Was women entering the work force a positive thing?

Was women entering the work force a positive thing?

Attached: women workforce.jpg (800x533, 52K)

Not for women.

Why not?

Yes, it made labour cheaper and made all those nice industrialists so much money! Capitalism at its finest.

Weren't women also largely involved in the work force in Socialist/Communist countries as well though?

Not for anybody in the long run. But oh well, we've got to enjoy the ride while we can I guess.

Attached: 1526775207505.png (920x319, 243K)

It was mostly done because it then made another 50% of the population have easier access to disposable income for them to buy stupid shit like clothes

Yes, they were. For exactly the same reason though - to boost the production at expense of a family. Commies here ever tired to dismantle the family unit completely after the revolution.

>man used to make enough to sustain household, home and dog
>all womyn had to do was marry someone then could do whatever the fuck, chill with the kids all day and spend free time
>now 2x income can barely sustain family.
>cannot spend all day chillin with the kids

For kikes, yes.