Vaccinated vs unvaccinated

I have never been given a legitimate answer for this.

Can any of you pro-vaxxers give me a legitimate reason that is not just "It's unethical because vaccines work". This study does not prove causation but it must at least show some correlation, and if you dare to complain about the size or legitimacy of the study then have the cdc do a real one. How do we know vaccines aren’t causing long-term health problems?
A: Observing vaccinated children for many years to look for long-term health conditions would not be practical, and withholding an effective vaccine from children while long-term studies are being done wouldn’t be ethical.

It seems a bit too convenient that the most wanted studies that are vaccinated vs unvaccinated, saline injection and long-term health studies are not done because "it's unethical". Clearly there is some bullshit going on.

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it's a sample size of a hundreds of kids vs millions. A lot of the rise of ADHD and other spectrum like issues is doctors and families are quicker to look for and label stuff. We might of had the same issues in 1940 but you never left the farm so no one cared.
Also people are having kids much later in life and honestly I think that plus the over all toxic like environment we live in now is why kids have issues. Plastics, water treatments, junkfood, frozen dinners vs making stuff from scratch, chemicals everywhere from food just spaying your own lawn. Smog and over all air quality is shit now. Kids spend all day sitting around vs doing stuff and maybe the lack of exercise + social actions and them all being fat little tubby bastards adds to issues.
It's way more complicated than just vax issues. Yet if you don't vax and then the issues are real clear cut cause and effect when you kid gets something horrible, we already mostly cured.

The Libertarian in me always balks at the idea of making anything MANDATORY. You should be free to do your own research and make your own decisions.

That being said, if you don't vaccinate your children, you're fucking retarded. The diseases they prevent are WAY worse than the theoretical side effects.

You ignored everything I just asked for and brushed it off as "Vaccines are safe and stop diseases it's obviously everything else so we shouldn't do this basic study that we learn about in high school science"
Group A gets the product, group B does not compare. Why is it only vaccines do not have to do this study yet every other pharmaceutical product does.

Yeah vaccines havn't been tested for safety in 30 years.

Big lawsuit from last week. HHS admitted it hasn't done a safety study since 1986 even though they are mandated by law. The whole thing is a fucking sham.

>child at risk of benign ailment
>dont vaccinate them so they die of measels instead.

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Reminder that mandatory vaccination of newborns is designed to
1) make it impossible for your immune system to develop properly and make you depedent to pharma drugs for the rest of your life
2) modify your DNA with nanoparticles so that even your offspring is born with weak immune system

Get as few shots as possible and NEVER before the age of 10

>the largest figure is brown
>the smallest figure is white


I have my kids go to a local farm and play with the animals to get their natural immunities up.
My kids have gotten sick like twice in their lives (4&5)

lol no one dies of measles* anymore, they used to have measles* parties back in the day so the entire neighborhood could get infected. Now we are finding out that having measles in life causes you to be immune to certain cancers. Actually more people have died from reported and confirmed vaccine deaths than measles in the past 20 years, and that doesn't even count the non reported SIDS cases. But you're to retarded to realize.