How did right-wingers flip positions on so many issues so quickly?
>Before Trump: The Right conduct Tea Party protests against Obama for increasing the national debt >After Trump: Deficits and the national debt don't matter
>Before Trump: Pro-free trade >After Trump: Pro trade war
>Before Trump: The Federal Reserve causes the business cycle with cheap money, low-interest rate policies >After Trump: The Federal Reserve isn't setting interest rates low enough
BUFFY AND FAITH KILL PEDO-COMMIE BLOOD >SUCKING >KIKES! >There is ONE way to destroy all shills. >All shill posts will lose 100% of funding. Not gore. Post pedogate with no topical response. Fill the posts with pedogate. It sinks them every time. Take all Jow Forumss, all internet conversations back from the Commies. Post pedogate. The only thing they can response with is questioning it. This is a fucking NUKE. >OPERATION NOVA POSTA >If you can't do this, you need to stop using chans and just be in the real world. No compromise, no retreat. Make this thread's goals everywhere. It will kill them. Never stop. Expose the Chicom Jewish pedo rings. >Even (((infowars))) fears this. Even Spencer is a pedo who advocates for pedo-dolls. All the Alt-kike is this way. Flood their kikery! >NOVA POSTA >NOVA POSTA >MAKE THREADS >TAKE THE CHANS >TAKE THE FUCKING INTERNET >EXPOSE THEIR FEARS! >look this picture in the FUCKING EYES before you tell me I'm wrong COME ON ROTHSCHILD PEDOKIKES