American Baby Trump Blimp Set To Breeze Onto Namesake's Home Turf

Okay boys. This thing is basically just a big balloon right? We should be able to shoot it down with a gun from a good range away.

"they plan to fly it near the president's National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J."

Attached: trump-baby-balloon-london-3.jpg (1536x1152, 404K)

Other urls found in this thread:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

All anons with guns or the such in New Jersey be prepared to shoot it down.

Yeah that things going down for sure now. Pretty sure a pellet gun will work. Welcome to America.

>they're actually bringing it to the US
Well, now it WILL get popped.

>anons with guns or the such
>in New Jersey
pick one and only one

Using a real gun would just give them ammo, wouldn't need one to do it anyway.

Yeah the UK really dropped the ball there

This motherfucker is coming down.
Ideas: Drones (with either lasers or percing objects), BB/Pellett Guns, Laser Pointers, Mirrors, Small Model Rockets or my Favourite L A S E R G O G G L E S (with them you can take the balloon down and you'll just fit right into the crowd! but make sure you don't blind yourself or others trying to build it or use it.), or crash a toy plane into it 9/11 style.

Attached: angrypepelasereyes.png (515x525, 464K)

previous TRIUMPHS:,,,,,,,,,,,

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You'll have to break it in more than one place. It's not just one pocket of air, it is many pockets of air. But imagine, if that thing looked small in London, imagine how ridiculous it will look in the states.

Research Footage:

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Reminds me of this

If that's the case a small BB gun or pellet gun or something wouldn't be able to do much damage. They could take it down and tape the whole and keep going couldn't they?

You would need something that produces a substantial hole and can do so in multiple places over a short period of time.

Again anybody in N.J. you should seriously consider doing this.

Fly a drone with a cup of acid in it. Use a cup that can be actuated by a Chinese arduino clone that'll dump it onto the balloon. Since it's made out of some sort of plastic it shouldn't take much to burn through it. No projectile needed.

High powered laser pointers would be the best bet.

Seems to complicated user.

Drones also seem easy to categorize and get people in trouble for shooting the thing down. That is unless of course you want people to know who you are.

Do we really want to pop it? I feel like Jow Forums can do better than assassinating a balloon.

Idk man. I'd sacrifice a cheap drone for the cause. Why can't shit like this ever come to me?

Make a bigger ballon with something that will really trigger libs. Put it right next to the trump balloon.

Holy fuck how many of you do they have working this weekend? The concern trolling and pedowood shilling has been out of fucking control.

This guy

If this was within 50 miles of me I’d bring my .22 rifle and a box of these

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Drone attack

>oy you got your popping loysense?

I'd shoot you in the teeth with my gun. I support gun rights if they involve shooting you.

A hole about 3-4mm in size should be enough to keep it from floating for much length of time and make it impossible to get taut, will force them to waste a lot of helium... not great since helium is a non renewable resource, but it's them wasting it.

Air flows out fast through small holes, helium goes something like 20% faster I believe.

Not my fault you are all being unimaginative faggots. You retards are conspiring to assassinate a fucking balloon. The left would only cheer for that and probably would do it themselves. Then it will be bigger news than ever because Streisand effect.
Why not find a way to convey a useful message that the media won't want to share and will ultimately make them dampen the broadcast of this retarded thing?

Forgot pic. blame the 45 minute captcha

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it must pain you so much to have to use hateful words at work, do you complain to your boyfriend about it? I'd imagine that's difficult for a faggot paid shill leftist.

Someone should absolutely shoot it. That would be incredible lmao

You just need to puncture the head. Small cheap Amazon RC drone with a exacto knife blade attached or sharpened props. Coming in hot.

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Yeah we don't need to give them a reason to go nuts about firearms. This needs to be MacGyvered or done with a modded untraceable child's toy.

>t. antifa

Hey faggots, guess what? Those pussy ass bongs didn't do shit about it even though everyone loved to talk here about popping it. Here's the thing: No one in the states will have the balls to pop it either. Drumpf baby will fly all over America and there's nothing you virgins can do about it.

At least this user is thinking. Maybe stick to methods that aren't along the lines of SHOOTING THE POTUS. The people saying to shoot it are probably shills hoping for more press on this.

>don't need to give them a reason to go nuts about firearms

Are you new? Most of this board cheers for chaos. They're waiting for the day that someone actually tries to take people's guns.

This is lefty bait. Please don't shoot babby POTUS. Do something constructive. Make it a message about illegals. Not lefty tier destruction.

Someone should of got it with a spoon

Use a bow, a crossbow, or a pellet gun. They're not firearms, and the only problem is you'd need to be closer.

You motherfucker did you just called the POTUS a fucking baby. It's meant to humiliate him and the best thing we can do is to shoot it down.

A drone is fucking stupid and it won't fucking work. Use a BB gun or something if you don't want to use a gun.

You have a point. I would enjoy the aftermath, but it certainly wouldn't work out in favor of anybody opposed to these paradefags.

>Fly a drone with a cup of acid in it.
we're trying to pop a balloon not teach a haraam woman a lesson for being outside by herself Muhammad.

>did you just called the POTUS a fucking baby
I was referring to the balloon, drunk nigger.

Just get a fucking pellet gun. Silencers/suppressors are 100% legal on airguns. Give that balloon a silent volley.

We are not British.
I can go buy a butterknife without showing ID.

OK so this balloon is tiny and will be flying low. We could probably just hit it with a drone with a kitchen knife attached to it.

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Hello, dear user. Allow me to direct you to the only posts ITT worth reading:

>>"they plan to fly it near the president's National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J."

how will trump ever recover?

Okay, this guy is epic, i'm with him! We need to use a high caliber assault style weapon with a high capacity clip! BASED!

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>produces a substantial hole

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We shouldn't destroy it.

We should set it free.

Better yet, 10 anons with big mirrors. Get all archimedes on these faggots.

We could always drive by a Home Depot and hire some illegals to pop it...

Fucking genius.

that shit is probably insured, better to let the sad cunt fly it all over the world and watch his 30000 shame balloon knowing he will never get that money back

Not caring about this has been far more effective than “ebin! Lez bop it!!”

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>hire some illegals to pop it
they'll think there's candy in it

>A ten-foot balloon is now a "blimp"

Mind you, these are the same people who think that a scary-looking .22 is an "assault rifle"

Offer to petition for citizenship for any illegals that bring it down. Problem solved. Optics fags are happy, and we got ourselves some new Americans.

Something like large nail dart and a homemade compressed air gun. I wonder if you can make a mod for a paintball gun. Like an attachment that goes on the barrel that you stick the nail in.

OK bros, here are a bunch of pictures of the balloon being prepped and launched. See any weaknesses?

>he's never seen a concrete nailgun

Shit ballistics anyway, will hit some kid probably.

Why not use a trebuchet?

How about we just scare the shit out of them and they all just let go of it?

Truthfull all that needs to happen is the balloon needs to be brought to a major metropolitan area. Local niggers will probably steal it to harvest likes on twitter.

Dodge challenger style?


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>this triggered by a balloon

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What about fish hooks flown up on smaller ballons that anons will fly, pretending to be part of the protest, once a few balloons are hooked on see if yall can steal the balloon, or atleast rip it in several places

how the fuck would that work?

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THATS GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

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Memes can't be re.....

>10 billions to research a fucking cartoon frog

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> dress up as Antifa with some lads
> bring knives
> cut the blumpf balloon tethers in unison
> kramphft flys away
> profit

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>Blow torch
>problem solved

just make nobody gets hurt

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