How can anyone watch this and still be an atheist?

How can anyone watch this and still be an atheist?

Attached: JudaismIsSatanismMeme1.jpg (741x580, 70K)

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((They)) know satan is as real as GOD.

satan tempted Jesus Christ with power on earth

Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
(Matthew 4:8-10)

What do you think satan tempted jooos with?

((They)) took satan's bait.

May the Lord's wrath fall on them

Get right and fight for whats right

Attached: 1489209336981.jpg (848x1480, 298K)

>be amerishart
>be a retard with no foreskin

Because the majority of atheists are so deluded they wouldn't take the time to watch that. Simply because they believe they are superior intellectually, without possessing even the slightest degree of humility. Generally because they have nothing special in their life, or they are underage. Potentially also misguided or they loath religion because they were forced into it.

And then the few outliers who actually do watch are not capable of understanding because they struggle with the concept of faith. Usually because they are empiricist cucks who are so intellectually brain dead they do not realize empiricism is an impossible view to hold because muh dawkins, muh hitchens.


so pol i am confused, if christianity is jooish scam then how they are portrayed so badly in new testament ?

Because it is not a Jewish scam. Only Jews would tell you it is a Jewish scam.

>the bible is true

The bible makes you weak minded

How so?

Welcome to the wacky world of eschatological interpretation; you lads are now officially in the same league as Muslims who tell you that all the keys to science and technology are contained within the Qur'an, a brief book of a few hundred standard Arabic words and phrases.

Of course, the Arabs at least have the advantage that they haven't had their text babelfished multiple times, and read it in the language it was written in.

Now you've reached this point I'm going to have to ask you to wear special little hats, so that you can be identified at a distance, and politely ignored whenever clarity of judgement is required.

It teaches you to become a mental cuck