Was he /ourguy/?

>loved his homeland
>loved his people
>was the first to discover a threat to his homeland and people
>realized immediately how serious a problem it was
>knew the only solution to it would be to kill those in his homeland who if left alive would spread and consume everything
>when he told others about this they thought he was crazy and the people he needed to kill dindu nuffin
>was ultimately ignored and cast aside
>went on to solve the problem himself as best he could
>the leftists who abandoned him doomed themselves by not listening to him
>entire people and civilization ultimately wiped out by hordes of dindus
>could have all been stopped if they just listened

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He literally was the best man they could ask for. Uther was an utterly useless moralfag

I hear hes a really good cook.

>>loved his homeland
>>loved his people
>sacrificed his teacher and his personal fleet for a chance of revenge on immortal being for the other world

Yeah, no, he didn't love his homeland or people, he was megalomaniac.

>becomes obsessive with the situation
>gives his soul to a cursed sword at the edge of the world
>goes on to essentially murder almost all of his people and raise them as undead slaves

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The truly /ourguy/ who loved his homeland and people is Admiral Proudmore.

Used to lol when he said what sounded like 'justice is cum' like thats how he dished out his justice.

Arthas is in the same time both the best and the worst thing hoomans could ask for.

>getting hung up on what be become which was only a result of the liberals who denied who he was


He had support until he went crazy and started seeing the Scourge as a tool. You are basically saying he did nothing wrong while killing all of his people and turning them into Undead.

You forgot.
>Goes onto to do the exact same shit that he wanted to prevent.

they were already plagued when he got to stratholme

if you came to power now wouldn't you kill all the traitorous leftists who ruined our country?

You forgot about the ones that were alive after he got Frostmourne user.

Not really. He had a choice: do not chase after an immortal being from other world and sacrificing his comrades for some cursed sword, calm down his hurt ego and help how he can back in Lordaeron or sell his soul and become a pawn. He chose the letter.

Stratholme is one thing. Attacking lordaeron, killing his father, everyone within the walls and turning them into zombies so that he can self pleasure himself with corpses is another.

Arthas was a good boy, but frostmourne arthas was a bad boy.

Garrosh was right

>not wanting to hunt down the people who actively try to destroy everything you love
>because it didn't work out well means the motive behind it was wrong

By your analogy he was killing leftists until he got possessed by the soul of Karl Marx who then made him kill the false leftists as well as his friends

nu-Blizzard could never produce a storyline so moralistic ever again.

I hope WC4 never comes out.


Varimathras did nothing wrong.

feel like if they release wc4 the storyline will be somewhere in the new trash wow timeline instead of just continuing from where wc3 left off which is the campaign we all want

ITT: 30 year old boomer who played ancientfag video games.
>get with the times, gramps

fuck you old blizzard was cool

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I remember when I first saw Warcraft 3 and thought it was top of the line graphics.

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>"The lesser races must be purged from the kingdom." - our guy 2003

Pic related

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I don't think immortal elves could be considered a lesser race

Arthas Menethil was a murdering scumbag who was blinded by his own piety who went on to become the best villain in the entire Warcraft universe.

>knife ears

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Yeah humans are now multi- cultural so don't be surprised when you see a peon mining your gold mine (naturally he takes 5% reparation for the enemy orc team)

>ghoul cannibalize your sorceress
>archmage is imprisoned for not feeding him a priest as well

I only played Horde on WoW. Never played the other games after o.g WC.

Comfy Thread

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You guys are fucking nerds, Nefarian was a filthy race mixer and that's why he had to die

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>tfw you have to keep building farms because of refuges

Arthas did nothing wrong.
He obviously did nothing wrong during the human campaign. But he also didndu nuffin as an undead. By this time, it had been established beyond the shadow of a doubt that Lordaeronian were faggots and Arthas made something better out of them.
It's not a new story, it's fantasy Coriolanus, who did nothing wrong in history and neither in fiction. Except in Warcraft 3 the young mage roastie blue balled him so there was no opportunity to play on family and Coriolanus invades Rome.

>be footman
>love my kingdom so much that i train every day to protect it
>want to murder every greenskin that's invaded our world
>hear that greenskins have come to our lands again
>eager to go to battle
>told that we are not going to war
>told that we are going to fight with the greenskins
>told that if i cause trouble with the greenskins i'll be hung for treason by the commander i respected so much
>greenskin burns my farm, rapes my wife and children then sacrifices them to the burning legion
>report this to my commander
>tells me that i need to be understanding in times like these
>pull the visor down on my helmet
>shed tears as i return to marching stance with my brothers
>get stomped to death by archimonde a week later in kalimdor

WC2 > WC3

my whole point was that pre-Frostmourne Arthas was relatable to us in that we see a obvious threat to western civilization which most normies either ignore or defend because our solution to it isn't nice to dindus
everyone only focuses on post frostmourne arthas to counter argue it though

can you still play warcraft 2 on windows 10? i never got to play it. i do have wc1 disc still but i can't run it on win10

You forgot:
>listened to the voices from the "cursed" sword
>realised he could achieve and grant people eternal life
>so dedicated to this cause that he killed his own dad

>I'll take 'What is DOSBox' for $100, Alex

The reason why people are so eager to dismiss pre-LK arthas is because blizzard made it so incredibly obvious through the Culling of Stratholme scenario that Arthas was blinded by his faith and believed he was doing the right thing, like Xe'ra in the Legion cinematic on board of the ship we used to travel to Argus if you've seen it.
Compare Xe'ra to pre-frostmourne Arthas and you'll see why people only think of the Lich King when they hear the name Arthas Menethil.

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how the fuck should I know mate, I run Win7

i need to step my game up

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Arthas did NOTHING wrong. He was too good for Lordaeron.

>abandons /ourguy/ at stratholme and turn a liberal blind eye to the plague
>steal half of your naval mercantile nation's trade fleet to sail west on the wishy-washy suggestion of some hooded stranger
>establish a meglomanical monument of a treasonous colonalist kingdom with state-enforced multiculturalism and racial diversity under your own enlightened feminist leadership
>befriend the fel-addled xeno invaders who fled their humane concentration camps after 15 years of genocidal warfare against all human, dwarven and elven states of the east resulting in the disassociation and destruction of three nations
>conspire with the aforementioned demonblood-crazed alien warmongers to assassinate your father, the king, relaying strategic information and facilitating the orcish recruitment of mercenary privateers to subvert his majesty's city-coup and restore sole control of your own egocentric city-state despite the fact he crossed the entire sea and braved the eternal maelstrom only out of absolute parental concern without a shred of anger for the aforementioned crippling theft of your home nation's indispensible mercantile navy
>trust the orcs never to return to their warmongering ways ever again

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Literally fucking neckbeards, I had to Google that shit and go through some YouTube videos to figure out the allegory.

>A*Liance scum SEETHING over Theramore

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user just buy warcraft 3 and the expansion and have a good time

fuck everybody ITT the only /ourguy/ in wc3 is cairne bloodhoof. I don't get how anyone could have beef with cairne bloodhoof.

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An user of culture.

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>such a weak leader that after ruling for years his entire race on verge of going extinct
>losing to his kin daily to horse niggers
>is only saved from death by a chance occurrence of greenskin niggers passing by and thinking cow people deserve to live over horse people

yeah he's the kind of guy we should rally behind

He must of been a German. Kek.


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You disgust me.

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WC4 would focus on Arthas realising he is a tranny and him fighting the "evil" a actual Nazi's who claim he's mentally ill.

Based and redpilled

>Imagine being this obsessive over Illidan's cock.

>h-h-hey Maiev
>pfffffft pfffffffft
>f-f-find illidan y-y-yet

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He has sacrificed everything.
What have YOU given?

I didn't shit on Illidan, he is my fav along with Arthas. Faggots still mad he was given a redemption arc.

I know, just using an overused line that I can't wait to never hear again except when levelling.
Fucking demon hunter cunts

how did legion end up going with him? i only followed illidan up to TBC

>unironically playing the feminist faction

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I would call for sage 'cause it's not politics related, but it's far better than all the shills and copypastas I see around here

Thrall was /ourguy/ too. He wanted the best for his people.

He went and acted as Sargeras' prison guard after we imprisoned him at the end of Legion.

He kicked the Legion's ass and now he is either guarding an imprisoned Sargeras or he killed him I am not really sure (doubt it's the latter).

okay cool, thanks for the info

99% sure he didn't kill Sargeras. The titans would've done so when they snatched him out of the cloud over silithus.

best game ever and best character ever...

I know, it's just that the cinematic's ending is a lil tad ambiguous and I haven't played post WotLK WoW to know in depth.

thank you all for giving me the Jow Forums wc3 thread i always wanted
some good bants and nostalgia
made my day

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Thrall was based until the whole storyline with Garrosh.

>who played ancientfag video games.
I played WC3 for some 6 years, from 2006 till about 2012 when Starcraft II came out

One of the best games I've ever played. In fact, I still play it from time to time


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Man, can video games like the old WC games even be made again? They are based around a literal race war and the supremacy of one race over the other.

I see what you did there

if you go onto WoW now it's a big multicultural shitfest with non whites running rampant through human lands, it's disgusting

Arthas and Garrosh literally did nothing wrong. Thrall is a piece of shit little bitch and Varian Wrynn was the ultimate leader.

Unarguable PowerRanking:
TBC > WoTLK > MoP > Legion > Cata > WoD

>"I hate working with these...people."
>"We humans have to stick together."
>"Humanity is in peril."
>"These inhuman dogs must be slain."
>"The lesser races must be purged from the kingdom."
>"The only good non-human is a dead non human."
>"If you want something done right, leave it to a human."
>"Never trust an elf!"
Obviously replace human with huwhite

>Man, can video games like the old WC games even be made again?
No, because business model changed I guess. Although Starcraft II was kick ass

>communist mean well so who cares about a genocide here and there.


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>that zoomer who never played warcraft
>that zoomer who plays fortnite

Take this shit to the videogame board where we try to contain the soifags.

this is plenty relatable to white genocide we discuss often on this board fuck off

StarCraft II was ass.

Recently played brood war for the first time and it astounds me how vastly superior it is to Starcraft II in every way from map design, to unit and faction depth, and gameplay (hell, the micro is simultaneously more fun and more complicated than in Starcraft II)

Arthas' actions at Stratholme should have been working with Uther on how to contain the plague instead of going on a murderous rampage "because its the only way" and not even discussing another option.

Along with going to fucking Northrend after some dreadlord because you have a score to settle and abandon all your comrades and people who are still reeling from the plague.

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Hay mon where da elf womanaz at.

Zulgin dindu nuffin.

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Wait what if Drumpf is Medivh? He predicts eveything and only few listens to him, while the rest call him crazy like King Menethil

Anybody know where I can buy the first Warcraft in german? It's too expensive in ebay

Do you guys still play wc3? Fuck man I remember being like 10 years old and on weekends playing online from 6pm until like 6 am. Those were the days. I loved playing the custom games too. Human vs orcs, ultimate footman, and wintermauls


I consider said cinematic to be on cannon. The Naaru are physical emobdiments of the light; they cannot be "corrupted". Fuck blizzard for raping their own lore to make a edgemaster who has died twice already seem "cool"

I could do one, but how? I don't know shit and all game companies are fucked by O'Sullivans law.

>business model changed
Isn't this a general trend within the gaming industry? Once upon a time developers would make games targeted towards actual *nerds*. These days they try to broaden the target group, making games that are fun for "everyone." Inclusivity. Now you can play with your mom, sister and GF because the game is based on simplicity and randomness.

Well unit mechanics are better in Brood War I agree, but it has to do with the fact that they cover more space than their visual size so units don't stick to one another

oh and also picking up a cursed sword despite your old dwarf comrade's warnings

he became obsessed with killing Malganis and stepped right into the plot of becoming another champion for the Scourge when he went to Northrend

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