Americans are get worse on Jow Forums More and more threads are being disrupted by yanks and its getting really annoying. They are incredible sensitive and any bit of discussion is interrupted by an American calling someone a nigger or telling you that someone country isn't white or pretending to be a badass. I've started to skim passed a lot of their comments or outright dismiss anything they say. So I ask, why you do this?
never forget whos board you come to every single day of your life
Aaron Long
>More and more threads are being disrupted by yanks and its getting really annoying. Yea, the mutt meme is real.
Jace Garcia
What the fuck kind of dog is that?
Jackson Hill
Dominic Gonzalez
make your own shitty EU version of Jow Forums that no one will visit but come back here butthurt to make UK General GUise!!1 or other such faggot threads just like everything in your life you hate the US until big bad RUSman is ready to stick his dick up your ass then you come crying back ilke a child
Fuck off, Shitaly. You fucking niggers aren't even white. I'll kick your ass, faggot. I have 300 confirmed kills and everything.
Benjamin Phillips
this is why i don't even compete. i lost all the urges to pursue women. if someone say "dude you lost lol" i would say "on what? i didn't even try". i'm almost sexless now, i can't even jerk off anymore, i can't feel horny anymore. everytime i try to jerk off, reality hits, that the sexy scenario in my head wouldn't happen because no matter how much the girl loves me, any irish guy would make her moan louder so idk it just kills it for me and i can't even fantasize about anything without thinking she would moan louder if she's with a irish guy.
life is meaningless now for me. there's nothing in the future that i'm excited for. i don't want my kids being born in this western-centric world where he's the automatic/permanent loser.
Never had a GF cause irish guys would bully me all throughout school.
Owen Anderson
Do you fat fucks only have a certain amount of preset phrases you can say on the Internet?
>Hurr dis amerigoy sight go get ur own
Ryder Price
Eurmexico complains about Americans
I’m not going to pretend I would take any complaints seriously, but holy shit I can hardly think of a single place outside of the cUK I can take less seriously.
Daily reminder: the only reason any countries besides America exist is because of America.
Daily reminder America is the only country that deserves to exist because no other countries can defend themselves.
You nigh-niggers are sad, sad sacks of shit. Enjoy NATO while it lasts (aka, America supports it)
Luis Gomez
It is an Irish Wolfhound.
I have a few.
Eli Perry
Here's a suggestion, actually and promptly kill yourself and stop fucking making my country look bad
I knew this was a potatonigger post from the thumbnail in the catalog. Cool lookin doggo, you drunk ginger-ass christcuck leprechaun-lookin fucko.
Jose Price
America to Identarians:
You are not welcome here. You have become the kikes working as a nation within a nation. We do NOT have loyalties to Europe or the rest of the world. America is not European in the slightest. We have molded everything into our own cause & culture, all while the Europeans are in denial of an American culture existing at all. The Europeans have been trying to task us as a slave driving gun waving lunacy solely hellbent on the pursuit of gain when it is them, the Europeans, who are the Despots with only a culture of degeneracy. Every freedom liberation movement in Europe increasingly kills more and more people. The Europeans never stopped the slave trade, they still import cheap, virtually free, labor from Africa. These European Loyalists have seeped their way into all forms of American politics and I think people are starting to wake up. Identarians are useful idiots to these loyalists who will use you to task America’s Founding with White Supremacy, which is a fundamentally wrong European Misinterpretation. The Europeans pried for a Civil War since 1781, and they got it via the Identarian south who went against the Founding Fathers wishes to end Slavery. Identarianism will only hold back America and allow the Europeans to task our cause with their bigotry.
Look at what the Nazis did and how cucked Germany is, but then they all condemn us for when we put the capital of Israel in Jerusalem? Fuck these two timing Europeans.
>inb4 mutt
Anthony Richardson
Why can't Americans put two and two together and realise that what they stuff in their mouths is what gets them morbidly obese?
Brody Rogers
>Daily reminder America is the only country that deserves to exist because no other countries can defend themselves.
>no other country can defend themselves from US agression, therefore other countries need US to protect them from US agression.
Oliver Morgan
potato nigger.
Austin Butler
you can't bring yourself to mock me because you can't think of anything to say you fucking joker. away with you
Angel Reed
You know English is supposed to be your first language, right potatofag?
Brandon Collins
First language of Britain is Pakistani. English is second language.
Mason Cox
Every European with balls or honor either came to America or died in the world wars
Caleb Gray
>Americans are get worse on Jow Forums >More and more threads are being disrupted by yanks and its getting really annoying. yeah, probably has nothing at all to do with it being summer holiday and all the annoying kids coming here, pretending they have a fucking clue about anything we discuss