Is the Anglo the worse thing that happened to Europe?

Seriously, nothing good came from this country.

-Multicultural example
-Muslim mayor
-“AAlright chaps, we can’t let Germany take over Europe otherwise there will be no safe place for northern Africans to rape your granddaughters”
-Sent spies to Yugoslavia and disabled it
-Forced Yugoslavia to go against Germany
-Sides with Turks on every war, most notably the Crimean war, and stopped Russia taking Constantinople
-Backstabbing liars
-Created Israel
-Created the word racist
-Queen is German
-Royal bloodline has niglet children on the way
-plays the good card after enslaving half of the world, is then surprised when Pakis flood their cities
-sides with Pakistan
-Drumpf balloon
-Pedophile sanctuary
-World leader of degeneracy
-“bin that knife goy”

That’s one percent of the Anglos crimes, I swear to god we need to nuke that island from existance

>inb4 “d and c”,
You know it’s true

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If anyone else has more examples of Anglo crimes post em

Absolutely.... Ireland should rule over them.. the irish never did anything wrong in history unlike the cancerous bongs

Just kill them all, they're like jews.

Nobody cares what New Zealand thinks.


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Your maps a pipe dream. NI still Loyal

I like beans and maltesers

Soon sweetheart, out breeding them, out educating them and out working them with better paid jobs, Catholics keep it afloat.

Choose your words carefully big guy, those are Anglo's you're talkin' about.