>Texas new heat record since 1925 while use of air condition strains power demand
>Japan heatwave rises to 40C as deathtoll mounts
>Sweden wildfire rages on
>but muh Grand solar minimum
>but muh ice age
>Texas new heat record since 1925 while use of air condition strains power demand
>Japan heatwave rises to 40C as deathtoll mounts
>Sweden wildfire rages on
>but muh Grand solar minimum
>but muh ice age
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The whole solar system is heating up, user.
Its going to get fucking uncomfortable and I am migrating north soon.
I live on the coast of British Columbia. The heat here is bearable at the moment, but I keep seeing these new heat records being set around the world. I can't stop fearing for the future
>Teh wwhole s-solar s-system
>as I see it from Mom's basement
There's a whole lot of Canada up North. We'll survive. It's the southern hordes we'll have to worry about.
>since 1925
you fucking flogbag
>temperature is the same as 1 century ago
Who fucking cares
Let's all contribute to making this planet unbearably hot so that crop failures and natural disasters become common
Why should we leave this planet comfortable for the nigs, chinks and mulattos who will form the majority in the coming centuries?
that's not an argument, fatso. try again
thanks user, i think you're right, we're gonna make it