Why Soviet Union collapsed?

Why Soviet Union collapsed?

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A wise man would say korenizatsiya. Pol will say Jews. Both are correct.

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Jews realised it’s easier to control masses not by dictatorship but by perversion/subversion of media and democracy. Next question...

soviet union seemed so comfy for some reason

boris yeltsin couldn't run a checkout machine, let alone a country

yeah gulags and poverty are comfy

Because it wasn't real communism

It totally was if you were high ranking government official.
It wasn't if you were an average citizen standing in the bread line and dreaming of a car purchase license.

They realized that communism doesn't work

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The state cant into economics, even today this is problem


Russia being russia and making everything shit they touch also spending more on military than the usa while usa had a waaaayy bigger economy was not the smartest thing to do

Attached: military-expenditure-by-country-in-thousands-of-2000-us-dollars.png (3400x2400, 401K)

Socialism and prosperity are mutually exclusive concepts.

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america and jews allied andpulled the carpet on the puppet state


Shit cost money

Because the bureaucro-state grew increasingly inefficient and dysfunctional under Brezhnev and nobody was willing to reform it until Gorbachev came along who instituted necessary reforms that were so far reaching they snowballed so hard that he ended up dissolving his entire nation's political structure by accident. He never intended it to happen, but many groups took advantage of the weakness in the state that he opened up with his reforms, chiefly the satellite states and before long he was being permanently cucked out of power by Yeltsin. It was a pretty miraculous and incredible event, for how consequential and yet bloodless it was.

Because it’s a shitty model and greatly discourages innovation and ambition.

They bankrupted themselves trying to keep pace with American arms production. The USSR would built one Nuclear bomb, the US would built two. The USSR would up their production over and over again until collapse. Well, that and rampant starvation due to communism.

Capitalism from USA


The ak 47 is just as good as the m4. Just because USA has overpriced guns requiring more spending doesn't make it better

Compared to their economy they spend way too much for military

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for me its the thought that i could relocate from moscow to tashkent and would have work ready for me, no job hunt ect

Pizza Hut


They couldn't feed themselves because those collective farms never worked. They survived as long as they did by selling oil for food but when the price of oil collapsed in the 80s they started running out and something had to be done. They tried to reform the system but the system didn't want to be reformed, so it collapsed instead.

Sam Hyde killed it

You need to watch Sluzhebny Roman. Moscow in the 70s was a less than magical place.



The cover-ups and lies during the meltdown caused citizens to despise the government. Gorbachev's reforms helped abit but mostly for foreign infiltrators who later helped to dismantle the empire.

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i dont think the days following latvian and estonian independence were bloodless desu

relatively bloodless

oil prices

Because back then, Western liberal capitalism still offered reasonable national independence and equality. The mandate of communism eroded in the Soviet peoples' minds. Of course it was just a decoy, but that's how games of power work.

Because socialist calculation is impossible.


Eh, people will take all sorts of political dildos up their ass, as long they can eat. That's the brutal truth of the matter. Soviets couldn't eat and they stopped bending over.

Soviet Union would still be here today, if they could've gotten their retarded farms to work. They did try, well, they tried everything except free enterprise.

Funny enough, Russia now exports food, they produce so much of it now.
