On what date is next financial crisis set to happen?

On what date is next financial crisis set to happen?

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We must slay a bull on the steps of the Fed and read the entrails to know for sure.

Tomorrow morning.


Whenever the Fed decides that it's time to stop playing games.

Doesn't appear to be any bubbles right now, and we are already in a bear market. Historically the bear market will not clear until some time next year. Then we need a long muti-year run up. Some form of bubble will need to happen, then we are looking at financial crisis. As of right now, everything appears to be operating smoothly. With the singular exception that the fed should be selling off their QE assets to manage inflation rather than raising interest rates.

Statistically, sometime in October.


>On what date is next financial crisis set to happen?
when the price for a barrel of oil hits a new high. It will happen before 2030

Right now

Black monday 7/23/18, on the news of 500B tariff on China

have you seen home prices lately?


Are you stupid? It's almost to impossible to time it so precisely. But it's going to happen soon, that's for sure.


Good luck decoding.

Start of encrypted message.
End of encrypted message.


people who own a house don't think there is a bubble, people who don't own think there's a massive bubble

I'll bet you anal sex it doesn't happen before 2030.
But you have to scream out PEAK OIL 2008 when I cum inside you.

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last week


Ask jews, they've engineered every single one of them since at least 1873

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July 22nd, 2018. The repeating numbers will confirm.

You mean jewish supremacy through genetic genocide.

How are markets in Australia and China doing?

Yup. Home prices are high, but it is not a bubble because the price is based upon low inventory. The 2008 bubble was being driven by free loans. Those do not exist anymore.


>Doesn't appear to be any bubbles right now

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Thats called a bubble mentality.

Needs a bubble
>ignores real estate bubble worldwide

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Prove it.

Use a sha256 rainbow table.

agree, most cities are DNC controlled and they are not allowing any new subdivisions to go up. Instead Apartment complex's are being built.

Digits prove it, 20.3.2023 is the time

>pic related

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Rip seth rich.



No, 2023 is when WW3 breaks out starting with a nuclear detonation in Cairo.

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I wish

There is not wining move.


>pic related

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True. My city has like 1,000 new apartments built just this year.

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Bitch please... have you seen college loans lately? Half of the people I know in college are walking around with six-figure debt for questionable degrees.

It took like 80 years to have a crisis as bad as the 2008 one. Why do people assume we're going to have one just as bad or worse just a decade later?

Because they're ridiculous ancap or natsoc or communist politics rely on predicting doom as right around the corner.

I always feel bad about my 14k. It's stopped me from leaving my parents home this year. But I have a job, 40k, not much but what can I do.
Own my car at least and I pay $600 in insurance for the year.

The economy and politics are one in the same. During GWB's last term, the fed started raising rates until the economy burst. Just look at the graphs, it's pretty spooky. Now that Trump is in office they choose to raise rates in the exact same manner.

Yes, but they can't default on those loans, and payments will be made, even if they are garnished from peoples meager paychecks.
Consider, I think this is a terrible system of debt, yes. But, they do not represent a bubble, because the debt is not growing exponentially. If anything people are currently walking away from college education, to go into the skilled trades.

Commercial paper was the catalyst for the 2008 crisis. Banks started selling assets to cover their short term loans, this devalued their leveraged option trades and the spiral began.
The commercial paper market no longer exists. Banks are now required to go fed for overnight loans, and this alerts regulators that something is going on in the bank. Like using unusually leveraged option trades in a bank for instance.

I am not going to claim a crash can never happen again. But a crash like 08 can never happen again (at least not anytime soon)

there has been a 0% interest rate for 10 years of course this is a bubble. Is my opinion. but I been wrong for 10 years like my dad peter schiff

don't know man, I Think the left is so pissed at Trump that they will crash the world economy just to get rid of him.

OK, I bet you it can. If I win I get to fuck you in the ass and you have to scream out "PLEASE HAMMER DON'T HURT ME" when I cum inside you.

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A good catalyst might be the Chinese economy bursting at the seams, you can only cook the books for so long, this trade war might ruin them.


By the end of the year

The economy is no great mystery, it's not climate, its well understood, controlled and can be popped as reliably as the physics of a stretched balloon.

Raise those interest rates and watch the party start.

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It won't ruin them, but it will show the Chinese people and any faggot Westerners who support China what China is really all about once they start murdering their citizens.

We didn't have as big of a Jew problem back then...and now we have boomers on top of the kikes.

27 28
FUCKIN 27 28
27 28


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Yes but they can't justify higher rates without significant inflation, and there is none.

Boomers just put a bandaid on the problem in 2008 so they could get through to retirement and make it someone else's problem

This, at the end of the third quarter/start of the fourth is when shit tends to hit the fan.

what happens if they never raise rates and just leave them like this forever

Speaking as an expert who predicted 20 of the last 2 recessions, I can confidently say you just have enough time to buy this gold I constantly say is going to be absolutely priceless, but for some weird reason I keep selling.

Trust me Go..Gu.. Guy

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The bottom will finally fall out in the roastie market.

KEK, This guy gets it.

Don't forget to sell your gold for fast easy money - like grammy's gold necklaces and teeth fillings she no longer needs.
>use pliers if you need to.

If I had to put a date on it... When millennials start opening their 401k statements realize they are paper rich, and start going all in on the financial leverage. Three years after that.

You won't even know it is there until first couple of months pass. Forget the epic memes about -20% fall in a single day.

2008 recession was a slow fall of -1% to -3% daily falls over 7-9 months.

And then you had the FED's policy of admitting the recession. You need to have 2 consecutive financial quarters (6 months) of negative GDP growth when they would admit that. And even then, the official final tally for the last quarter is when the new one is well under way.

So, if it was to start tomorrow you would hear that US is officially in a recession 8 months from now.

And the day is slowly coming, the 2018 2nd quarter is lower than the first, will be about 2%, if 3rd comtinues to be lower (2-1.5%) we are bound to get one earliest by the next spring.

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So in about 33-43 years?

>conventional oil has already peaked
>new oil discoveries at a record low
>production rates are depleting by 5 million barrels of oil per day per year.
> world consumes 100 million barrels of oil a day.

I agree.

The 2000s was the worst decade for stocks in over a century.

Anyone who claims to know when the next market crash will happen is a clown. It’s entirely possible we get a 20% or so pullback a la 1987 and then the bull run resumes for another decade.

thanks for that image...

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so to keep oil at the price it is right now, we need to produce as much oil new oil as american Frackers are producing, every year.

When the pedophile rings are close to exposure, (((they))) will give us a market correction for the record books.

Hopefully soon. We all need a little discomfort.

Then there is no capitalist free-market economy anymore, it's just Communism

I'm not sure what justifying means in the context you used it. The justification for raising rates however is always the health of the economy, which since Trump is boasting about how well its doing, it's completely justified to raise rates which indicates a healthy economy.

However the reality is that aside from the predictable partisan reaction to that, the consequence would be a massive downward spiral as the cheap money propping this whole charade up tightens and the subsidized economic sectors begin to pop and give way.

Sadly enough, this actually would set us on the path towards a better economy, but also it would be cataclysmic depression people are unwilling to tolerate which could precipitate the complete annihilation of the US dollar.

Who knows these things though

true, the higher price oil get's. then the more of it that becomes available from previously unprofitable methods. Problem is that right around $100 a barrel global economies start to melt.

Remains funny how people have actually managed to label the current system as "free market capitalist" I know you have to piss with the cock you got and arguing for proper labels never got anyone anywhere, but god damn.

We will start to see major troubles in winter 2019 - summer 2020.
World financial markets will tumble after that. And a world wide recession will ensue into end of Trump's second term in 2024 before we start any notion of recovery but all the recovery will be possible because of policies that are being set forth today.
The trigger for the big recession will be student loan credit, medical industry debt, and possibly start off with auto-loan industry bottoming out with bad debts.
My theory is based on cyclical recession and the fact that equities are over valued beyond imagination. The markets are on the last gasp of going as high as they can before things get really ugly by the end of next year.

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Dallas has built over 100,000 units in the past 3-4 years alone. Texas has built around 250,000 units in the same time period.

Oh wow, I didn't know goalposts could move so easily!

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The crash never happened in 08. We prolonged the issue and made it worse by pumping in trillions of dollars in EZ subsidies instead of letting the toxic entities/bad actors fail and go bankrupt.

informative, sad that they are being filled up with Californians and illegals

Found the two economic scholars

If you're not following indicators and global economic news. By the time you hear we're in a recession, the retail trader and 401k holder is already fucked and you'd have lost all your money already.

>piss with the cock you got
Are you AvE?
>keep your dick in a vice

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I'm not eating shit to create jobs. :D

digits say tommorrow

Raising rates significantly like Volcker did is only expedient when inflation runs high.
If for every day expenses of most people inflation is low or negative and wages are flat, raising rates will just increase borrowing and mortgage costs while depressing asset prices.
Fact is we've seen massive asset price inflation since the gfc so rents and house prices keep rising while wages remain flat and consumer goods become cheaper all the time.
>tl;dr: free bread and circuses but skyrocketing housing, education and health care costs.

2008 was a result of 2001. And you're right the QE only patched the sinking ship with duct tape , and moving forward when the next event-happening happens we will need to take the hit.

>next financial crisis
Please don't.


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Plus childless hedonistic millenials. The American Dream is dying.

Yeah why are those GenY fuckers not propping up the economy with their 38 year stagnant wages?

Boomers say that they aren't working hard enough

neh, but that guy is absolute gold though

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