You might not like it, but this is what peak British looks like

British hate thread? British hate thread.

Attached: andthatsagoodthing.jpg (1920x1080, 150K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ur ma

soon you will not be able to post on Jow Forums

don't be toast; bin that post!

Ur da too

Brits are alright, actual Brits i mean.

Attached: 8578B643-CB1D-4C14-B9CF-935595567CE8.jpg (468x372, 56K)

'ate pakis
'ate blacks
'ate jews
'ate gypsies
'ate poles
'ate chinkies
'ate frenchies
'ate krauts
'ate irishmen
'ate yanks
'ate queers
'ate poofs
'ate spazzes
'ate southerners
'ate tories
'ate lib dems
'ate the EU
'ate channel 4
'ate cider
'ate wine
'ate wimbledon
'ate cricket

Love football
Love me wife
Love pints

Simple as

owen joens isn't british
he is a faggot

what do you mean by "actual brit?"

is that like a true scotsman?

Attached: Ron_Paul,_official_Congressional_photo_portrait,_2007.jpg (1189x1491, 978K)

Attached: EC9610F5-712D-4E48-8A6E-53A4A0ED0817.jpg (480x559, 49K)