How much time does she have left?

How much time does she have left?

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shes allready dead, they just carry her around and use some puppeteer stuff.

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Man ...Roseanne really looks bad after the show...

About three fifty

my last 3 digits in days

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Not much at all

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40 days

who has the hildawg falling, slipping, crashing videos? need a good chuckle this morning

Too long user...too long

She's only 70?
I guess she did get handed a life-humiliating defeat by a guy who got into politics a few month ago before kicking her ass at the top of her game.

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before she's hanged for treason? Probably not much time at all.

i will rejoice when this cunt drops

> #StillWithering

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Assange was traded for a russian spy. Trump is going to parade Assange around and boast he captured a traitor Obama couldn't.

the real reason Trump is bringing in Assange is to testify about DNC emails. Shit is going to be huge. Trump will pardon Assange for exposing DNC. It's all part of the plan, baby.

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Stop. I can only get so erect.

Looks like she's low on adrenachrome

She'll make it to the 2020 election. Do a speech supporting Kamala Harris, then pass out on stage. People will take it as an omen, and the new trumpenreich is formed.

that weekend at bernie's campaign was a trip

She won’t make it to 2020

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hopefully today

Who is this

Too much

What the fuck is she wearing?

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She is only a couple of years younger than Trump, and Trump is not looking good, so once he dies give her a couple of years

For whom the bell tolls. IT TOLLS FOR SHE

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Another second is to much for this evil cunt.

She eats aborted fetuses. The stem cells will keep her around till her 100s at least

Does it really matter?
Her career is finished.

Currently watching documentaries on Kuru, just paused to have a smoke.

She has months. Witness.

Dam huma is so hot

Tick tock. Goes the clock.

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Reptilians live for a very long time, however the ones trapped here are all truly male and are now very old.

4 years

Not long, the frail old grandma look is the last shapeshift to make you feel sorry for her before she goes full Spider Mastermind.

Strap up with that BFG dogg.

Too much.

Oh, shit. Is Trump Doomguy as the prophecy foretold?

Assange and most of the wikileaks staff have been dead or compromised for almost 2 years

Attached: 55015_13_wikileaks-being-astroturfed-under-government-control.jpg (766x1776, 763K)

Too much.

Assange has been dead for a very long time pal...

witches live an awfully long time.

19 years

Evil old ladies have a way of hanging on into their 90s. Depends on whether she keeps falling down though.

>Trump is bringing in Assange is to testify about DNC emails.

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Or maybe Trump meant it when he said after the election he would no longer go after Hillary. Maybe no one will be arrested. Maybe there will be no wall. I love Trump but he isn’t the cabal crushing messiah we hoped for. He is a good president that will keep us out of slavery and global socialist hell for 6 more years. Then it will be back to business as usual.

>the real reason Trump is bringing in Assange is to testify about DNC emails. Shit is going to be huge. Trump will pardon Assange for exposing DNC. It's all part of the plan, baby.

Well based on her puking green stuff at one of her rallies and having seizures not much longer


I think this is the stage zombies enter right before blood lust