Why do you believe in God Jow Forums?
Is it comfort? Are you afraid?
Why believe in God when you can believe in multiple? Is Odin not as real as your God?
Are you not atheists to most Gods, like Zeus, Thor, Vishnu? Why not take it one step further?
Why do you believe in God Jow Forums?
Is it comfort? Are you afraid?
Why believe in God when you can believe in multiple? Is Odin not as real as your God?
Are you not atheists to most Gods, like Zeus, Thor, Vishnu? Why not take it one step further?
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The Internet is a god.
No silly, the internet is a series of tubes.
God is only one, no matter how you call him. Just be a good human being and you may get rewarded (in case God exists). If he doesn't then you have nothing to lost anyway. It doesn't hurt to accept that there may be a stronger power.
Fallacious argument, Pascals wager is a logical fallacy
But don't you think it's best that we find out the truth through scientific advances, rather than just relying on faith?
Because Religion doesn't have a good history of being very tolerant of science. Especially not when religion was the dominant authority.
religion started our system of sophisticated education and many scientist do believe in higher power
Why is people's self-esteem so high they think they're able to solve every mystery. Our science isn't developed enough to colonise Mars and you think of finding God - the almighty being which can do everything. We're too stupid to find him just like ants are too stupid to comprehend how computers work.
You say 'many', but it's a small minority. And you still haven't answered my question. Besides Religion isn't the persuit of truth, it's the complete opposite. It's an attempt to control the masses by means of fear of going to 'hell'.
Oh sorry, I din't realise you were an authority on God, how do you know we can't comprehend him? Or are you just saying that because we haven't found evidence of him yet?.
Flimsy argument, holds no water.
thats like your opinion man
Brushing aside the question.
Prove God doesn't exist then
You'd be better off in your example touting Prometheus, he at least did something for humans
You can't disprove a negative. Prove to me Voltron doesn't exist, or prove to me the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist.
Do you realise how stupid that argument is now? It's not actually helping your case at all.
this is stale bait form 2008 mate
K i'm not talking with a moron. The concept of an almighty being is that it can do everything and is 10000000000000x smarter than any human. So if it doesn't want to be found, then it won't be found. We don't even know everything about Earth and we believe we're able to prove or disprove something which is infinite times greater than we will ever be. It's ridiculous. If you still don't understand what God is believed to be and why we're not intelligent enough to find him then educate yourself on this topic. You don't have to believe in God in order to understand it. My opinion is still the same, he may exist just as much as he may not exist.
God believers need to be executed
It's true though, it's a stupid damn argument that does nothing to prove he exists.
what makes your argument better? prove to me that everything is random and meaningless
You cant prove he exists, thats why its a belief. You cannot also prove he doesnt exist. We can only understand what we believe through philosophy, read Aquinas.
Oh, so you're not a theist then, you're agnostic? At least you're sane.
I understand what you mean, but the fact I can't comprehend him and/or he doesn't want to be found, doesn't help the case that he exists. Why did he decide to make himself known 2000 years ago? Why not 3000 years ago? Why did he decide to talk to an illiterate population, rather than the Chineese who could already read and write?
Chaos theory explains how the Universe functions off the back of random chance.
We've had these threads for ages now SAGE
Yes, but the whole point of this thread is to ask the question, WHY do you believe? Why when the lack of evidence points to nothing, why, when it's so fantastical that it wouldn't be out of place in a children's book?
the atheists have no argument, we merely point out that
>what can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence
my sweet, blessed, educated summer child.
so you unironically think that the complexities of the universe and life are random chance?
Yeah, and still waiting for an arguement better than 'hurr dur, prove he doesn't exist'.
Right wing atheist reporting in. Christians are mostly blacks now.
>my work here is done
Why do so few of us exist?
Just go on 4archive mate and find it, or 8_. This isn't even about politics
Jews and commies. Now they're trying to pozz up Christianity.
the funny thing is im agnostic i just find 2008 atheist arguments to be childish, people have a limit of understanding even with science we will never get a real answer youtube.com
>WHY do I believe?
Philosophy, everything in the universe is put in motion by something else. At some point you will arrive at a first mover as there cannot be an infinite regress. Therefore you arrive at an omnipotent mover that is put in motion by no other, we call this God.
>Lack of evidence
There is a lack of evidence to prove there is no god and that is why both sides are BELIEFS
your thinking that the thought experiment called “Russell’s teapot” is 10 years old just points out how dire your education is.
yet your vote has the same weight as mine. democracy was a mistake.
>Therefore you arrive at an omnipotent mover that is put in motion by no other, we call this God.
oh the famous God of the gaps fallacy.
well done.
google “non sequitur”, then read your post again, then go make some more Paki children you literal subhuman.
do you know why im referring to 2008? are you so autistic and new that you dont understand what i mean?
Another franky rediculous argument, if you are willing to believe God exists without outside intervention then why not believe the Universe exists as it's own entity?
There cannot be a first mover, how did that first mover come to be? Did he just pop into existence? If so, why can't the universe just pop into existence?
Those gaps cant be filled by anything other than God, keep calling me a paki you irrelevant shithole
>How did the first mover come to exist
Did you actually read my post m8
The only way to know GOD is by not being able to know HIM.
>God has to exist because he just has to
I see we have the seminary school dropout
God is alive and his name is Jesus Christ.
Is that so? Then why can we now explain how the tides work, and how the Earth moves around the Sun, while hundreds of years ago the explanation was 'God did it'.
If you take that view then as Science gathers knowlege, the gaps get smaller and God shrinks too. He's just a gap of ignorance that keeps getting smaller.
How do you explain the universe then Pablo?
>why do you believe in god
why don't you? also what created the universe? If it was a random event from nothingness what was before nothingness?
The things of science and that of faith derive from the same God fedora tipper
I don't because we don't have solid evidence for his existence, nor does it make much sense. We do not know what happened before the Big Bang... Yet. But the difference is Science is trying to find out, while religion just slaps God there and calls it a day. Lazy if you ask me.
The Universe is and the current idea is that there was a Big Bang with a cause of indeterminable nor observable origin based on our current understanding of mathematics and science. You can be agnostic on a god being the creator as well as it being just some freak accident as well, but to assert this as fact rather than just a pet theory when you have shit for evidence is asinine.
I don't think I've ever read such a nonsensical post.
science follows the scientific method, religion follows young children and goats, mostly, nowadays
Atheism follows faggotry, bestiality, moral decay.
it is unbecoming of an educated white man to believe in something without evidence.
you wouldn’t know, though
I'm an agnostic theist.
I believe there's SOME form of higher power out there beyond our existence (Not the organized religion kind), but I don't know for sure.
I've never said it is fact, its a belief, it has as much weight in terms of evidence as your belief.Both have no evidence of either one being completely wrong. when you discover the route cause for the universe without needing an all powerful being ill stop believing in God
Yet science cannot disprove Gods existence
Christianity has brought racemixing and open borders
Yeah good goy keep blaming the christians
Like, some sort of advanced alien species, or a mystical omipotent, omnibenevolent etc. being?
if you were white, you’d know you can’t prove a negative. also the burden of proof is not on the atheist.
this is why you people can not form a functioning society, you are low iq hoi polloi.
Sage shill threads
Yeah, hundreds of years of suppressed scientific advances wouldn't be, and thus we would be centuries more advanced. The horror.
The Secular west has bought those things especially the USA. It was through secular values and norms that the Protestant sects and Catholic Church had to change to fit the social norms made by secularism, that is why they are so shit.
While the Orthodox Church does not bow down to social norms, it aims to protect, boarders, race and country, through establishment of Christian Churches by ethnic lines. As quoted by Saint Stefan Nemanja, "The blood of your ancestors is sacred."
Pagan Rome was one of the first introduce open boarders and race mixing
Yup, potentially any of those things.
I've read up on the hologram universe theory and it's quite scientifically sound.
Perhaps we're living in a hologram created by some entity, or maybe a simulation created by future humans. Who knows.
>Hitler in the centre
he could have prevented this
Here we go again, with the christian dark age bullshit
I don't blame Christianity. I feel bad for Christianity as they're getting the same treatment Atheism did. You're getting subverted.
The Catholic Church was also redpilled on Jews from up until recently user. Make up your fucking mind
Do you want to spam some more of your faggotry, or would you like to have an actual conversation? I guess I'd be expecting too much from you to provide any sort of argument.
nice shop
Heathens aren't to talk to.
They are to smite.
imagine if you put all this religious zeal into finding a job
Islam, and the Byzantine Orthodox Churches preserved thousands of Greek philosophical and mathematical texts, it was the Church that introduced the concept of the round earth. The dark ages was not brought by the Church, but by the barbaric Germanic invasions that destroyed rome, and by the Hunnic Hordes.
fuck off faggot
He wouldn't do that, it'd require common sense.
God is real faggot , his judgment is upon us
Catholic Church was red pilled until the second Vatican council which totally fucked it up.