Are we gonna stand for this?
Your move Jow Forums
No I'll continue to sit.
They did the same thing with Bush. Who cares.
Depends which (((Internet)))) you use
>Who cares.
Ambivalence checks out
Maybe because every news site is reporting it?
Very 2012
It's almost like these retards haven't picked up on the Trump curse yet.
They sure didn't like it when Henry Ford's The International Jew was at the top of search results for "Jew". They even had a little page on jewgle explaining it
And I use Duckduckgo so I really don't care about jewgle anuymore
Well played, good sir, well played indeed! I have but only one upvote to offer you, as I spent the rest at a convention for HIV+ business owners. You wouldn't believe the deliciousness of that spaghetti I had with HIV+ blood in it. Truly revolutionary and vibrant! But I digress, I offer my pittance in recognition of your endless abilities to impeach Donald Trump. He's done now, we've finally got him. We just need some brave souls to swoop in and haul him off to trial. Hillary will be inaugurated by August 1st and then we can finally get this country back on course. Well played, fine sir, a splendid display of valor and truly epic trolling. Now if you'll excuse me, I must be going. There is surely a damsel in distress just awaiting the arrival of a hero as educated as I.
Haha googlepushing by bitter trannies make anything relevant in the world. With effort, if relevant even reversible.
Why would anybody listen to that BTFO hasbeen jacking of young men on life camera?
you mean (((google)))
Why would anyone Google the word Idiot
if ur jorge takei looking for reasons to post about trump
while trump doesn't turn up, if you google tired politician it brings up multiple hillary returns
Cringy reddit shit.
I remember the donald used to do that stuff all the time. It was still cringy when they did it
you fucking morongs, stop using google.
check for yourselves,
>using Google
as a side note, bitch brings up Rosanne Barr, and twat brings up Theresa may
I hate that old faggot.
Based pedophile Takei
>reading (((news sites)))
google changed the algorithm. news pushed it. memes into reality
>Check google for "idiot"
>All pictures of Trump
>The source for the images is mostly news sites reporting this trash
40 year old boomer here. I don't use internet now it's your move.
>commie leftists @ 100 billion dollar google lower themselves to this sort of bush league shit even after trump stands up for them against being fined billions
Man. That's just so hardcore. It'd be a shame if
>this place opens up pedo hollywood like a can of tuna and shits directly down its throat
>firings have already begun
>capeshit community irrevocably btfo
>Disney trying to figure out ways to negotiate with pedo hunters hoping they'll stop
>they're not going to stop
Lel. More has been done in two days that the left has accomplished in two years of shit tier smear campaigning. By the time this is done, when people think of the left, they'll think pedophiles and pedophile sympathizers. Speaking of which;
Hmm. Maybe we should look at you next, Sulu, you lecherous old queen.
>In a tweet that has since been deleted, Takei on Sunday suggested that Russian bots were amplifying the sexual assault allegations against him
he's experienced and tenacious, i wonder how many boys he "convinced" in that way to let him jerk them off.
what comes up for "gay pedophile"?
what the actual fuck
i like cut of your jib
He looks like a posessed ventroquilist handpuppet, that is also posessed by a predatory homosexual demon
I dont think i can watch star trek anymore without gaging
why don't you save your energy for important things instead of taking the bait from every slight? nail the pedos in hollywood on a cross if you have free time
Fucking kek
That’s a good point
make hillary clinton pop up for the word liar?
Oh no...
It’s over...
Why? Google is clearly the most accurate here.
yeah i agree with this, this is a distraction
people like takei wont be laughing as more of their peers get arrested or sidelined in hollywood
Make Takei the first thing that pops up when you google "kiddie diddler"
>assuming we use google
google will immediately scrap that
guys... it's our move, we have to do something.
>caring what a bunch of faggots led by a faggot have for an opinion
i might as well off myself if i ever give a fuck
do it
Let them. Just more evidence that google Jews are biased.
The left always wins a meaningless battle but ends up shorting itself in the foot longterm.
homosexuals are literally demons... they feed on male sexual energy, especially crave the one of young boys
pedo my taco, dank memes
lol who cares what (((google))) thinks.
Says the washed-up actor whose mouth is usually full of cock.
Wasn't this guy basically confirmed to be a pedo during metoo?
It's an easy tactic to manipulate search results, It's against Google TOU but they let people do it anyways because they cannot really stop it. We could do it easily too, I'd get into detail and explain it but you fucking summer posters don't actually care to do anything.
That cunts a pedo
Shit like this is the reason that I use Bing for political shit, Microsoft doesn't give a single fuck.
That said, I know Bing is shit too as far as search engines go, any recommendations for alternatives?
What is Takei even known for? He was not particularly noteworthy on star trek. People only remember him because he's gay and was a minority on tv.
Shatner or Spock on the other hand, they have completely iconic characters.
Also, the thing they don't realize here. Even if Trump shows up for the word idiot, Trump is...
Actually, no, why don't you guys see for yourselves. Type in "Trump is" and have Google autocomplete that for you.
search idiot on bing it's based as fuck holy shit
I bet if I google faggot george "the gay" takei shows up
shows obama with a fly buzzing around his head for me
gotta say, I was a little disappoint.
"a sack of orange shit" came up
someone want to take this and post it on Jow Forums as a topic?
REAGAN BATTALION UNMASKED: Leaders Of Anonymous Anti-Trump Activist Group EXPOSED!
he should be thanking google
>Why? Google is clearly the most biased here.
Fixed it for ya free of charge
Haha it's true
>Why would anyone Google the word Idiot
To stay informed about Muricans
He lives in their head. He owns prime real estate in their waking and sleeping thoughts.
I remember when searching "failure" on Google Images returned photos of Dubya. Now, that was actually warranted, but everyone should understand that they do this to everyone they don't like.
Duckduckgo & bing don't show Him
Bing is the best. DuckDuckGo is another mossad search
We did it reddit!
When I google where does Pedo Takei belong.
>google rigs the search results
haha those fools are still on the top side of the iceburg.
>related images:
the chosen one einstein
hispanic woman
black man
fucking racists
>we gays are just you, normal and not obsessed!
If you reverse image search pic related you get a faggot. If rather be an idiot than a pole smoking homo.
DRUMPF btfo, how will he ever recover?
Can this be done with hillary and the word cunt?