g*rman hate thread
G*rman hate thread
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What a load of bullshit
It probably counts all the brainwashed womyn who say they are bisexual
Based Magyars
you're right, it's probably around 20%
Is Ireland still in the closet?
There's a new superbug disease that only kills faggots. 50% of Germany population at risk.
It's Kinsey Reports all over again. Leftards and their "reaching the goals no matter the means" mentality.
This stat is very misleading, as LGBT include bi-sexuals, of which more people identify with than you might expect.
Being gay or being straight is nothing binary, there are men who love women with passion but don't mind sucking dicks but dislike the aggressive nature of other men.
>there are men who love women with passion but don't mind sucking dicks
I am as straight as you can be, I am not very interested in traps, but you've got to admit that there's a point to be made when alot of straight guys claim they're attracted to traps.
All of our fags migrate. I knew a bunch of guys as kids who are fags now and live abroad.
>straight guys
>attracted to traps
Yeah, i've got some news for you.
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Did some german stole your girlfriend or something? Why so butthurt
They all join the British Council, and teach English in Thailand.
This is now a German love thread
We wuz kangz
They probably held that survey in Cologne.
Old as shit
>The absolute state of german coalburners (discovering collectivism)
>Proud of giving up
>Talking about the mixed children mostly having 2 parents from a different ethnic background, although it is quite visible, that only 2 black fathers are present for all 30 women or so
>Actually teaching small black children to play the drums, what is next? Spear-Chucking?
I hope the hand out complementary sunglasses
Based Hungary