Are not eggs blank slates? What life does an egg have? Isn't an egg merely a vehicle for life to grow?
Sperm on the other hand... despite the fact we are constantly ingrained to see it as valueless, is full of things that are alive!
Are not eggs blank slates? What life does an egg have? Isn't an egg merely a vehicle for life to grow?
Sperm on the other hand... despite the fact we are constantly ingrained to see it as valueless, is full of things that are alive!
Let your theory to test: impregnate a nigger and see if the child will share your fenotype.
Oh right, it will you retarded mutt.
The fuck is that thing?
An egg just sits there like a byotch, sperm man, sperm gets his shit GOIN, he ready he flexin, he runnin.
Yet... we're the lotion kleenex boys and they're the bringers of life?
Every time we jerk off, we're expelling millions of little homies to death.
At one time each of us were those little homies.
I think this is good motivation to stop jerkin it
WTF dude ? Do you realise how terrifying that thing is ?
Polish? lel.
It's only terrifying because we don't see our bodies as teeming colonies of life. As lifegivers. Jizz out your goo, wash your hands, good boy
whats that thing what hijacks the tired sperm and pushes them into the egg?
where did u get this video of me?!?!
take this down right now!
both are complex. women eggs/vaginas on the other hand lure the sperm to the egg with chemicals. it is fascinating how good they work together when you look at the small processes but work so bad together when looking on women and men in general in *currentyear*. the jews did a good job in destroying that synergy on the macrolayer while microlayer functions great
Nanobot. In the future you will be able to choose the best sperm from the fluid and ensure that it gets to the egg.
is germany so desperate to abolish nazism that they not only teach the holocaust but refuse to teach genetics so that no one can advocate eugenics?
total abomination. that child will be soulless
is this child porn?
No. Half of your DNA came from a sperm cell, and the other half came from an egg. That's why you have some features from your mother, and some from your father, and maybe some recessive feature that they both have, but don't express.
is it basically a bit of metal being moved around with a magnet?
because that's what it looks like
>souls are real
l o l
The engineer fought a giant sperm.
>That's why you have some features from your mother
technically you get features from your mothers mother and father not your mother. women are born with every single egg they'll ever have which develop while they are developing in the womb. genetically a women's offspring are like her half siblings
Read sperm wars.
90% of your sperm is actually evolved to do battle with other men’s sperm. Only 10% are considered the “elite egg getters”
>double-body sperm
h-he's fast
Except he's right. It's not a perfectly even half and half split but that's the general result.
56% + Nigger = Polish
>sperm wars
>Examined the frequency of extra-pair copulations (EPCs) by 2,708 female humans in relation to the probability of conception on days 6–20 of a 28-day menstrual cycle. Data are interpreted as supporting a sperm competition theory of double-mating behavior.
>the absolute state of christcucks
I somewhat agree. MicroMacro that is the first struggle, the sperm must prevail this naturally. This is dysgenic.
fair enough, I just don't like the "you get z from your mom and z from your dad" pseudo science
like this dumbass
How the fuck is that micro spring navigating itself? This is amazing...
> This comprehensive meta-regression analysis reports a significant decline in sperm counts (as measured by SC and TSC) between 1973 and 2011, driven by a 50–60% decline among men unselected by fertility from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Because of the significant public health implications of these results, research on the causes of this continuing decline is urgently needed.