New Zealand European Identitarian group

Good evening Kiwi anons, I’m here to promote the Dominion Movement, a fairly new organization founded in Wellington that seeks to build a community centred around promoting white identity and activism.

A defining factor of ethnic “minority” groups both in New Zealand and throughout the Western world is the fact that they maintain an in group ethnic bias; they live in their own communities (China town, little Mogadishu, basically all of Auckland etc.), only hire people of their race/ culture and basically just watch each other’s backs, promoting their communities both culturally and politically in almost all aspects of their lives. All this of course to the detriment of Europeans.
The Dominion Movement sees no reason why white New Zealanders shouldn’t do the same and in the past several months we have grown exponentially, opening chapters around New Zealand. We’ve been featured in several articles by NZ news agencies such as this typo-ridden piece:

We value anonymity, no one is required to
disclose any personal/private information about themselves and there are no dues, or any monetary bullshit needed to become a member.

If you’re interested in white Identitarianism, activism and community in NZ check us out at:

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Other urls found in this thread:





ye na cunt, get fucked

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Vreem vreem

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U ok bud?



What kind of community stuff do you guys do?

Does that guy holding the banner have a massive head or is that just me?


Join or die

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We go boxing and hiking among other things.

Boxing, hiking, sometimes just straight up just grabbing lunch together. We help each other out, got a spot at your work? Refer one of the DM boys, trying to lift weights? DM boys bully you into going to the gym. Its all quite simple really. We've got a lot of stuff planned for the future too, Debates, getting our OWN gym. That kind of thing.

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Good & Based.
Reminder to use secure for your communication, especially important message for important next agenda or next meeting it's called mail or post mail.

Good Luck

big head equals big brains

Thanks indo-bro, we use secure messaging systems and such to be safe.

sign up cunts

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Keep it up keep the posts coming when its more than a disaffected breakaway sect of the NF I may consider it

It's not a breakaway sect of the NF you retard

Yeah we've never had anything to do with them

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>new zealand

Whats the difference between you guys and NF?

optics level, not being boomers, doing activism, there's a few things

We're active and not skinhead weirdos

HuHa Antifa. Ein fieser, ganz mieser
Steineschmeißer, Hosenscheißer
HuHa Antifa. Wenn wieder unsere Fahnen wehen
Und wir durch die Straßen ziehen

Dann hörst du uns lachen: Hohohohoho
Immer lauter lachen: Hahahahaha
Und dann bist du bald schon nicht mehr da...

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Check out our Twitter:

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Love that song, Nordic Resistance movement is peak optics.

For those who don't know, this is the song he's referencing:

listen to bronson tbqh, and you will turn into a real fascist

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damn, like.The Hunger Games?

that's fucking epic

lmao. guy has no weight in his legs to make a formidable blow. cuck faggot.

Post ur kick

You want me to post my fucking quads m8? Prolly the size of your torso you skinny lanklet.

Italians are my favourite type of black people tbqh

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Thats why he's training in a self-improvement group you massive cucklord. Get off 4 chan and go for a run you fat Amerilard.

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Do it faggit, put in a timestamp too

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Italians are black

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Post physique or shut the fuck up

Also, listen to the Yellcast, New Zealand's only Alt-Right podcast.

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is today thigh-measurement day at the dominion movement?

Oh well I am too retarded for you enjoy prison pussies

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No, today is penis inspection day


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I disavow, no homosexual behavior is tolerated.

If I join do I actually have to do anything?

no timestamp
how do we know those are yours, amerimutt?


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What about just the casual look at some online futanari?

What are you, gay?

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Yes you have to do stuff, faggot. How would we be an activist organization without activism. All we ask for is time and effort, no shekels.

desu you just have to be vetted, usually done in person but has been over skype for people who are too far away from existing members or can't make it for whatever reason.

after that you should be in the group, whether or not you stay in it or just drift away will depend on if you actually do anything

Leave your computer and go to the gym faggot, then come talk to us.

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Sounds like you guys are closet homos larping as nazis. vreem vreem.
Get the fuck off my board faggots

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lol is this faggot in charge of conscription?

Come and work with us, we can give you help with getting fit, we can get you jobs in business or trades.

>your board
>closet homo larping nayzes
Have fun being a low energy faggot online.

Ok coward

Man we've got it all wrong, pack it in guys, user seems to have everything figured out.

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>closet faggots
Wow thanks for the insightful psychoanalysis there, Schlomo

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Any chicks in this group? I'm pretty low energy. Rather like Jeb.

>dyed blue fash cut
>doing muay thai in a public field like a bunch of spergs
How does this save the white race? Are you guys involved in politics?

We in charge now

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>dyed blue fash cut
Are you fuckin blind cunt?

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Dyed blue?

Haha, you guys aren't politicians, so just do nothing and don't have a community or improve yourselves

That's a hat you fuck. Being strong and healthy instead of fat and autistic on the Internet helps save the white race.

I am no coward. Tattooed, white, own business, ex kickboxer who used to do security at gang pads. You guys still sound like a bunch of fucking pansy faggots and nothing you have said has convinced me to click on your gay porn links. Get fucked cunts. You all sound low test. Who do I have to kill to be the president of your Nazi fan boy club bitches?

The Dominion Movement is the only legitimate organisation within New Zealand. Among other things they stand for action and self-improvement. Ameri-user is just jealous that even with every advantage, he still just sits on his computer all day. Pic related.

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>in an African cuisine enthusiasts' club
WIDF pls go

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>I'm tattooed


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White is too broad of a term to define racial composition of one person imo.

Black is the same thing but people don't care because most blacks have the same origin in the usa.

Lmao. I seemed to have hit a nerve.
You faggots come here to shill and you get assblasted when you get called out. No one here pretends that shitposting on Jow Forums is productive or will change anything but you guys are deluded if you think your nazi hiking club will either.

Is Asian too broad a term as well? What the fuck are you talking about.

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Why do you feel the need to brag about the fact that you have tats and used to be the muscle outside some degenerate Maori crack house. At the end of the day we're out improving ourselves and our community and you're sitting on Jow Forums calling people faggots and doing nothing. Get fucked cunt.

>I am no coward. Tattooed, white, own business, ex kickboxer who used to do security at gang pads. You guys still sound like a bunch of fucking pansy faggots and nothing you have said has convinced me to click on your gay porn links. Get fucked cunts. You all sound low test. Who do I have to kill to be the president of your Nazi fan boy club bitches?

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Come at me you wannabe cock sucker

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Not even swole, I am disappoint.

wew boys can I join your hitler fan club and suck cock like you? You need to teach me to suck cock but you all seem experienced enough.
Bunch of sad cock sucking wannabes. You need to up your game if its gonna be more then dazza, muzza and deano. Fucking pussies

need to lay of the craft beer and eggs bennie there big boy

Why are you so hostile towards them

>gets exposed as being dumb as shit
>ohoho, looks like I struck a nerve!

Please stop, this is embarrassing

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Ok, what have you accomplished? What do we do differently?

"Yeah nah, Infidel. Nah mate, it'd look really cool on my tummy. Get it? Because I'm going against religion, and I want people to know about it, but I'd also like an excuse to lift my shirt up online. I'll also get some other random shit on my arms too, to make up for my lack of personality."

preteen girls are the best

I'm all for New Zealand European identity and representation but I don't think an image of militants training boxing in the woods is going to attract a wide variety of people, we aren't training for a civil war, simply standing up for ourselves politically, it's about the views and opinions being expressed not fight camps in the woods in my humble opinion.

Whoa boys, look out. This guys has everything sorted. We've been doing it all wrong.

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>won't attract a wide variety of people
It's worked so far but ok

Based kiwi bros ExDeeee, saviors of the hwhyte race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We just need respectable New Zealand Europeans to advocate for our people, male female, young or old, it's about identity consciousness not trying to present yourselves as a gang or a terrorist group.

We're not training for a civil war, we're just doing physical activities. Should we post pictures of us reading books or something?

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It must be hard being this fragile

That's a fair point my dude but we aren't training for some imaginary meme race war like siege fags, we train to become the best version of ourselves that we can be and at the same time standing up for ourselves both politically and socially.

These guys are from the /nzpol/ discord,
They did a small protest the other day (Tommy Robinson etc) They're alright but I've been lurking from a distance as I don't want to dive into something, imo they're probably larping but from what I've seen it looks legit

Theyre starting a movement but they have no fucking brains between them. Thats it mostly. How the fuck are they going to get people to join them if they act like this? WTF is vreem vreem? sounds like a little kid pushing his toy car around the floor.
These guys have no fucking clue and anyone who gets caught up with them will either die of boredom or get targeted by the GCSB or get sent to prison for beating chinks up. Fucking low IQ rednecks larping as some great white hope.

We don't do protests I'm not sure what you're talking about guy

No we're not, NZPol found us and a few of their guys joined us but we didn't start there.

We need to go mainstream.

My bad probably was just some guys from the server

How do I join, I wanna do something irl