Tfw mongrel

>tfw mongrel
>tfw will never feel racial solidarity with anyone
>tfw will always be torn between two cultures instead of being able to commit to one
>tfw never will be sure what the fuck you are
>tfw you always feel alienated by one side of your family or the other
>tfw you're the walking embodiment of the diffusion and dissolution of cultures
>tfw you never quite fit in anywhere
why did my parents have to curse me like this Jow Forums?

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They didnt love themselves, how could they love and care about you mate

Because your parents chose racial fetishizing over having a stable family. But hey man, just self-indentify as whatever race you want. Who's gonna say you can't?

At least you have white genes. Take pride in that

>tfw imposter syndrome will haunt me no matter what race i "pick"

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>why did my parents have to curse me like this Jow Forums?
B-but they loved each other, love is love bigot.
But seriously probably the best way for you is right libertarianism. Only because ur a creatura doesn't mean you shouldn't strive for a commie and faggot free world. Focus on self improvement. Consider Christianity. Find yoursel a good mulatto gf and have kids. You'll have a family that you never had a homogeneously 56% family and all your loved ones will be mutts like you.

This but unironically

thats reassurring and weirdly inspiring
thanks user

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Understand this. No one wants to kill them all. Only want to move you to a small camp outside of town.
Pic was something awhile ago we used to live by,die by and defend like our children. But with years of imports around the world. We've failed and this will go down as a "Nice Try"
Ps Thanks banks,Wallstreet and the American Empire.

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That's what I did, dad's Italian mum's 5th generation aussie. I found a half Italian Brazilian girl... I have dark hair/olive skin and carry the Italian name so my kids are gunna look like curly haired wops

Bro Anglo Irish here, I fucking love stitch and am a fascist, fucking by my feels, my mother was a degenerate whore for 13 years while my father was very loyal.

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>tfw Mexican Italian amerimutt
could be worse I guess.

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could it, OP?
could it really?

honestly im super brown and was raised pretty much entirely by my hispanic mother so it would probably be easiest to just identify as hispanic ye? the only way anyone would know im half white is if i told them, otherwise im just a very well adjusted and civilized hispanic

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Go kill a prominent kike and die in gunfight with pigs, and it will be even better if you take any with you. Dont want to offend you but you having any offspring will only inflict more harm on humanity.

If youre hapa, get a full asian wife

If u mulatto, get full blaq wife

If ur half arab have full arab wife

Boom now ur offspring have clear identity and wont have to experience this

If you're a mutt, then go for other mutts. Or basically just stay away from whites and spread your shitskin genes amongst other races like the chinese.

Date within your nationality, not your race.

Don't be too hard on yourself since your choice in race was never yours to begin with. If you're really brown and were raised by a Hispanic woman then identify with Hispanic. Focus on the things you actually have control over like self improvement (study Stoicism), getting a Hispanic girlfriend, and from here on out making better choices then your parents made.


You do realize that European ethnogenesis was through racial myscegenation right

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