Jow Forums approved youtubers

Jow Forums approved youtubers

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Other urls found in this thread:


If you want videos that are solely educational and purely focused on simply getting information and stats across, then watch Alternative Hypothesis.
He's a bit of a sociopathic autist queer who has absolutely zero empathy for shitskins and nignogs so his videos are some of the most unabashedly objective and blunt on the topics of race, IQ, genetics, etc. No bullshitting or optics-cucking at all.

He's also good because he doesn't get entrenched in e-drama and petty revenge against other right-wingers.


the only true White girl in the West

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Most else are bad optics and spergs, really.

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no such thing

gas all e-celebs and their zoomer audiences

Where the fuck did you find Fuentes' graduation photo?

styx isn't uber right wing nazi tier or anything but i still enjoy most of his commentary

We should do these threads more often. Youtube isn't going to suggest these channels too often so we should do more word of mouth promotion. These are some that I thought of off the top of my head.



AltHyp live streams:

Sean Last (He did about half of the articles on


American Renaissance:

Way of The World:


>Alternative Hypothesis
I can guarantee this will be the only answer in the thread that's worth anyone's time

I listen to varg for his philosophical insight.
I listen to styxhexenhammer666 to get quick rundowns of the news on a daily basis.
Everyone else in my opinion is an E-Celeb.
Red elephant can be okay but I never watch them, maybe once a month

Sean Last is the only really, really good one outside of Alt Hype

You have to be 18 or older to post here

Hampton Brandon

Sean Last is his buddy and his videos are great as well

I still enjoy Ron Paul

Sean Last works with Ryan. Sean is less autistic, a better debater and his content is more normie friendly.

While this is true, Ryan produces constant content and is essentially a proxy for Sean so I only ever recommend"Alt Hype". Ryan also has production quality and I think most people don't have the patience or necessary prior knowledge to watch the content he produces.

Hampton Brandon is a live streamer who beats the shit out of niggers that fuck with him, he's going to a party tonight, takes shit from no one, tune in.

none, they are all attention whores

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CNN (obviously)
the vlogbrothers
vegan gains
barstool sports
pbs spacetime
yale opencourses
buzzfeed yellow
bart kwan
Bon Appétit (shoutout to Brad)
Vice News
Fox News (for balance)
and Unbox Therapy


Alternative Hypothesis, JF, Eli Harman

For going down the rabbit hole: Blackstone Intelligence, Chris Kent Simpson

this guy is fukin dum

paul town hall, get informed

I watch some SciShow videos but I always downvote. Fuck those vlogbrothers. I also watch spacetime and bon appetit, (I like Carla. Brad seems like a retard and Vinnie, or whoever is editing, makes the videos funny).

Almost everything else on your list is cancer.

that was clearly a baitpost

Ancient Architects:
Dayz of Noah(though, he's gone silent, but check out his Media series):
Slightly Offensive:
Druid Focket:


why watch these fags whrn you can jerk it to motherless vids?

Thulean Perspective is the ultimate red pill

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Thanks' user: and for the endorsement user. Subbed Alternative Hypothesis.

That wasn't the question you stupid faggot.

you know that's a good point

Two of these I hadn't heard of, the rest I completely agree with.

back to plebbit faggot

Came to post this. Ryans autism is charming and his videos are very thorough.

None of them. Every one of them is either alt-lite or Spencer-esque.

Fun Fact: I was a friend of Hank's, then lost contact with him right before VlogBrothers started. I had no idea he was internet famous until years later.

He's not an channel that you're probably accustomed to, it's not current event centered for the most part so I recommend you go through his videos and start watching.

In Fuentes' high school yearbook, dumbass

I can fap here on Half Chan. The only reason guys watch her is because she's hot. If her views and opinions were even more enlightened, and she looked like Lena Dunham, NO ONE would give a fuck: same for ALL the "hot" feme-cons.

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I know where it's from a book, smart-ass.
Show me an actual internet link.

no eric striker?

Hi Jim, nice get

>Having someone dictate your own political beliefs and viewpoints
You ever heard someone say something like "X youtuber must/does browse Jow Forums" because they say Jow Forums related stuff? Well that's because most of the promoted right wing youtube channels are propaganda in themselves. Force feeding you a belief system that will counteract with another opposing belief system aka right vs left politics, so that way when SHTF the sheeple will all be killing each other because they believe the real enemy are those who don't share the same belief system as they do. The real enemy is big government and mega corporations.

These three

Do these faggots acknowledge the existence of people like Ryan Faulk?

Whoops forgot my file attatchment I'm new here from reddit

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Wow, you are a fucking idiot, you actually think you just sounded like you knew what the hell you were talking about.

Fuck off google

So this is the power of anglo men.

What's the story with Cantwell?

Black Pigeon Speaks , WeAreChange , LittleEnterprisesCali

How does it feel knowing that you get your political beliefs from a jewtube spokesman and a shitposting imageboard?

You got me crossed with someone else.

He did a send-off to take care of (hopefully) the last of his legal shit on Friday. None of the other content contributors on his site are worth listening to, so don't bother. I think he's pretty funny, but he doesn't have many big-brained takes and I usually only tune in when he has a good guest on. TRS has shunned him, except for Southern Dingo who panders to anyone who will give him the time of day.

Striker doesn't have a YouTube channel dumbass

But I'll take away the "dumbass" for mentioning him

Search for "Heel Turn" and find episodes with striker- it's a sort of mini series called "striker vs the world". Not all of the videos on the channel have him, but the description will say if so, and they're 3-4+ hours long. He debates commies, anarchists, libertarians, liberalist, anyone who's not national socialist basically.

He has a weekly show called "strike and mike" that is behind the paywall, but episodes are easy to find online. So occasionally Enoch and sven will hop in, Alex McNabb is a regular- they basically have TRS guys join to btfo whoever

But holy shit Eric Striker needs more attention. This mans passion and knowledge could spark a revolution if he had the platform and intent.
I'm a big Alt Hype fan, but he would get fucking wrecked by striker. If we, Jow Forums, don't pick up on him and spread the name in 2018 as the new "go to guy", then this website has failed.

He's challenged so many of my beliefs and ideas. It's not a hugbox or reaffirmation of my thoughts thing... it's a "wow I have never heard this perspective explained so well, and while I have my disagreements, he has my full respect"

Fucking seriously guys. Eric Striker. Meme it.

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TRS didn't shun him
They shun advocating for doxxing, which he did

If anyone on TRS started to call for doxxing and an end to anonymity, they'd be shunned out too.

T. eric striker

Fair enough.

>Jow Forums approved youtubers
Lauren Southern

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JF - autistic sperg but hey he does great livestreams and interviews
Ryan Dawson - THE redpill on 9/11
Alternative Hypothesis - THE redpill on race realism
Styxhexenhammer666 - common sense news breakdown
American Renaissance - Jared Taylor is my spirit animal
Molyneux - gets old after a while but everyone needs to have a dose of him
VertigoPolitix - short and sweet, the guy really has a mastery of the pathos
Central Happenings Network - shitposting, always the latest on Jow Forums trends
RagingGoldenEagle - Anime Right
Mises Institute - great stuff on economics also posts pretty good podcasts
Tom Woods - comfy lolbertarian podcast

Subscribe to CounterPoints if you want to see what verbal slight of hand and terminal cognitive dissonance are. Hbomberman is fine too if you can suffer his unearned smugness.

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>posting in a JIDF info gathering thread
Absolute state of nu Jow Forums

He's not wrong about Striker exemplifying the spirit of a true National Socialist.

t. Lolbertarian advocating for us to do nothing. Real good work there bucko

Alt Hype is the only one I follow .

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Your slogan should be changed from "don't tread on me" to "don't do anything", sargon

I like Striker. I just picked flag cause I like snakes.

I really loved his recent one on Nelson Mandela:

Lazy Game Reviews


Not compiling your list for you NSA.

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Matt Christianson is good times. Is a bit of a pussy fencesitter but he does at least cite sources for his stances.

I still haven't seen that one but he absolutely demolished ContraPoints a couple of days ago.

He's pretty great. He's been more active on politics lately but his real expertise is video-game industry.

Blackpilled seems hellbent on meming civil war 2.0

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check out 1791L. it's right wing/common sense arguments disguised as those annoying basedboy video essay things like Nerdwriter does. with a much more pleasant voice and visuals too. i dont agree with everything they post but it's damn interesting

dude sounds like he's never stepped foot in a gym in his life. I can't take fat or out of shape people seriously

That was INSANELY retarded - NOT in a good way. FAIL

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>pleasant voice

not the word I would've used but there is something about goblino's voice that I like

I like his garden videos. And it's like watching a libertarian slowly get redpilled week after week.

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>le wolfgirl
>videogame shit
When is the Donald going to admit they don't really know or care about politics, but just like shitposting for entertainment?

He's a literal kike and made a hit piece against WN

How can someone sound fat?

remember when Milo, Sargon and Mr. Metokur did those streams together?

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their cheeks resonate differently or something. just like how you can telll a black voice from a white one. and low test soi's are easy to spot. he sounds like one

talks about how white settlement in North America is morally Justified cause Native Americans acktuallee came over from Asia tens of thousands of years ago! nigga we've been here for a few hundred years so what's your point.

Nigga, treat your oldfags with respect.

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obviously eggman i miss his streams

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tfw friends with Alex McNabb and never paid attention to TRS until I found out he was involved

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fucking disgusting degenerate makes me fucking sick, glad he doesn't own this website anymore


sure... thank you for telling us about (((your))) choices

(((this))) is soooo astroturf that his channel name will give it away

imagine trying to larp as a Southerner and name your channel "redneck cousin fucker"

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>James Allsup hasn't been mentioned once in this thread
I-is there something I don't know about him?

Yeah. Thanks'. I watched one of the shorter ones; and pretty much get the picture. Seems rather academic really, and that's not a bad thing; but you are right that it seems to vary from the expected with all the immediately documented citations, etc. heheheh. Best case scenario, he sticks to facts and draws informed, intelligent conclusions without attempting to fit into any per-conceived ideologies. Thx again.

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Moot was a faggot, a kike and a cuck but Gookmoot is not making this place any better despite having all the necessary tools to do so. I wouldn't celebrate when essentially nothing has changed.

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I noticed this too

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japanese are a based people and know when degeneracy has gone too far and when to stop

>fucking disgusting degenerate makes me fucking sick
Welcome to Jow Forums.

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