Do Republicans have any fixed principles...

Do Republicans have any fixed principles? They completely flipped positions on ninety percent of the issues when Trump became president.

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>Republicans are a person

do Democrats? how many of their policies flipped after SEIU became a bigger donator than AFL–CIO?

Source on this braphog?

The republicans are serving my interests; reducing the number of shit colored people entering and putting people on they supreme court that are more likely to pass favorable judgments. They could do just about anything and I would still support them because the alternative is really that much worse

Without Trump there would really be no point to this party anymore. The alleged principles of both parties didn't matter very much. It was just branding for marketing purpose. Actually the same product.
It just so happened that Trump couldn't run for the democrats.

I second this user's request for sauce

what we're witnessing is more of a party realignment like when the democrats stopped supporting bondage slavery and started supporting debt and welfare slavery, and the Republicans who built up the federal government started supporting smaller government and states rights.
or when the neocons/neolibs took over both parties with their postmodern variations of fascism.
now the democrats are being taken over by communists and the republicans are being taken over by de facto monarchists as will become apparent soon.
anyway fantasy democracy in the sense of "everyone's opinion matters and we should all get along despite our incompatible beliefs" is over; turns out we cannot in fact all just get along.
and the republic in the sense of having independent institutions as checks and balances to limit power is also over; as they have all been captured by the overwhelming power of globalist corporations and money promising cushy high-paying jobs in exchange for coordinated political favors, making the institutions that are supposed to balance one another instead conspire against the interests of the people.
the outcome will be either the commies overthrow the government, slaughter the bourgeois, and institute a real dictatorship of the proletariat, something economically like what we had in the 50s but with a cultural wasteland of non-whites. Or we'll have a de facto monarchy where the President dismantles 100 years of pseudo-Marxist institutions and global corporations and secures a future for the white race.
Either way, anarcho-capitalists like yourself will be whining about "Waaah why can't I mass produce a new caffeinated sugar water and get rich and go fuck ladybois in Thailand."

Are unfixed principles even possible? Which issues? What the fuck are you even talking about?

I really hate pseudointellectuals.