Honest question: Why is it illegal to deny the holocaust? Seriously...

Honest question: Why is it illegal to deny the holocaust? Seriously, why do Jewish people enjoy more protection against racism and prejudice than other groups of people?

I thought everyone was equal before the law, at least in Western countries.

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Other urls found in this thread:


because holocaust believing is the only way to argue in favor of (((democratic))) regimes and to use all kind of emotional blackmail towards the kikes themselves and nowadays the migrants, the holocaust rhetoric being omnipresent

also the only thing that prevents the people from actually realizing that Hitler did nothing wrong and that we more than ever need a national, racial and social revolution in Europe

and as the myth has been seriously hurt in the 60-70s and then in the 80-90s, they quickly made laws all across Europe to shut the goy's mouth and pretend that these revisionist are just crazy marginalized individuals who have no arguments at all

Attached: Adolf_Hitler_The_Greatest_Story_Never_Told.jpg (788x958, 85K)

Reminds me of this

Attached: Jew law 1532251800485.jpg (640x300, 74K)

imagine if the people could actually realize what Jews have done to Europe through bloody communist revolutions and the economical and financial privilege they had, also the way Hitler abolished the dictatorship of gold to properly value the work of the people, how Germany was united thereafter

also the way your country was treated during and after WWII, the way the (((capitalists))) suddenly allied with the (((communists))) to destroy the European civilization

basically destroying the Holohoax myth would allow the people to swallow all the redpills one by one

The hollowhoax works on a number of different levels and the kikenvermin are as much victims of it as everyone else.

Their excuse reason:
>it will result in people being free to hate the Jews and could potentially harm people

Real reason:
>it will mean people might finally understand it didn't happen as claimed, that the Jews are using it as an excuse for all the bad things they do, and that we'd end up rising against them once more

What happens in Germany if you publicly state you deny the holocaust? Do the police come and put you in jail?

I think it may be because of the camps.

Actual truth: People like to play innocent when things are good, and when things are bad they go full barbarian again.

Ask Ursula Haverbeck, she is 89, remembers what really happened, told that Auschwitz wasn't a deathcamp, but only a workcamp. Now she got a two year sentence.

Same thing in France mate

WWII scared most of europe, this ban is just aftermatch of brutal and long war that killed many people. denying it existed is kinda like denying bravery and sacrifice of soliders that fought

it's only use as a motive to spit on German and European volunteers' graves on the contrary, because they are wrongfully accused of atrocities

The Jewish tactics for world domination are always the same and you are just too stupid to understand
>everyone is equal in front of the law, but some are more equal
>replace aristocracy with elected and inexperienced weaklings that can be manipulated
>replace the goy law creating system with judges and lawyers who are predominantly Jewish, creating a tyranny of law
>replace productive methods of getting wealth with speculative methods of getting wealth, which the Jews will control and ensure that the goys never get rich

because if you question it, you're questioning their precious gematria/prophesied shoah. arguing the number of jews that died is as bad as denying any of them did.

how come holocaust denial denial isnt illegal


Well, I know I'd like to see those "Germans" who are judicially harassing Ursula Haverbeck walking funny for the rest of their lives as a punishment.

Or how can you kill someone for a second time when they didn't die the first time?

Obeying orders or just doing one's duty is not a valid defence.

actually the laws are usually about denying crimes against humanity - most are not specifically about the holocaust.

>, remembers what really happened,

was never at Auschwitz.

but tell me why did Auschwitz have nine times more cremation ovens than any camp of its size? why did they need enough cremation ovens to burn over million corpses a year in a camp that had max 135,000 people in it?

why did they want to build even more cremation ovens, to expand their capacity to double the size?

why would a labour camp need that overcapacity?

inb4 typhus - it does not account for it.

Attached: enough ovens.jpg (748x314, 42K)

>denying crimes against humanity
so the Holocaust, which introduced this notion. They were made for that very purpose, to silence the revisionists from spreading the truth too loud.

Too bad we have Internet nowadays, censorship isn't going to work any longer :^)

>spreading the truth

you mean the truth that about 5.5 -5.7 million jewish people were killed during the second world war in Europe? that out of three million Polish jews, 98% were killed? that the romanians killed a quarter of a million? that the Yugoslavs killed 80-100,000? that the hungarians sent 450,000 to camps in Poland that had no accomodation for them, adn none were ever heard of again?

that the Nazis reported killing jews in JudenAktion, separate from anti partisan actions, listing men women adn children by number, adn that those reports list about a million and a half killed?

that there are piles of ash at all teh major killing sites, which account for over two million bodies cremated?

true things like that?

yes, it's the absolute truth!
oh, somebody says otherwise? quick, shut his mouth! make a law!


when you post something about revisionism / concentration camps on /pol these days, french hasbra jumps on the thread faster than a fatty jumps on a snickers bar, tells alot about jew influence in europe in general.

Jews control the laws.

Because the Holocaust was so real that it needs to be protected from people thinking it isn't real.

Nothing is more real than things that can cause you to be locked up for not believing.

Where? Where is the proof? Show me the ovens faggot

oh, no, certainly not. I am against those laws. I favour the public ridicule of people who spread silly conspiracy theories.

You can’t even have this debate in France without being jailed.

>locked up for not believing.

no that isn't wehy they lock them up. it is for lying, and exonerating crimes against humanity, usually with intention to encourage others to commit similar crimes.

I have yet to find a serious holocaust denier who does not at some point say they wish it had happened.

because they are about to holocaust a lot of muslims

it isn't illegal to deny the lolocaust, but it is explicitly legal to overthrow any government that tells you it is.

so silly that Hillberg didn't come back to confront Zundel after having been completely humiliated for the first time

And would you guys allow subversive and degenerate speech in your ethnostate in return?

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>why did they need enough cremation ovens to burn over million corpses a year

Can you give us an actual count of crematoriums at Auschwitz?

yu can come to Poland and look of course, and see the ruins.

or read the work orders for their construction, the manufacturers notes on them, the blueprints, the patented designs, the testimony of the engineers who built them.

Attached: buchenwald crematorium.jpg (258x195, 12K)

Because justice isn't real. Strength decides the way of the world. The jew has control so the jew locks you up for denying their myths.

not true. you simply cannot tell lies, boldly and willfully, and repeat them in the face of contrary evidence.

you can find cremas everywhere is it needed to burn corpses, lol, not only in german concentration camps


wrong, in fact the holocaust believers have been HUMILIATED so hard that they made the Gayssot law to stop revisionists from spreading the truth
a French tribunal in 1983 said that they could see no lies in Faurisson's work

but Zundel was humiliated repeatedly.

he was shown to be factually wrong, adn to have misrepresented the facts in a willful and deliberate fashion. he was shown to the world to be a liar and fabricator of falsehoods.


>he was shown to the world to be a liar and fabricator of falsehoods.
I think you may be talking about the Soviets who pretended there were 4 million dead in Auschwitz, rebuilt a fake gas chamber in Auschwitz I after the war, claimed the Germans did the Katyn massacre, or the Americans who pretended to have seen gas chambers in Dachau, or these "survivors" who talked about jewish soaps, lampshades and all kind of fictional falsehoods.

h-hilberg dabbed on that retarded nazi fool zundel

five crematoria, each with multiple ovens, each with multiple muffles (oven openings) a total of 52 muffles.

however, they closed the forst crem, taking those ovens out of action, adn sabotage by the sonderkommando put Crema 5 out of action as well. Mostly they could only do 3000 corpses a day, not the projected total capacity of 4756.

Attached: original 4756 a day.jpg (450x615, 145K)

canadian women made a video (while in canada) and gets arrested in germany cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/canada-should-help-holocaust-denier-monika-schaefer-1.4750063

do you have some examples of facts that zundel misrepresented in deliberate fashion? just curious.

just no, you can get jailed just for CONTESTING, lying or not, but heh, who decides you're lying or telling the truth anyways? no unbiased 3rd party anyways to judge.

"La loi sanctionne l'expression publique d'un discours niant la réalité du génocide. Ce n'est pas l'opinion qui est sanctionnée, mais sa diffusion dans l'espace public, car c'est une fois exposée au public que cette opinion peut devenir dangereuse." => translating: this is not what you say that's condemable, that's just the fact of giving your opinion on the subject.

source : justice.ooreka.fr/astuce/voir/491673/loi-gayssot

Just deny Rwanda instead

of course. But at auschwitz they had nine tines the capacity of any camp its size. they had enough to burn over a million corpses a year, and only 135,000 int eh camp. That is a staggering overcapacity - why would they waste those resources to build them in wartime?

and how come they were all used? and why did they have to also use pyres for corpse burning, because the ovens could not cope with the numbers of corpses? and why did they plan to build more capacity?

if they were not committing mass murder, where did they get the bodies from?

"There is no need to question the existence of the gas chambers because they existed"
French (((historians))) answering to Pr. Robert Faurisson

>a French tribunal in 1983 said that they could see no lies in Faurisson's work

actually, I have been trying to find the text of that judgement (which Faurisson says said that) but cannot find it. Given that Faurisson misquotes, adn quotes out of context, repeatedly, I reserve judgement about his honesty in that case.

no holes, no holocaust.

It's simple: if the holohoax narrative is dismantled, then jewish control over the goyim is weakened, if not downright broken. The only thing that keeps this current world jewish system intact is precisely because the goys all around the world feel ashamed of their history.

Let's be honest, even the liberals know who is running the world, deep down they know it. They just choose to ignore it because they feel guilty over some fairy tail.

Are there any other “denial crimes” on the book in any other countries or is holocaust denial the only topic in which it is a crime to deny?

I know there is a push in some circles to make climate change denial a crime, but that is the only other topic I can think of.

hardly, destroyed.

That thread quoted Faurisson, mostly making strawman and arguments from authority, and often misquoting papers.

it quoted him claiming scientifically untrue things.

he is not a reliable source, and the things posted in that thread showed it.

The Americans, the Soviets and many Jewish "survivors" have been proved to have lied repeatedly during the Nuremberg trials, in many books or studies led after the war. This happened multiple and multiple times.

Any sane and honest man should be allowed to question their legitimacy to lecture us about this period of history considering they were wrong about many things and purposely misguided the public.

No I am definitely talking about Zundel who lied about the Red Cross figures, and who the Red Cross representative pinned as liar in court.

>Mostly they could only do 3000 corpses a day

You're telling me that they could fully cremate a corpse every 30 seconds 24 hours a day for a year?


yeah nah it doesn't. Imagine if the kikes had to deal with that.

Because the Holocaust is a religion in its own right now: vjmpublishing.nz/?p=8811

>Honest question: Why is it illegal to deny the holocaust?
Because IT IS A LIE.
TRUTH doesn't need judges, Lawyers or jail time to justify itself...

If you believe in time travel...

Then you'll believe anything...
Frankly, i'm not even pissed at jews... I understand why they're doing this. But i also understand why they've been hated throughout history... They're doing what's best for their interests and i wish other races, (especially indigenous european people) had the same racial/cultural instinct of survival and the same clan-like mentality...But we don't.

Jews have been not only lying to the world (and at a terrible cost for us)... But also lying to their own people...The lie is so huge that they can't turn back...they can't back track...It's one of the biggest lie in human history....Backed up by the media, political corruption, control of hollywood...NONSTOP propaganda....protected by judges, specific laws to punish anyone who questions this lie..

The lie is so huge that even Israelis themselves believe it!... It's not a gigantic conspiracy, it's their country's narrative at this point. They have convinced their own population that it happened. They brainwash their own children , generation after generation... And all it took was lobbying, and a bunch of small but extremely determined zionists... AGAIN, they're going what's best for their collective interests...I sincerely wish we had the same determination to protect our own race...I wish we were as "red pilled" as they are..as manipulative as they are...but we're not.

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it seems a bit silly to deny a genocide that actually happened.

Maybe they had several ovens that could run in parallel?

he siad the red Cross have all the records of all the deaths at all the Nazi camps. they don't

he said they had made a full count of all the deaths. they didn't and have said they had no way to do so (they would have to have been present every day at every camp, with full access, keeping records - obviously they did not do this)

he said they had access to all the camps (and didn't notice any gas chambers) they did not have access

he said they visited auschwitz and inspected it repeatedly - they did visit Auschwitz camp 1, once, where shown to the commandants office then shown off the premises, they did not inspect the camp

he said that the Red Cross had published figures of totals killed in the camps - they did not. they produced a report on the number of german citizens traced through the International Tracing Service at Bad Arolsen. this is not a number of jews, it is not a total of deaths at the camps. It increases every year - which is odd, if it is supposed to be a total from 70 years ago.

that is just to start.


>just no,

sorry but what you said exactly confirmed what I was saying. it is not for belief, it is because you are saying something false which is dangerous to say (because it exonerates crime adn encourages crime)

Don't forget the fuel for the crematorium. The magic German logiatics chain that couldnt supply the war machine moved fuel and Zyclon-B to the death camps.

>no holes,
what are you talking about?

technically many fo the so called holocaust laws also cover other genocides, but no one is stupid enough to deny the Rwandan genocide (and no one is interested enough to prosecute if you did)

i am quoting the law, please, tell me how is it false and how is it dangerous? baka

The Americans, the Soviets and many Jewish "survivors" have been proved to have lied repeatedly during the Nuremberg trials, in many books or studies led after the war. This happened multiple and multiple times.

Any sane and honest man should be allowed to question their legitimacy to lecture us about this period of history considering they were wrong about many things and purposely misguided the public.

It seems that all parts have lied, so we should just listen to all parts rather than pretend some are CRAZY LIARS THAT SHALL BE CENSORED.

y tho?
What if I say there's a huwhite genocide? Can we finally jam all the Jews into prison and get rid of them for kvetching about that?

Yeah, because you have to have faith that this fake history is true.

I guess we'd need to know the capacity of said ovens then.

When he was talking about the oven openings he said 52 So lets revise the numbers

86400 seconds in a day, divided by 3000 = 28.8s per body

28.8s multiplied by 52 oven openings = 1497.6s

1497.6s divided by 60 to give us minutes = 25ish minutes to cremate 52 corpses in parallel. Not accounting for time to empty the remains, maintenance, and refueling.

there is a world of difference between questioning some eyewitness (and more often than not hearsay, not eyewitness) testimony, and denying the solidly established facts.

I openly doubt that a jew everyday was thrown to a bear adn an eagle, and eaten. I will happily deny it. At the same time i know that at that camp was a menagerie, with bears, and a bird of prey collection, which the guards practiced hawking for sport with.

so it is fairly obvious how an atrocity rumour of that sort could be generated through hearsay adn the natural evolution of stories retold over decades. btu that is not to say it is true.

no one will ever sue me for that. No one will ever put me in court for saying that story is undoubtedly bullshit.

It’s limited to crimes of genocide only? Does it have to be a recognized genocide, or can it be a disputed/in acknowledged one like the Armenian genocide?

Is there any other topic that has the protection of law behind it? Can one question the laws of physics, the shape of the earth, or any other “universal truths” without fear of reprisal (other than public shame)?

It’s really interesting that it seems genocide is the only topic that appears to be off limits.

Actually, now that I think about it, it appears there is one other questioning of facts that is illegal in some countries - paternity.

>I thought everyone was equal before the law
You thought wrong.

Can we please stop with the eye rape already?

Because Germans are cuck faggots.

>You're telling me that they could fully cremate a corpse every 30 seconds 24 hours a day for a year?

this is the problem with statistical averaging. 52 muffles running simultaneously, so that 30 seconds is actually 1560 seconds of burning time, which is 26 minutes. And yes, you can burn a corpse to bare bones in 26 minutes, and then throw another one in on top. If the corpses are small - children for instance (abotu third were children) you can put in several at at ime. Or little old ladies, and emaciated peasants. The average height of a Pole in 1940 was 5 foot 2 for men, five foot for women. the average weight of the corpses burned was int eh 30Kg range - these were not huge modern well fed six foot three obese corpses.

read this and learn


Attached: manufacturers say it could be done 2.jpg (923x860, 226K)

There is a world of difference between an individual making a mistake while studying a period of history and an official institution being wrong about an event judged and lying to the public about it for decades.

Also, there is a difference between a man being wrong in his studies and an individual lying about pretending he saw and lived things he completely invented.

you know that Auschwitz was on acoal filed right? that it was built thre as a slave labour camp to provide manpower for the huge coal to oil adn rubber processing plant which went through hundreds of thousands of tonnes of coal a year?

that coal does nt drive tanks or lorries?

that Zyklon B was a lightweight thing to carry, and you fit enough in one truck to kill millions?

No magic needed to do it.

Just magical thinking to deny it.

>The Americans, the Soviets and many Jewish "survivors" have been proved to have lied repeatedly during the Nuremberg trials

You know what kills me about all this ?
So ok, we know it's the biggest lie we've seen in european history. (i don't think there's any equivalent at this point in time). But let's just say for argument's sake...that it was real.
SO WHAT ? that's the thing i don't fucking understand... why should we collectively feel any guilt about it ? You and i weren't even born at that time. Why do generations after generations have to pay or give a single dime to the so called "survivors" ? ... FUCK ! I'm forced to have the same conclusion as the kikes themselves... us "goyims" are so fucking gullible...

What Nietzeche predicted (on slave morality) became reality. Someone , it works...

But it seems like only people of european stock, only the caucasian/european race is sensitive or concerned or responsive to this bullshit...

I don't think it has anything to do with IQ, ALL ofther races are completely remorseless, indifferent to these things..
You'd think Japanese people would give a flying fuck about Unit 731 ?

Do the Turks give a shit or feel any guilt about the armenian genocide ?

If you play into this guilt-trip narrative, the pseudo victims will plunder you generations after generations...And we're fucking stupid to still do it!!! It drives me fucking nuts !

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I'm glad we reached similar numbers . But you're telling me that these crematoriums ran 24 hours a day non stop, every day of the year?

Surely there's a point where the ovens had to be emptied out or refueled? Wouldn't there be tons of ashed that would need to be buried?

Yes but pictures of the supposed crematoriums exist and they're clearly not big enough to burn more than one body at a time.

it is false to say that the Nazis did not systematically murder people, by the millions, including Jews (by the way, the law would also cover people who said the Jews were murdered but denied the nazis crimes against humanity which killed millions of others int eh same way)

fun fact, the first people murdered at Auschwitz using Zyklon B were soviet Pows.

denying that is the same. denying it in order to encourage people to do them same atrocities, is dangerous.

People should know that those crimes will never be exonerated, never forgiven, never forgotten, and will be punished.

the neo nazi larpers on here that say they look forward to the day of the rope, the white power rising, the next (or as they say first) holocaust - they should know that they are deplorable, adn will be resisted.

It has been shown that "denials" of events such as gassings in Dachau or kikes turned into lampshades were in fact justified. Why wouldn't they be there, especially with solid arguments and serious studies? No need to panic and censor it. :^)

>Any sane and honest man

but Zundel was not honest. he was lying about the things I listed. And he knew he was lying. he knew what he said was not true.

that is thething - he was not jsut mistaken, it was not that he had not done enough research, or not had the opportunity to do it. he knowingly lied. he knew he was saying things that were not true.

and he did it to encourage racial/religious/ whatever you call it violence.

>The Holocaust didn't happen, but they deny it and wish it would happen, so we must say it happened and censor those who say otherwise to prevent it from happening

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I'm talking about any sane and honest man, which means what it means. I don't care about your allegations about this single man alone, the law affects EVERYONE.

Ask anyone who works in a funeral home/crematorium, this shit isn't as fast as you think it is and they don't have an assembly line of dead bodies being constantly fed into ovens. Even with a backlog. But, yes, you are right about fat people taking way more time.

Lol stupid goy, holocaust is so true and horrible that there need to be laws criminalising any questions on the matter.

>It’s limited to crimes of genocide only?

no, - although I know the French law was not alowed to be extended to the Armenian genocide, for reasons I do not know.

it varies with the laws ans the country. I think only Israel specifies Jews as the protected group.

>The Holocaust didn't happen, but they deny it and wish it would happen, so we must say it happened and censor those who say otherwise to prevent it from happening
On the contrary, it's perverse and genius at the same time. Jews thrive in playing the eternal victim role. It works

I want a lampshade made out of a Jew.