Did any of you hate the country you grew up in and move back to where your parents are from? Have you ever even visited there? What were your experiences?
Question for Second Generation Immigrants
Yes, been to Finland. Parents never taught me the language and I felt like a tourist visiting my extended family.
Should I move to Croatia?
I would say go for it, if your eligible.
How do you feel towards your parents because of this? Do you ever regret not moving back or do you have a nice enough life in the USA that it never entered your mind?
>move to a country where hordes of bitter communist fucks resents you
Nah I'm fine here
Only you can answer this for yourself.
The Croatians are not the Germans so any answer I gave you would probably be wrong.
yes, but avoid zagreb like plague
>I'm 56 percent Irish!
>welcome me home, me Irish brudders!
Hahaha, plastic paddies and styrofoam Krauts.
Stop dragging others down into your melting pot crab bucket, mutt.
no, don't ruin their country with migration.
I don't feel any way towards my parents, maybe disappointment for not teaching me the culture or language but oh well. As for remigrating, only if shit hits the fan.
How do all of you deal with all of the mutthurt from butthurt mutts who will never have a heritage because they're mixed beyond all recognition?
our economy can hardly get worse than it already is
if people started migrating in state would be overjoyed and it would be praised over all news
Most of them hate where they grewup and wish it were like the country their parents came from, but they don't want to go back because they don't have gibsmedats there
Finland is way better than Germany. I'm jealous desu.
I left america to go back to italy (born with italian passport). I loved it there. I do speak the language, but not perfect. Wound up not being able to find a job so i got one in Germany. Also top tier. Fuck America and fuck Americans.
The other 44 percent is German, I'm putting on my lederhosen as we speak.
People like you are why i cant stand Oktoberfest in München. Its just a bunch of retarded drunk Americans in lederhosen. Really horrid.
You're lucky, better to be an american than a f*nn
When Germany finally craps out there will always be Ireland. Lots of great IT jobs there.
I will start the second Beer Hall Putsch while in lederhosen and full of drink.
stop crying u nigger. we have so many fucking shitskins and u are complaining over americans. kys u traiterous cunt
His family is probably seriously successful if they're Euro expats. Just saying.
Do English people feel they don't have a heitage because they're a mix of britons, angles, nomans, danes, saxons, and norweigans? Do French people feel they don't have a heritage befause they're a mix of franks, gaels, bretons, occitanians? Do Afrikaaners feel they have no heritage because theyre Dutch, British, and other Europeans?
The US is far older than most sovereign countries in Europe, including Germany, with an unparalelled history of invention, conquest, and success. European civilization has been here for half a millenium.
I think about going to England but I like the nature, economy and the guns here. I may steal an anglo to keep on those of my same race.
It depends on what kind of Americans. Repatriated Euro expats would actually be getting some of our braindrain back, but mutts are useless trash. We're lucky there's a natural filtering system for them or it we'd have the same problem the Israelis do with the Russians...
>The US is far older than most sovereign countries in Europe, including Germany
whiter than you, Mohamed
You are not older than Germany. This place was historically an empire, not a nation-state.
Considering the sheer metric tonnage of asiatic sperm the Red Army dumped into German women, some northern european DNA would probably be an upgrade for you.
Soveriegn country. Germanic culture and people existed, but the nation-state was created only in the 19th century.
And that includes the German Empire.
So your statement is completely meaningless.
>the US has existed far longer as a country with a flag containing red colour than Sweden has
Am I a first gen if my parents took me with them when I was young?
I vant a German vaifu
Yes, Aadesh
The existence of a country is meaningless and has no impact on heritage?
I think you former colony Finland would disagree.
I moved to USA when I was 4 years old. Visited recently to see family. I can't speak the language so I just felt like a foreigner and my parents had to translate for me. Also, I'm a pajeet :^)
You're mutt trash and have no value to your own countrymen. There are about 250 million of you too many. You have even less value to Europe. Only the people who made it through the harsh post-1965 immigration rules in the USA should come back, because they're the children of PhDs and MDs. 90% of these are already dual citizens so zero additional provisions need to be made for them.
Pajeets are higher IQ than mutts so you're fine.
Seems like I hit a nerve- was your grandmother sucking off American GIs for chocolate bars?
My parents escaped Korea during the war, they were from a pretty wealthy family there and lost pretty much everything. They were worried that the communists would win the entire peninsula and they didn't want to be around for that so they came to the US. They said everything here in the states was way more developed than it was there, but we went back to South Korea and they said the same thing about that, and I agree, the US looks like it has some catching up to do. My mom's brother stayed there in Korea because somebody had to still run my grandfathers business, he is obscenely rich now.
>alive during WWII
Seriously, how old are you, boomer mutt? Like 46?
Get back to your double shift at Wal-Mart before Jorge steals your job.
Spanish here. I moved back but am in the US RN. AMA. highly recommend it. you will be miserable in the US
to clarify - parents from Spain, I was born in the US, I moved back to Spain at 18 for uni and never looked back
You guys were actually low iq brainded canon foder tier. The amerimutt gi were known to be rapisys and overall garbage people lol. Soviet tier trash pretty much. But hey you saved us and thanks to you we can all share a degenerate world with niggers and mohammeds!
pay debts
fuck no. so glad I left. the u.s. is fucking garbage in 2018 and deserves to be thoroughly nuked. especially California
Better a mutt than a mongrel. My ancestors all came from a small area of northwest Europe; after the Soviets raped their way across half your country, I wonder if you can say the same.
more mutthurt @ Euro expats
thread is a goldmine
Never thought I would agree with a German. You newfag American families are disgusting and should just go back. America compared to Europe doesn't have as much original tradition. We don't even have original traditional clothes. We just copied from England. The only thing we had is manifest destiny and that is dead today.
> Implying everyone's parents are immigrants
Always amusing when Canadians LARP as being separate from Americans. Your country has less independence from Washington than Hawaii does.
Keep projecting, Vinnie.
The formal creation of a country on paper is not the same as the shared heritage of a people. The current German people have existed far longer than the American nation, and they have an unbroken history and shared heritage. To say that US history rivals that of European countries is just absurd.
I have quite an interesting story related to what is listed in OP's post.
Basically grew up here in good ole US of A. Went back "home" to my parents place of birth and 90% of folks were of European descent. Was curious and searched history which was very interesting and enlightening. Learned a Jew was persecuting and murdering Christians en masse. Now I am full blown national socialist. Cool story.
My dad is Greek and I live in (flag related) now. I don't hate the US but shit is bonkers now compared to what we had before we switched to selling fear 24/7. I grew up in Germany anyways so perhaps I was more inclined to live outside the US to start with.
> huh merritage
You "ancestors" have been living in a shithole flooded with well-hung niggers for the past 300 years. You share more genes in common with your great-grandmother's mulatto milkman than you do with any "northwest European".
Now go turn on Matlock or something, you mutthurt boomer.
Hey is it true what they say? If an Israelite ask you to bark like a dog, do you do it? I mean they are basically gods to you right?
>muh ancestors
Stfu mutt
Yeah my family has only been here 18 generations. I'm sure you 3rd generation aren't newfags. I bet your from a great immigrant family that opened a gas station and worked 18 hour days like a slave to get by. Pathetic.
I hate the state I grew up in and moved back to my mother's hometown. Despite the liberalism here, I have actual extended family here and generations of history. The state I grew up in is full of passive aggressive cucks and no gaming at all. It's no way to live.
18 generations and you still aren't rich.
Keep trying, buddy. I'm sure your day will come.
I mean, it's bound to. 18 generations. Shit.
Of course its not the same; it is, however, incredibly important, and a huge part of national heritage. Germany as a sovereign nation, for example, was united by baltic-germanic Prussians, distant from the rhineland and bavarian centers of German history, population, and cukture; yet it was the Prussian militarism and Junker nobility that defined much of Imperial German identity up to an including WW2.
Of course history rivals, and surpasses, that of many European nations; not France, Gemany, or England, but many of them. Its heritage has led to, just to name a fee examples, the languge you're speaking right now and the technology you're using to communicate with me.
The internet alone is an achievement and turning point in human history that for far outweighs the impact of most peoples and nations, and the fact that Americans were the first people to travel to an off-world celstial body and send technology beyomd the bounds of the solar system are also legacies that will endure as long as the human species does.
I've never been to the US, what is bad about it? Is it just because you are a lazy Spaniard, or something more?
Unless he is a fucking native (in which case lol at him) he is lying and terrible at math.
>t. 100% First Nation
Whatever you say, Runs With Chinamen
>a wild mutthurt appears
Its your meme and always will be. Nice try. Dont worry muttboy we all still love you on here.
Couldn't even finish this because of the retarded mutt logic
Whatever you say, Wang, whatever you say. Enjoy your dog meat and alleycat from behind the restaurant.
Americans are trash and you would have been nothing if my German expat parents hadn't moved to your country in the late 20th century. Now literally all of us have moved back and you're crumbling. All you have is your poorly-constructed nativism based on getting fucked by your former slaves for the past 10 generations. You're nothing but an English-speaking Brazil. No wonder none of us have any pride in having been born there.
Enjoy your Mexicans, though.
Find me literally one single statement made there that isn't 100% accurate. Take your time, and try google translate if you're more comfortable reading it in Somali.
Rule number one nobody wants to be here. It's amazing I live in a whole town of 2nd~3rd gen whose families came here to make money and go back. Thing is once you've been here long enough to make any money you can't go back. Then the families grow more bitter and resentful with each generation .
If that's true, then what is Freistadt Bayern?
>was united by baltic-germanic Prussian
UH wasn't Prussia of German emigrants with just being "Prussian" by name with some mixing with the native population.
was for
>he's still responding
I'm not even caught up with yorur last 3 posts of butthurt yet. I started off joking about the whole slavic rape baby thing, but considering the treastise you're writing I think I might be on to something.
Will do. Try not to bleed from yoyr anus too much from all the tacos Pedro.
I don't care about where my parents come from. I'm an individualist. I don't identify with any nation.
Exactly; the point being that the Junkers, Prussian culture, and the baltic lands were not part of the traditional Germanic world that had existed for centuries, but after the 19th century unification of Germany as one sovereign state they came to heavily define it for generations.
>pretending not to be butthurt
Lol cute. German user btfo you and youre trying to flip it on him. Fuck off faggot youve been up in this thread answering us left and right.
Hush now Chang, people from real countries are talking. Go find Belgium and Kosovo.
>Enjoy your Mexicans, though.
Enjoy your Islam, Achmed. The future of your dump belongs to Islam.
>He's a self-hating American
Well, this got weird very quickly
I want a pair of leather trousers that are passed on through generations
I will shit them daily but not tell the grandkids
Isn't literally every American self hating to some level? Hence all the muh heritage faggotry
This thread is evidence that nationalism rots people's brains.
We moved back when I was 6 and I was never a part of your country. From the sound of things it seems that America hated me first, so "self-hating American" really doesn't apply.
I'm Canadian now. Visited my parent's country and it's not at all somewhere I'd consider living.
1. no longer speak the language
2. culture and values are Canadian
3. we do things better
4. more jobs in Canada
5. I can still marry my kind but I probably wont
Haha, you fuckers lost the war, got literally raped by Ivan, and now have hoards of wild Arabs tearing the clothes of your women in mass riots. Your leader is a fat communist dyke traitor globalist.
Helmut, thy name is cuck. Prep the bull.
>argue about who is white and who isnt
>classic DnC shillposting
never change, you fuckin retards. rome is burning and you fags want to argue about who gets to play the fiddle.
How so? Where your family's ancestors came from is simply a matter of fact; I don't why someome would pretend to forget it, unless you buy into some hyperindividualist nigilist thing where no people came before and no people came after.
These are too beautiful.
Yeah there is a funny story that everywhere the Americans went they started raping people in France for example there were huge complaints and people despised them because they "strategically" leveld their Towns they also held the title of being the most cowardly Soldiers in the entire war
>56% "European"
>on the verge of being replaced by Mexicans and Blacks
>Black president and is still being praised of being the best "president"
>LowIQ Population
>WE wuzzers
>Population is obese
>No Healthcare
>In some places the infrastructure is so garbage like in detroit or some third world shithole
>In some places there is not even running water
>Food standards are garbage and you are eating quite literally liquid cancer
>most of your Countries achievements is from stolen technology from other Countries
>the US is known and infamous for spying on other Countries technology and patent it before them in the US
>Mutts want to be German Nationalists (MUH Man in the high castluh!!!)
>Jewish run since it's creation
>Niggers are living in the US since it's creation
>Population is a mix of everyone Slavs,West,European,Iberian,Middle eastern,Asian
>known as the Melting pot
>garbage Vehicles that nobody wants except the Americans themself (MUH V8)
>the biggest warmonger on the Planet
>killed 20 million+ people since WW2
>Society based upon greed ( I gotta get mine)
>No societal bond
>no Culture
>Garbage Soldiers that get BTFO'D by Rice Farmers and goat Herders with Rpgs and AK74's loosing millions in equipment against a goat herder with an RPG
>uses Rockets which are + Millions to kill 1 Person
>It's own allies are the Countries they occupied
>MUH JAPAN OUR ALLY! (has created the pacifist consitution in Japan) Japanese Nationalists despise the US
Just the things out the top of my head
>all these bad things
Funny how we're still the leading world power and how I can go and shitpost on twitter without the police paying me a visit. Can you say the same?
>garbage Vehicles that nobody wants except the Americans themself (MUH V8)
Mercedes - unreliable trash
BMW - excessive maintenance cost, shit
Volkwagen - Bugatti Veyron is a crass piece of overengineered shit compared to Italian supercar
>Garbage Soldiers
Your "soldiers" have to train with fucking broomsticks instead of guns. I am not making this shit up, look it up.
>>Black president
Like he never existed after Trump. You are run by a Stasi Communist agent bent on converted Krautland into a caliphate, while Trump is red blooded American and hates mudslime and cucks.