Pseudo-copypasta from last thread



Heavy redacted.
Dig for Justice

>Previous thread: 179614696

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Other urls found in this thread:


Newfag baker soz
supposed to be in description

>Deep State thread

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Should this thread be axed and merge with that one?

deep state thread is informative
need dialogue/bumps to keep in going tho user
posted on this thread for redpill info

This is bad for Trump. FISA continuance is granted for providing evidence. While we see the usual suspects there's a number of other judges in there too which means that Carter Page was generating something they were interested in looking. It also confirms part of the Steele dossier namely that page was in Russia getting useful info from Russians. Lucky for Trump Congress is controlled by republicans, if something like this had come out implicating officers under Obama he would have been impeached in minutes

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Page has been under fbi control for years

Is this what was promised us on the saddest day?

Nice try, faggot. Are you getting paid for this bs?

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Your justification would be warranted if we were certain that our "intelligence agencies" were operating in good faith.
You mention judges, but there are plenty of judges on lower circuit courts that are using their influence to derail perfectly constitutional actions by POTUS, that other Presidents have also implemented, without fault.
You mention Steele, but also forget that he is a foreign agent, the use of the same taboo that you are trying to frame DJT of utilizing.
You mention Russia, but you forget that Steele Dossier was composed of information procured from "Russian sources."
You mention double standards but you forget that Obama was protected by the same agencies you hope take Trump down.

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The four applications against Carter Page were verified four times by a Senior FBI agent heading the investigation into him. Each verification has a signature and date line. The month and year of these handwritten dates are not redacted.

Handwriting comparisons should be made with known or suspected FBI personnel on the case. Possible source material for comparison could be documents submitted to the House Intelligence Committee. I am not sure if the IG report had any and written attachments. I would expect, nevertheless, that any or all of the FBI personnel referred to the ethics division of the FBI for discipline would be prime suspects.

Nothing to see here

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Why did Trump hire him then?Ah yes the "deep state" I thought Trump was draining the swamp? Why is his administration filled with jews and crony capitalists? Why does your strong president feelate Putin every chance he gets?

If there is a specific time, it is also redacted.

SOURCE #1 is Christopher Steele compiling bullshit stories from Russian spooks... just in case anyone wasn't 100% clear on this.

Applications 2 and 3 have verifications signed by an FBI official that spelled out the date months. Useful handwriting samples.

Hillary is a whore


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Why do all Presidents fellate Putin?

Is it because he has a big dong?

Stop changing the subject, numbnuts. Putin gave him a bunch of intel that will end up changing the world. Get fucked. You lost.

I'm sure massive increases to NATO defense budget is just the rub ole Vlad was looking for.

Neck yourself.

>Bush used to invite him to Camp David for sleepovers
>Obama advertised his "Russian reset" openly and talked about making special deals with them if he wins a second term
>Trump is defending him to the entire world

Thanks. Pretty much confirms what we knew, but now liberals can’t hide from it.

Pennies to pesos the verifying news articles cited in the FISA request to "verify" SOURCE #1's information were based upon the very leaks SOURCE #1 made to reporters which lead to the FBI to sever ties with him.

I bet all my goodboy points on it.

Fixed it

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Increasing funding to the only military threat to Russia doesn't count I guess tweets are more important thank you I forgot.

Me gusta.

They all did that too. They all sucked Putin's dick while continuing to expand westward and laying pipelines to Europe through the Middle East. So who's jewing who here?

Should also point out that the law firm that engaged the "U.S. person" (Fusion GPS... businesses are legally persons under US law btw in case we weren't 100% clear on that) was Perkins Coie, specifically Attorney Marc. E. Elias who worked for the law firm Perkins Coie.

Guess who had a change in carrier a few months back gents???

So let me get this straight:

>nunes memo has been debunked
>steele dossier wasn't based on the yahoo article
>carter page is the connection between trump and russia
>investigation was justified
>the whole collusion thing is likely true

How is this a good thing again? It looks more like the final nail in the coffin for Trump.

No. Steele wrote the dossier and admitted in UK court that he leaked its contents to yahoo, which as the linked documents clearly state, lead the FBI to terminate Steele aka "SOURCE #1) as a source.

Investigation based on bullshit dossier written by bullshit artiest that sourced his material from the Russian government...

ok bro yea that's a justifiable investigation alright... they just targeted the wrong presidential candidate.

What are you doing, Canada? Maybe you should send in your military and stop the Russians. wtf


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Nellie Ohr?

Well not what I was getting at but she was responsible for passing information informally (allegedly) to the FBI agents that got this whole thing started in the first place.

>Wouldn't surprise me if these dems fucked us all, since none of them have been fucked in the last 30 years, most of our lifetimes....

Canacucks and Merkel's Maidens shilling tonight
The truth is known and you're still trying to subvert and manipulate. Kinda sad actually.
Give my regards to Moloch.

I'm just pointing out that there is literally no difference to how Russia and Putin are being handled now. Same as it always was.

take it with a grain of salt, they don't know what to say other than ask themselves what's going on.

And you are literally wrong about that and repeating yourself doesn't count as evidence that you are right.

ok, this is getting too much.

there needs to a purge, a massive, apocalyptic, never-seen-before purge in the US system to get rid of the deep state. there need to be executions on the TOP-level, to disencourage future politicians from attempting a deep state ever again.

death penalty should be reserved for:

- hillary clinton
- john podesta
- john brennan
- rod rosenstein
- james comey

based on high-profile years of treason and attempting a coup d'etat on trump.
either trump start to fight the hydra of the deep state and kills it - or it will kill him.

I wish I never even thought about what was going on like yourself. I'm cursed desu.

What is Trump doing differently than Bush or Obama?

Modernizing our nuclear arsenal. Increasing NATObux substantially and obtaining commitments for much more very quickly. Launching missiles against Russian client state Syria when Obama wouldn't. Killed 200 Russian mercenaries in the Syria dessert when Obama wouldn't.

You want more?

Also, more circular reporting.
Hillary: Need dirt to stahp Blumphft
DNC/Clinton Foundation: We have the money to do that.
Perkins Coie: We have the resources to do that.
Fusion GPS: We have the contacts to do that.
Nellie: I got this info
Bruce: Gimme, gimme
DoJ: *Gasp*
Alphabet Soup Orgs: *Gasp*
FISC: *Gasp* Sources?
Alphabet Soup Orgs: Sources?
DoJ: Bruce?
Bruce: Trusted Source Christopher Steele™
Christopher Steele: Hey Yahoo News, check this out
Yahoo News: Oh Shit! Bombshell!!!
Christopher Steele: Check out my Yahoo News article.
Bruce: Told Ya.
FBI et all: "Collusion"
Hillary: pic related

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SwissAnon knows the score

Start with the court clerk

I share the rage... though I would settle for prison cells...

What does it matter if Germany is sends them billions for energy? Do you think it’s a good idea to fund your enemy?

Did anyone else think it odd that the clerk's docket certification was redacted in the 4th FISA application but not the first 3???

I don't think that means anything unless someone here knows something I don't. Still, thought it was odd.

a good rundown

Here here...

>Why did Trump hire him then? >Ah yes the "deep state" I thought Trump was draining the swamp? Why is his administration filled with jews and crony capitalists? Why does your strong president feelate Putin every chance he gets?
Reduced to blathering the same old pre programmed lines . You got blown out .

The fact they would identify anyone even remotely connected to the process of FISA warrants is odd.

Well, I wish you never thought about it either, continue to suck and lick Trudeau's taint or gooch, preferably both, because I don't give a fuck about some Canadians opinions on American politics. Put a vote in eh you fucking mountaineer.

It is strange

>Killed 200 Russian mercenaries
I remember hearing that. The survivors were saying the Americans took a giant shit on them. Add in the Moab in Afghanistan- I think that sent a clear message to the enemies not to trifle

Sorry, TrueConservatives have spoken. The FISA application is a-okay and anyone who questions it hates the intelligence community and is alt-right.

Be nice not to have a nuclear war. You seriously that stupid? fucking migrant.

what i was talking about here... washingtontimes.com/news/2018/mar/4/christopher-steele-russia-dossier-writer-same-sour/

Basic gestalt is that the FISA application sites the Yahoo news source as corroborating evidence of Steele's dossier "aka SOURCE #1"... and in footnotes expressly states Steele was not the one that leaked the dossier contents to Yahoo news yet they still fired him for it.

AND comes out that it it WAS in fact Steele who leaked to Yahoo news, the same article the FISA application cites as proof of the dossier's reliability.

They used deliberate media leaks from their own bullshit source to use those bullshit articles to validate their bullshit source.

It's all there in black and white.

Literally CANNOT make this shit up.

you're fucking Canadian fag

I agree. I cannot believe Judicial Watch even got a response at all. I am pretty sure DOJ could have argued exceptions to FISA disclosure based upon law enforcement investigation...

Why would a clerk's name be significant enough to redact? Especially when they left another clerk's name unredacted.
Did this person request that their name be redacted?
Why would this person request that their name be redacted?
Why are there redactions that don't have to do with sources and methods in the first place?.
If we're protecting national security by redacting information, all we have to do is redact names (sources/methods).
Why are pages at a time redacted?
If pages of information is being redacted, it can't be due to sources, because names aren't that long.
So its either methods or national security.
If methods are the reason for redaction, then we're protecting the way that the government gains opposition research on political candidates.
If national security is the reason for redaction, then our gov't is doing some pretty shady shit to subvert the people.

you should be perma banned

Yup. That was all covered in the Nunes FISA memo.
Good to have another source for it tho.
Since these faggots in the government think we're stupid.

Most people don't see the full picture, which makes them easy to take advantage of. The truth is becoming so obvious, even more so to those in close, that the times they are a' changin'.

Honestly... I feel for Nunes. That man is a hero and he is getting very little if any credit. He's been lone wolfing it practically against this giant deep state machine and has never lost heart.

Best part is the ACTUAL FISA documents show it. It's now irrefutable. No partisan argument. No hearsay argument. Straight from the source.


He'll get his tho. I guarantee if he can wrap this up before 2020 and he steps up to the plate, we'll be seeing Nunes/Jordan 2024 bumper stickers.

Is it crazy for me to think the /hph/ threats are corralling our autists to slide this story... which incidentally was released in the MSM news cycle dead zone of Saturday afternoon???

I agree, where are our autists

Obama almost managed to secure Ukraine into NATO and fucked their economy into oblivion. Every President has expanded NATO eastward. Throwing money at NATO has always been more of a way to keep countries reliant on the US and to hold a presence in them.

It's great that Trump didn't continue a war in Syria, but bombing them really only made Jews and liberals happy. They are still continuing the same ME plans as always which is to get pipes to Europe, except Trump doesn't seem to rely as much on destabilizing surrounding areas and creating chaos in the region. Instead he just chose certain Saudi's to pretty much take over every thing, which essentially means that Jews are taking over everything.

Nobody gives a shit about mercenaries. Venezuelans are eating rats because of the dissolution of OPEC, just because BRICS THOUGHT about challenging the petro-dollar. Russia used to produce tech, pop stars, athletes, actors, industries. They have almost no economy or global presence left. And almost all of it fell immediately after annexing Crimea.

Yet, Obama pushed the Russian reset for years.

Wow, are you retarded?

Still don't fucking care for your Trudeau ball sucking antics you fucking eh saying fucking Canadian. The Canadians have always just wanted to be Americans.. Look at that cuck, Jim Carrey, he paints pictures that fucking suck, go suck maple syrup out of your fathers teets you fucking canuck.

I mean, its a noble cause. But, then, we get into the paradigm of Jow Forums
>Do we attack our enemies (/hph/)
>Bolster our defenses (FISA shit)
In my mind, you go for what has been plaguing GEOTUS's existence, clear the cloud around the presidency, and THEN go after the vermin.
Its like lightning though, always go for the path of least resistance. Shaking my baka.

Heh, found a new filter:

JUST DO IT! fuck off you Canadians leafs, I hate cucks, and fucking Canucks and you all need to gtfo my country

Show me

>change in carrier

But it says it's on Carter Page.

Can I get a quick rundown?


Page was planted. He LARPs as pro-russia and had previous FBI/Russia incident. Provides reason for "official" FISA surveillance, even though the surveillance was probably already occurring (see parallel construction).

Thanks nig

We already went over this. Go to bed

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Application #1
Authorization expires Jan 2017
Signed Oct 2016
FISC Judge Rosemary Collyer
Filing approved by Sally Yates
Certification executed by James Comey

Application #2
Authorization expires April 2017
Signed Jan 2017
FISC Judge Michael Mosman
Filing approved by Sally Yates
Certification executed by James Comey

Application #3
Authorization expires June 2017
Signed April 2017
FISC Judge Ann Conway
Filing approved by Dana Boente
Certification executed by James Comey

Application #4
Authorization expires Sept 2017
Signed June 2017
FISC Judge Raymond Dearie
Filing approved by Rod Rosenstein
Certification executed by Andrew McCabe

Rudy Contreras is not in these documents in case any anons were wondering about his recusal on the Flynn case.

Hmmmmm.... just how many good boy points do you have and who gave them to you?

>change in carrier
I think this user meant "career"

Bump for the morning because there's just a shill thread trying to dismiss this.

Read this:
Dems btfo:

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