
Sux bein an indie developer
Where is cofvefe otherwise plz go
Wyatt Gomez
Accurate photo of the new IT sector
Easton Roberts
listen to this man he knows what he is talking about.
Caleb Ortiz
That's my point. People who think they know what they're talking about work with bullshit metrics, when most of those job titles mean nothing.
Of course someone managing a hundred million dollar/billion dollar project will be paid 7 figures
Zachary Martinez
If that was true they wouldn’t have to pay shit
Tyler Bell
Ethan Sanders
They obviously don't have a monopoly on hiring developers.
Michael White
It's because the workers are so demanding.
Kevin Watson
Lemme 'red pill' you. Software productivity can vary 10x, even more between developers. That doesn't mean typing 10x as fast, but coming up with genius stuff that makes a lot possible that wasn't before. 100 rabbits isn't the equivalent of one horse.
Google hires horses, the best, because they can. Even if they pay these best 10x as much as everyone else does, it pays off. $1 million isn't unreasonable for people who can make datacenters cheaper, invent whole new services and so on. These people would otherwise be off making startups and competing with Google, anyway.
William Morgan
They're paying their silence most likely. Silence and not compromising, etc. Also losing experienced developers to a competitor could really hurt em.
Alexander Powell
You gotta make it authentic. Walk from melbourne to darwin without changing your clothes. Stop in townsville to get culturally enriched. Extrude the benefits of cultural enrichment from within you into a lemonade pitcher. Walk to darwin and take an interracial gangbang with care to extrude your enrichment into the pitcher. Mix with bits from dead dingo babies and tin it as vegemite.
Camden Parker
Because in those elite positions, you're controlling and improving a massive infrastructure of servers. Google's total assets are now valued at over $200B- I'm sure at least 20-30% of that is the value of the greater architecture that runs their services. So when you're talking about a $40-60B behemoth, some seven figure jobs at the top of managing it are a drop in the bucket.
Samuel Baker
>Never looking to the past and enjoying the white australian policy
Tyler Sanders
Very true, I went the latter route out of college.
Jackson Perez
gee, we wouldn't want well paying jobs
Caleb Ward
Fun fact- Gmail, Adsense (a major revenue generator), and Google News all originated as small side projects by individuals in the company.
Benjamin Stewart
let us know if the van has wifi
Jeremiah Watson
you work there?
Xavier Powell
Programming has such a faggot culture, if it didn't maybe top programmers would take a pay cut to work somewhere based.
Jonathan Ramirez
Thanks Patel. You ever sit alone in your studio apartment and think that killing yourself is the right thing to do?
Jose Howard
No, I just know people who do. I remote freelance out of Chicago.
I'm a white Trump voter, you nigger.
Jose Carter
I highly doubt the people making near 7 figures have to deal with the basedboys, diversity hires, and the endless bullshit classes/seminars the grunts do.
Kayden Johnson
You can't criticize it on the way up to those positions.
Austin Kelly
freelance for jewgle and you can
Nathan Nelson
"Geldreich" means "rich in money". That's why.
Cooper Bennett
>im the last white person at google. Let me tell you why spyware is so great. I can literally eat in the kitchen for 8 minutes before I vomit from the smell
Hudson Edwards
Notch can't program for shit so he's likely talking about the original devs rewriting Doom from scratch, in which case they would've used the same thought processes as before which would've lead to the same source code.
Robert Thomas
I already said I don't work there. Why am I even wasting my time talking to you when you aren't reading what I'm saying?
Matthew Miller
Economic tyranny. Welcome to the next stage of your enslavement. You know, because a freer market solves everything, except it doesn't.
Xavier Lopez
Chase Diaz
No, and that's where coding becomes difficult. There can be multiple designers which may perform the same outputs you're desiring, but may be much easier or harder to maintain, or upgrade. This falls into modular design, SOLID principles, etc.
Jason Jenkins
Google is a deep state controlled private enterprise and can therefore literally print their own money. They are basically a front for NSA/CIA. See also: Facebook.
Elijah Thomas
>I don't know what the east India company was
Blake Collins
Because you are a huge H1B faggot who should be shamed for being a traitor to their country and to their LARP race.
Hunter Perry
multiple designs*
Charles Wright
This, anyone that buys them paying goys millions for an occupational office position is a dope. That is a lot of money just for your service being loaned out.
Nathan Smith
US citizen, born here, 100% white. For someone who hates indians you're a pretty big fag to people of your own race as well.
Ryder Brooks
>US citizen, born here, 100% white. For someone who hates indians you're a pretty big fag to people of your own race as well.
Kek only a Jew tries so hard to dodge being called out they have to force this bullshit. Nice try retard. You''re a failure and ever Talmudist is gonna be gassed soon. Very soon.
Isaac Price
Yeah basically large project all come down to how easy it to maintain and reuse code. Back end services are little more different tough as sometimes implementations that take every a couple milliseconds off increase performance drastically at scale and may be worth it even it causes more complexity.
Not going to lie they do alot of crazy shit there at the high up levels, but most of them like falling through the cracks and get a 140k year job doing basically nothing.
Aiden Ross
If only you realized you were talking to a white person who would be white by even your own standards. But you're already convinced that I'm indian or jewish or whatever so keep at it. It makes no difference to me aside from some very mild entertainment.
Blake Sanders
Liar. You are 100% a race traitor faggot.
>I freelance for google
>my dad got me this job. Did i mention he works at nintendo?
You are a literal faggot and need to self extirpiate
Nathaniel Hall
There more you know the more you make.
Google is securing ship.
Jose Cook
Imagine trying so hard to insert identity politics into a thread about Google. That's how Jewish you are. You can't help yourself. Honestly the holocaust is closer than you can possibly imagine and if you keep playing these stupid games you're gonna win your own stupid prize kike. Seriously, you don't understand how close we are, do you?
Hudson Perry
I thought you commie faggots were all about raising wages?
Ethan Flores
JIDF (indian) detected.
Enjoy the bedbugs on your mandatory flight back to india. I hope your application is delayed and that you are forced to reapply from scratch
Ethan Powell
I don't work on that level, but it's very impressive. Most of my work is light webapps with Flask and sometimes Django on Python.
Where did I say I freelance for Google? I'll wait.
lmao race was never mentioned until one of you morons called me indian. Stop running your mouth for a minute and look at the initial exchange. Stop making the right look bad. If anyone is the jew, it's probably you.
Jack Ross
It was national socialism, plain and simple. It did not operate independently, but at the behest of the powers that be at the time.
Isaac Nguyen
They would have to put up with some of it.
Josiah Fisher
>Back end services are little more different tough as sometimes implementations that take every a couple milliseconds off increase performance drastically at scale
That's black magic. Most coding is simply figuring out what you want the program to actually do, finding out if it's actually doing it, and not fucking up with abstraction levels.
Camden Stewart
Its right next to your linkedin profile
Alexander James
they essentially have a monopoly on online searches, advertising, videos
they take the money they get from advertising to hire all potential talent and put them on fake jobs just to deny talent from competing companies
Jose Bell
Nice I work with C#/.NET and C++. I am working on a fully encrypted file sharing and messaging platform based off a keypair storage method I invented.
You are wrong, I actually built my own messaging backend. The signaling for desktop clients I did myself and to get to point where it will scale well I had to fuck around with socket implementations.
Luis Davis
Jose Jenkins
Is shilling for indian H1Bs more profitable than driving an uber?
Ethan Garcia
I know a guy who works for Google. Top end jobs typically come if your programming ability dovetails with something esoteric and rare that most people can't do. He has a PhD in Optimization (which is a subsection of mathematics); I don't know what he does specifically for them but they headhunted him directly from uni.
Jacob Diaz
I work for myself dude. I probably hate H1Bs more than you.
Jordan Clark
Most jobs have a hard productivity ceiling. Think retail and trades and teachers. You are going to need a constant multiple of these people to finish the shit that needs to be done. Even lawyers do copy paste shit like filing divorce papers etc... These people have a productivity ceiling that once reached it is physically impossible to exceed, there are only so many hours in a day. A really good teacher is only going to teach one class a year, they cannot exceed this. They are a huge fucking liability.
Certain careers like programming and trading offer almost limitless increases in productivity based solely on the talents of the professional. The cunning of these types can generate absolutely fucking insane returns for those who employ them and you better fucking pay top dollar. When you do the math you will realize that people in these jobs are actually getting FUCKED incredibly hard. Think of the people who programmed the modern electric telephone systems or the McDonalds kiosks. They fucking eliminated a shitton of costs for companies, and even at 500k/yr they alone saved millions upon millions of expenses for their employer, in other words they got FUCKED.
Lucas Allen
I'm talking about the type of shit google is doing, not normal backend stuff. I made my own thing to deal with LED controllers and a bunch of computers I have lying around. That was monotonous and annoying, but relatively easy.
Luke Edwards
Self employed uber driver. Fixing code for immigrants on githib. For free. Sounds lucrative. Send me a pm on faceberg when you get a chance
Gabriel Johnson
No they have people dedicate to shaving milliseconds off of mircoservices that are called millions and millions of times.
Lol I don't do open source. I believe in getting paid for my work.
Jonathan Foster
Tyler Flores
What one programmer can do in a month, two progammers can do in two months.
Henry Hernandez
They will probably crash and burn in the next 10 years. Facebook will be first though as Instagram is the only thing they make profit off. I am also quite sure they probably compromised whatsapp for data mining as well. Basically your messages are encrypted end to end, but it doesn't mean we can collect them off your phone once there.
Luke Ward
$0.12 has been deposited in your account.
What is the most autistic indian support story you have? How close to deadline was it?
Camden Adams
CIA niggers have infinite black ops bux off the printing presses. What do they care if they pay their drones enough for a comfy lower middle-class existence?
Camden Cooper
How am I shilling for Indians talking about software out of curiosity?
Jaxson Rivera
Protecting your clients. How very (((noble))) of you