What are some countries without immigrants?

>be me
>go to Makarska Croatia for a weeks vacation
>see like a total of 8 niggers and not more than 20 non-whites during this week
>impressed as this is a fucking huge tourist city
>arrive home
>see more niggers and non-whites on my way out of Arlanda than during that week in Croatia
Why is life so unfair guys?
Is there any more countries like this where the immigrants are basically non-existed?

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Belarus, Iran and North Korea

Hahahaha dumb fucking Swede, went to a tourist trap

Serbia they just pass through. They never stay.

>they just pass through


Are you sure about that, Jovane

Poland, just bought an apartment there in a costal city. The only non-white i saw was Romani children begging by the church.

wtf are you people talking about, I can literally show you recent videos of thousands of pure Africans swarming in, or I could link you some UN studies, showing you will soon be a minority.
>th.. the blacks aren't that bad!
>we're fine!
you sound like white South Africans in the the 70's

Blacks aren't a problem in Balkans as they don't use the Balkans route to get to Europe. The problem in Balkans is middle eastern/afgani/paki shits that pass through here to get to Germany. Ever since Croatia and Hungary closed the border most of them got stuck in Serbia.

cime to Ukraine, you cant see niger or mudslim here in weeks

>Why is life so unfair guys?

It has lots to do with your nationality and cuck mentality. Life is good for us decent people.

No shit, i noticed that the first day I was there and I heard Swedish, Norwegian and German being spoken all over the place
Pretty sad as it was a nice place

I would like to not die by some russian invaders


you have imported gorillions of crimean tatars actually

Danke, Merkel.

Ukraine is based because they allow home schooling. And yes, no shitskins want to go there because it has a lower standard of living. I'd rather sell out some of my comfort than live in a urban shithole infested with niggers.

Come to Pelješac next time you visit, the only tourists here are Czechs/Poles.

Thanks for the tip I'll probably return as it was a comfy country
Only bad shit was that you had to pay with cash everywhere

Will try it, thanks!

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South Kor- well nevermind

In my Silesian region there are literally 0 niggers and if you can find some nigger here just show him to me and he will move back.

I saw mohamedans even in Kiev also you can find Tatars in every city.

Mostly the countries where they are from oddly enough

>just bought an apartment there in a costal city.

Why would you do that? You have to go back swedecuck. Visiting is fine, moving in is not.

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Go move to Croatia and live on 400 euros/month then, you fucking retard.

>War profiteer and a murderer watching football in Russia, couldn't come to court in this period as they're "sick"
>Government buying 30 million euros of vehicles because old fleet is 5 years old, meanwhile 20% of population is living below the poverty line
>Government took 27% of people's pensions because the money is simply gone

This is only last month. Go fuck yourself

Stay mad poorfag
I was just asking about more places to visit where I can avoid immigrants

I would suggest you try Greek Islands, especially western ones, Southern Albania and Ionian Greece, Corsica and Sardina, a bit of Med spain, especially rich areas.

>stuck in Serbia want to move on
Key word there, WANT to move on
They're not staying here because they think it's nice, they're staying here because Hungary is keeping them stuck here

Also the majority of them are at the Serbo-Hungarian border

The point is they CAN'T move on because Hungary is never going to open the border. So they might aswell get used to life in Serbia.

Hopefully you guys beat the crap out of them so they have to turn back

At least there's not that many of them so that's a good thing, still they have to go back

Is this good enough?

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Why isn't your country deporting them instead of useless evictions? Do mass protests if needed just to get the shitskins out.

Kek well done

Lul, this is the right spirit

I have been thinking about Greece and Italy, both seems like nice countries

I'm there right now (Norway proxy).
Nice place but what the fuck does Kokoro mean?

Also took boat to see the old towns on the islands yesterday, very cool.

>Also took boat to see the old towns on the islands yesterday
Hvar and Brac I guess?
Went there myself, it was pretty nice

Yes, beautiful and aesthetic as fuck.
Too warm cunt to live in though.


The glory days are gone.
Liberalism has exceeded the tipping point and now we are in for slow decline.

That sinking feeling wont vanish and it will stay with us until the end of our days.


Go to Boland'

We should go together and i will buy you a beer for every shitskin we will see. It will cost me nothing.

There is one just right south of you, retarded snownigger.


Tako je braco! Turkroaches on suicide watch.

Atleast it wasn't to moist in the air, you could live there if you got used to it

Kek, all ours now
But you are right, Poland is great, visited it once pretty damn comfy

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Eastern europe as a whole, poorer parts or countryside of western european countries

You'd have to put a lot for gdansk have a lot of nigger tourist. At least poland is cheap as fuck.
True that.

>Only bad shit was that you had to pay with cash everywhere
you don't
They're hiding their POS terminals and lying to you because by accepting cash they can screw the state out of paying their VAT tax.
Cheating Dalmatian fucks.

Next time pretend like you have no cash on you. Argue with them. Eventually they'll invite you back and tell you they miraculously found a POS device they thought they lost.

Real resturants had card avalability but more bars and tourist trap stores only took cash
There was like no point in arguing as they barley understood english

Lviv is filled with African ”students”

they understand, trust me