Security at this bitches show. Starts off brainwashing, upside down mary statues, gay men kissing on the screen, ect. Into the 3rd or 4th song, as a beat plays and images of bottles of blood are pictured on the screen, not being one of her songs, she chants, ''Bring me the messiah's head'' 4 times. Just chanting. All the little girls scream, then onto the song. I can't walk around in life and pretend it's not everywhere now. I've had enough. War is coming, in 2-20 years. These kids are completely fucked. They have no idea what they're playing with.
Yep. Satan is real and effective
Other urls found in this thread:
proof or kys nigger larper
The absolute state of this board.
I saw GWAR at Download festival before Dave Brockie died.
They burnt The Queen in effigy, claimed Britain as a tributary state, and then sprayed the crowd with fake dog blood, some of which got in my eye.
Good times.
I was doing my job faggot. No time for games. Bitch likes to mingle with the crowd a lot.
who is this? We've known for a long time about the entertainment industry's affiliation with evil, why is this news to you?
Is it because of Satan or because Satan sells records? Is it both?
A literal who somehow convinces others to pay money to hear a soundtrack while literal who dances around a stage.
You make a point, maybe you're right. But her entire crowd is little girls. They chant metoo, metoo, weird demonic voices play all loud and shit. It's all fucked up.
*Farts loudly*
And they all dress like her. Like a hooker from 2052. They all act like sluts. Underage girls. Talking about being raped. It's like a kikes wet dream.
she's a legit nutcase, look up her background etc
have a youtube link maybe?
You are going to have to provide a name for this little whore. Most of us don't follow pop culture at all.
>satan blah blah blah
am i the only one sick of hearing christians cry about satan ? people have names. my name is matt. i can be satan. watch. "fite meh FGT"~matt . thats all it takes because satan is a title. its not a name. who are you even calling out ? lucifer? hes in time out. no he cant come out and play hes sitting in the corner your just going to have to make due with the beast. "when can lucifer come out and play?" after jewzis comes back and makes a kingdom of heaven on earth
unless you got the beasts name you need to calm your crazy ass down. running around calling people satan is rude
Hasley. Reverse image search is your friend.
Shit like this is a huge cringefest at best IMO. No need to bring satan into this. It's just pathetic people who listen to old fat pedos who got money and do what they're told. Said pedos invent bullshit rules with a million abstractions so their sect looks like it is 2deep4u to attract fools as followers.
Well the beginning act was some beaner girl talking about the gate keepers and how she had to suck dick to get a deal. The song was about her spreading her legs, then she just starts screaming like a nut job. Fucking parents have lost their minds.
Doesn't look like her.
Also she looks white, but ranted about how racist hotels are for not having black shampoo.
In one of her videos she enters a theater with "celebration of death" on the marque
Halsey yes.
Lucifer = Prometheus
Although different religions have different opinions on him, I'm not sure "the light bringer" is bad
America will invaded by a Muslim force and brought to heel. It will happen but after some years.
Can confirm satan is real and an interdimensional force
Some music festifals are worshipping rituals and the little sluts are cheering their way into drugs, dicks and hell
The Prometheus myth is supposed to explain that you cannot elevate the common to godhood. That's spiritual communism, the belief that everyone can be carried to a higher state of existence. Even Lucifer, as Satan, attempted to bring humanity to a state equal to YHWH, and the only way to prevent that was to give mankind mortality. This example is the very reason why Abrahamic traditions are awful doctrines: They reduce divinity to everyone.
Consider the age-old argument of when someone is "saved" in Christian dogma. Some argue bedside confessions are valid, others that everything is predestined and that every choice has been made, so one shouldn't feel guilty over their actions. When it comes to brass tacks, everyone has a still, small voice that recognizes that there are definitely people who deserve to be "at the right hand of God", while others definitely deserve hellfire (metaphorical or otherwise). Yet in the current faiths it's believed mainly that just professing one's belief in Christ is enough for salvation, despite the statement "faith without works is dead", because they will repeatedly use the example of the thief on the cross -- a very base, very low, very worthless creature -- as a sign of achieving salvation for everyone.
Prometheus and Lucifer are dangerous entities because they believed themselves more knowledgeable than gods on how to steer humanity's course, and their consequences were to have them bound and tortured for their transgressions. To believe either of them as intelligent entities worth following is a sign of one's own spiritual immaturity. To achieve exaltation one must ascend and then transcend, instead of letting the straight and narrow gate be widened to accommodate one's failings. Spiritual awakening should not be cosmopolitan.
But without Prometheus we wouldn't have fire, all our food would be cold.
what do her tattoos say?
one is the Om/Aum sign from hinduism, the other idk.
There will be a cleansing fire, either by nuclear holocaust or personal with flamethrowers.
Either way people are going to get cooked
This is one of her songs...
not the same, GWAR was pantomime, tongue in cheek and basically harmless.
What's going on now is orchestrated and controlled by big money and truly evil intent and it's mainstream
I made a blood sacrifice to Satan and recited the 8 Oaths
I collected 8 pints of blood over a period of three weeks
I sacrificed my blood in hellfire to a black candle and prayed to Satan through the embrace of Gremory and in the seaon and orientation of Astaroth
You know what happened?
Jack. Shit. The same that happened every time I prayed.
Control your own destony anons... pitchfork wielding red painted clowns and old ass impotent bearded men who are all powerful dont exist.
I've incited Zozo numerous times (supposedly the easiest to incite) through a Ouija Board and nada.
It's a bunch of memes and people talking out of their asses.
I even burned several hundred sigils in defiance. Yet still here I am.
Your heaven and your hell are your temperament and your outlook. Nothing more. Nothing less.
The left forearm tattoo looks like the star wars mandalorian symbol to be honest.
Fuck off mate. You aren't welcome here. Just open the window, step onto the ledge and join your master.
It's mainly Catholics who are obsessed with Satan. Ironically worshipping Mary in defiance of the commandments is satanic also.
Yep :/ they do it to weaken gods power and to increase their own. Catholics are evil man
My humble abode is one story you inbred buck toothed tea swilling fuckface so I'm not sure what you impotent brit ass is getting at. When's the last time a Brit won wimbledon? Anyway thanks for your insightful post though I'm sure tens of anons think you're funny and/or edgy (which is what you're hoping for)
You know we have guns and a travel ban on the most extremist countries. Once we purge the lefties it will be a full ban.
get back to me should you reach 60%
Fag, your bait is exactly what you're baiting, knock it off edgemaster.
they write it is.
she is one tatted up bitch.
We are very aware of you're ways here goat boy:
Try recruiting your faggots back on reddit and tumblr
Takes a fag to know a fag, Cali-user
You were looking at her tattoos?
Spooky. . .
The spiritual does not exist materially, it exists metaphorically, as the guiding archetypes of man.
If Satan is not real, but men follow the archetype's intent, then from a practical point of view, it's as if Satan was real.
christ-cucks are the worst posters on this board, fuck you
Yeah, it's a bit creepy when people start going on and on about Satan in a literal sense.
Fucking heretics.
>Oderus dies
>new album has a literal "FUCK DRUMPF" song
Shame they lost their edge.
Catjolics are so evil they built the western civilization
We are not the ones who changed Gods law 300 years after our church was created.
Catholic changed the day of Sabbath worship 300 years after creation do you think God would like that? Who is the real Heretic?
Christianity did
Protestants went to the USA
I always thought this bitch was fucking trash. Her song with the Chainsmokers is tied with Hey Soul Sister by Train as my least favorite song of all time.
Christianity ment Catholicism + Oriental chirchs before Luther the narcissist ruined it all
No wonder the USA is destroying the west then
OP should have supplied a name. Bad form on his part.
Trying to decode that but I think you mean the church was once good? and yes it was for 300 years.
>heh Satan isn't even a bad guy
Said every satanist ever. Metaphysically speaking Satan is the essence of pure evil, often manifested into a physical form. To "worship Satan" is to worship evil. The only thing that makes it overtly Christian is the morality you apply to that.
What OP is railing against isn't so much that they're using "satanic imagery" but more that they seem to be placing a mysterious reverence on some sort of anti-good force, celebrating and sharing things that have a twisted nature with impressionable girls.
and to think burger christians really were concerned about rock n roll being the devil's music
They are mostlt purging themselves. No complaints from me let'em
Based Traditionalist
Hey Jow Forums, why am I getting all these Tumblr/livejournal/other girly sites in my search results indicating that Halsey is a pedophile who likes to french kiss underage female fans?
Is this worth investigating?
Rationalist/liberalists/materialists always forget the part of the myth where zeus had to flood the entire earth to stop that flame from burning the entire world to cinders.
Soon you will realize that the ideas themselves aren't Trascendent in nature and are indeed more real than what we perceive as "reality".
ARE Trascendent*
It's the green satanic hair colour.
They all have that in common.
Even 10 years ago, I thought this was all paranoid nonsense. Nope. Not even. It's real and it's everywhere. Y'all motherfuckers are playing with demonic forces. The inverted pentagram is you placing the world over spirit, and that's what it's meant to do.
>mfw we trusted Christcucks to hold back the night
Who is this person? I miss Metallica.
Have you seen Christianity in America? They would die for Israel before the US. There's a church a block away from me that is literally flying an Israeli flag next to the American flag. Only an idiot would expect Christcucks to fix anything at this point, it's all jew-worshipping boomers.
Pushed satanism is the kike manifestation of saying that Jesus died for nothing.
Kikes always belittle the idea of Jesus because he said they weren't the chosen people. So they try to prove that he wasn't the son of god.
The kikes are so entitled by their idea of themselves that they were willing to kill god and usher themselves as the God of earth, which is clearly Satanic.
That isn't Satan. That's just you being gay and retarded
Satan is Saturn though, lke Sauron is Saturn, and he gets btfo after the second coming of gandalf. and then there is peace on middle earth then morgoth (lucifer) comes back, so the being that is behind all the moloch/saturn stuff is likely not the same conciousness as the first fallen angel.
Ashley Nicolette Frangipane (/ˌfrændʒJˈpɑːni/;[1] born September 29, 1994),[2] known professionally as Halsey (/ˈhɔːlzi/),[3] is an American singer, actress and songwriter.[4] Her stage name is a reference to the Halsey Street station of the New York City Subway in Brooklyn,[a] and an anagram of her first name.[
>When's the last time a Brit won wimbledon?
Jow Forums 2018
>he still believes that his enemies aren't soulless constructs of the Dark One
Yes he is real, and working in spirit
Gwar showered me with blood snot and green demon jizz from a fire extinguisher many times back in the day. Also cooked spaghetti and other substances. Wife went to school with them and hung out at their garage while they wrote songs.
They’re not satanic, their music just captured the teen angst of Chester/enon (which is a little like a nj shithole in va).
And for some reason japs liked it...
You didn't need to do any of that user.
Satan already has your soul and doesn't need to do any parlor tricks to make you give it to him.
Remember it took the work of small, hidden individuals who were pulled into the conflict unwillingly, but good-hearted enough to wish to destroy the very source of this evil once and for all.
this is so autistic i can't even
Satan rules this earth
And we will defeat his Jewish armies
What is your opinion on MEMES??? Are they a cheap comedy trick??
Or are they the beginning of our evolution into telepathy and MindSpeak???
>memes are a medium for us to channel energy and ideas
We are telepathically speaking to each other...
>memes need to be preserved
We need the meme archive OFFLINE... we need carvings, sculptures, statues and art memes made and stored inside caves for future generations..
>we must escape the digital serfdom
Create real life meme replicas and STORE THEM UNDERGROUND!!
>a meme time capsule
Also how will future generations view memes???
As hieroglyphs??? As simple art and nothing more...
We need to preserve them
This is something you gotta see
>God speaks to anons 177777777
The same demonic stuff happens with posters in this board when they engage in divination for gets during kek threads
Memes are occult stuff. I'd rather not use them for any purpose other than the occasional laugh. Putting that much stock in GET numbers It's not something God likes
literally who? also
>2- 20 years
really pinned that down, mmmmbud