The shills tried to convince us he was dead so they could shut him down without any opposition. Ecuador is close to handing him over to the pedo elites of the UK. Assange is the greatest bringer of happenings this world has ever known. Without him we could be living in the President Clinton timeline currently in the middle of WW3 with Russia.



We MUST stand up for the leaks wizard.

Attached: aussieassange.jpg (562x689, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Clinton was taken down with an inside job. It wasn't a hack but someone put the whole shit on a usb stick and just uploaded it. Assange is yet another e-celeb.

He's a stooge of Russia "LOCK HIM UP!"

Lowest effort shilling I've ever seen

Do you want Russia to dismantle NATO?

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At this point why would the US care about Europe?

>so they could shut him down without any opposition
jesus christ, how many fucking layers of jewery?
where does it end?

Okay make every day 30 threads about Assange see if that helps him irl.

>only 30 threads
You underestimate the power of Aussie shitposting

This man is a traitor to Australia. He should be hanged like Ned Kelly.

What a fucking Deplorable. Assange undermined western Democracy by publishing that information. He's clearly in Russia's pocket.

Attached: AussiesBTFO.jpg (680x480, 51K)

Put some more effort into your bait please user

Nah, I'm just bumping your thread.

Based fag meme flagger

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>leaks wizard
let him drop a fat leak and prove hes not dead/ He promised more dirt on Hilary about 2 years ago, where the fuck is it?

fuck off nigger, ned kelly is a national hero.

>let him drop a fat leak and prove hes not dead/

I'm tired of wiki-weak


Attached: pol 4chan made up hookers pee pee McCain confirms he gave Trump dossier to fbi.png (1174x1318, 992K)

Say hi to Tommy Robinson for me Jules. God speed to you.

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It genuinely amazes me that there aren't like fifty threads on this right now. or that the two or three threads there are aren't really busy.

Well make 100 then.

Bumping for Assange. We're with you buddy.

>only 100

Cheers mate, always nice to see uncucked Bongs

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Yes please

can u believe kimdotcom started a discord server for organizing strategies?

I want to save him, and there must be an offensive to get as many eyes on this as possible, but at the same time I feel like this confrontation between Established powers and an archetypal outsider is inevitable, unstoppable, and will only help the cause. History shows that martyrs are useful.

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To be honest it was supposed to be dismantled nearly three decades ago with the fall of the soviet union. But the US didn't honour Reagan's promise.

It's fucked, truly scary to see how many anons fell for the 'Assange is dead' forced meme.

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feel so bad for him
hope the US secedes soon so we can get him out

He's been in there for a long time now, hasn't he? Something like 4 years. I wonder what that does to a man psychologically.

I believe it was an inside job, but that usb drive was most likely given to assange and wikileaks. Both of which no longer exist.

>Both of which no longer exist.
Fuck off dickhead, you being dumb enough to fall for and repeat that LARP is what is allowing them to shut him down and revoke his asylum as we speak

Terry Richardson search NOW

Attached: download (1).jpg (260x194, 5K)

Dude I was awake that night in Oct 16 and was following it by the minute. Whatever happened wasn't explained and assange has never given proof of life besides those video interviews which are suspicious to me. If you're not a shill you'll acknowkedge these points. I'm don't know for a fact he's dead but I'm incredibly suspicious that he is alive. He is a useful pawn/mouth piecefor whichever power comes out on top.

KYS faggot.

>Is public gathering there at all?
>To protect /our/guy from our as citizens rights and interests (((protector))) ?

Attached: IMG_20180722_020657_958.jpg (1080x1595, 237K)

TErry Richardson image search goog NOW there scrubbing.

He did an inperson balcony speech in 2017, filmed from multiple angles:

It was a well orchestrated LARP. Remember all the shills claiming the dead mans key had been released? Wheres the contents? If Assange dies, we get the insurance files. We haven't seen anything from the insurance files because he hasn't died.

Thanks senpai

why does Jow Forums not care about this?

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We cares!

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LMAO that motherfucker is dead and buried

Extremely low effort

Reminder that independent journalism is a force for happenings and for the happenings to happen he has to be defended

Very low number


Now I know that the UK Elites are disdainful, and that their politicians are not to be trusted, but isn't there a chance that things have changed there since Trump's visit? Ever since and slightly before then there have been many shakeups in that country, and even Theresa May has started changing her tune.
If there's something we as citizens can do to help Assange, I am all for it, but it seems to me like Trump of all people would try and protect this man due to the information he has in his possession.

>handing him over to the pedo elites of the UK

uhm, I mean is has aged decently, but you sure that The Man isn't a little too mature to qualify?

Hard to predict where Trump really stands on Assange, he's spoken harshly about leakers in the past, even calling for Snowden's execution. But he was definitely pro-Wikileaks during the election and definitely recognizes their contribution to exposing Clinton/the DNC/the deep state. Assange has the potential to blow the Mueller probe out of the water which will gain him a lot of favor with Trump, but Trump also probably isn't keen on letting Assange go free to potentially leak on him in the future. I really hope he does the right thing and pardons him though.

Assange will have the death-man switch sent out so the truth will set the CIA/NSA niggers free!

Attached: ZO AI admits NSA.png (1247x873, 476K)



Checked, thanks Burger

why does assange look like a Naruto character?

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Some holograms are more real than others

assage is a putin bot
let him rot

Go shit in the streets Pajeet

Becauae when your stuck in thr same embassy for years, you gota to somthing to get your kicks.

Bump for Assange. Bump for Seth Rich.

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Assange was cool until it was confirmed that he's 100% GRU

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bumping for Assange

>this amount of fucking shill those last 2 days
Well there we go again. Shame no OPs from the three impacts are there/are hiding, but after all the shit that happened and massive memory holing I am not surprised.

right now you are attacking / dismantling your deep state / intelligence agencies with the help or russian deep state for free..literally shaking in excitement about such levels of retardation right here, keep going shadilay bruh!!

Based bong

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more like 8 years, poor guy
I'm surprised he didn't kill himself after all this time

>trump wins election because of leak after leak of hillary's sins
yeah nah, assange is a traitor gommie

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CIA killed Assange 16.10.16
It is too late, the dead-man switch has already been dismantled
You should remember





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What should we do Jow Forums?

Assange is dead. Fake Assange can get raped.

Does he got money?

Those Clinton/Rothschild emails redpilled me big time

Probably bitcoin, which lost a lot of it's value


Assange will go down a legend while you will die a fag filled with aids

Because it's up to the fucking BRITS to do something and they're the biggest cucks around. The entire time that Assange has been in the embassy, they could have helped him escape. They seem to just ignore it. All it would take is a few hundred bongs around the embassy in a hat and sunglasses, give a pair to Julian as he walks out, and everyone scatters to safety including Julian. Hide him until he can get out of the country by private boat/plane.

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why is australia so quiet about the issue, i heard it was on the news recently but what is aus gov doing about it, if they can do anything at all?

What is your opinion on MEMES??? Are they a cheap comedy trick??
Or are they the beginning of our evolution into telepathy and MindSpeak???
>memes are a medium for us to channel energy and ideas

We are telepathically speaking to each other...

>memes need to be preserved
We need the meme archive OFFLINE... we need carvings, sculptures, statues and art memes made and stored inside caves for future generations..
>we must escape the digital serfdom
Create real life meme replicas and STORE THEM UNDERGROUND!!
>a meme time capsule
Also how will future generations view memes???
As hieroglyphs??? As simple art and nothing more...
We need to preserve them

This is something you gotta see

>God speaks to anons 177777777

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the same thing as being in a normal prison probably




he's not this technical genius that he's been made out to be. He's a script kiddie that got promoted to be a genius.

How smart does he look now? Holed up in an embassy for years and about to get dumped onto the streets.

Can't wait to see him carried away.

Attached: tenor.gif (220x220, 212K)

It was extremely bizarre what transpired then and since. He was raised in that mkultra-ish cult family thing, I always wondered if he simply went 'off the reservation' for a while before they could abduct and re-program him.

Technical genius does not mean political mastermind

STFU and drop the fag meme flag. How can publishing data and increasing honesty and transparency be "killing democracy"

ITT: Q-tier amount of shilling and damage control

>Europe and America deliberately fucked up the Middle East, caused ISIS, caused mass immigration

Are we the bad guys?

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It's always Jews not 'us'