Nooo, stop forming bonds men! You need to reserve your time and resources for women!

Nooo, stop forming bonds men! You need to reserve your time and resources for women!

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This is natural, men have never wasted time with idle socializing with woman. Only dating culture forced them into that.

Roasties BTFO

I thought women wanted more faggot men?


I'm 29, but look better than other men my age because I got no cunt sucking my life force out

this was surprisingly true. becomes more obvious when you get married and you realize you would rather go fishing with your buddies than spend time with your wife.

Why is it always black man and white man.

Spending time with your friends and maybe renting together is bad now?

Actually, me and my best friend talked about this once. Take advantage of gay marriage for the monetary benefits and just fuck whatever women we want.

> Have a best bud for 23 years now
>Every girl I've ever dated, including wife gets pissed off by our care free friendship
> His wife does too
> Mfw

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Then women need to step up their game and compete.
If all they offer is a hole, that's all they will be reduced to.

>"bromance" is bad!
>men should be allowed to marry each other

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We should bring back Gentleman's Social Clubs. A place for men only to gather and socialize without having to worry about the invasion of ham beast and land whale feminists.

fucking this


I want a friend so badly. I moved to Calgary almost 7 years ago away from all my friends with a woman because I knocked her up. I am so lonely. I work full time as a plumber but everyone I work with seems to really be offended by my personality.

women are for children, men are for sex. this is known across all civilizations

As much as this is disgusting. The reason why traditionally speaking homosexuality is a sin is that it was understood to be a proclivity in all men. However, its still fucking evil and men should not be doing it.

I can confirm that the average Canadian believes this. This is why I have no friends even in Canada most right wing city.

Yes this is the real deal. Total history revisionism actually has people believing gay is not a choice.

this. the eternal roastie screams in pain as she stabs you


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This is how it was before the cultural revolution. Men socialized and had intimate relationships with each other. Wives were there to breed with and take care of your house the stfu. It's the natural order.

Younger brother by ten years is moving out next summer and going to crash with me while he goes to school. Going to have a road trip first, maybe some time out of the country and then everything is gonna be so lit senpai. I have already started the redpilling.

They can’t though. That’s why I encourage my wife to hang out with her friends. Why do women never have close relationships with each other?

They think that straight men should be there for them. They consider gays their cute pets, if number of homosexuals increased considerably women would certainly be against them.

i am in toronto and all of my friends are right wing

ideal plan (only works if you are not secretly gay): get married to your best friend, be successful, own a big house together with plenty of personal space, be eternal wingmen and pick up all the chicks you can, share bro memories and fun experiences, respect each other, adopt children (or rent a womb) and raise them to be free thinkers, give the middle finger to absurd and exploitative social norms. every time I say this people tell me it's just a matter of time before i jump on the cock carousel, but I think it's just crazy enough to work.

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even my fag friends are all right wing, many libertarians

Because women are the niggers of gender and even women know this.

women should 'marry' corporations and start families with them. Corporations already profide child care services for their employees, so this isn't too far of a stretch.


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>are all right wing
Hmmmmmmmm, I wonder what could've caused a shift like that

people hate garbage leftist politics

they do, your wife is just a weirdo

>Being friends with someone is somehow saying they’re gay and want to marry each other and fuck their bum holes

I mean at this fucking point in all god damn honesty it’s much more economically viable to marry another dude because you’d both have a job and might legit like each other’s company. But those are some serious mental gymnastics to pull to also say you aren’t gay

Such a conundrum. Marry and receive benefits from a bullshit government or don’t have have roasties keep calling you gay because you have a friend.

The eternal fucking struggle for success

women can't just magically become interesting people

it's not in their biology

bought a house with my mate and it's now cheaper than renting. if we ever have a falling out it's a 50/50 split none of this fucking women bullshit. we also don't have the same days off work so we can bring sluts back and fuck them, the only rule is no fucking in public spaces. we also have our own bathrooms so I can piss on the floor if I want

Because that's what they fear most.

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women cannot love
this is why you get a wife(female) for sex and reproduction and a girlfriend(male) for real intimacy

Do women really think guys socialize with them for any reason but to fuck? 9/10 of them are basic as fuck anyway. You talk to one in 2018, you can basically guess everything about the rest of them in 2018 until they jump on the next trend.

>so I can piss on the floor if I want
Truly, you guys are still family

This is what peak male relationships look like.

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he got mad once because I pissed all over the dunny floor when drunk and his sister went to use my bathroom because he has the master with en suite while I get the spare room for my guitars and shit. I told him to make his family use his bathroom and he said no he doesn't want to clean it. we ended up hiring some shit skin to clean twice a week

They talked about this theme in silent weapons for quiet wars; men wouldn’t want to be perceived as doing something against their sexual nature and the system uses this to social engineer them and cause them to reject activities that could threaten the status quo.

Fraternal activities and male bonding are components of a strong civilization, not a “bromance”

How do I get a bro? I never had friends, even online.

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My grandparents lived separate lives but they never divorced this bizarre modern idea that married people have to be joined at the hip every waking hour seems to have emerged from pure bullshit

don't believe you

>pissing on the floor enough to warrant hiring a maid to come twice a week
What the fuck man

I wish it was possible to have kids without women. I don’t want to control women, I just don’t want to deal with their shit.

Modern civilization has no solution for this.

Artificial wombs when.

>been dating qt 3.14 for almost 3 years now
>petite and really sweet and dresses like a cute girl
>unironically has the mind of a dude
>I get the luxury of a beautiful girl, but she's also capable of filling the role of a best friend like a guy would
>we lift together, fish together, shoot together, and fuck on a daily basis
She's pretty misogynistic too, and considering her behavior I hope we don't have a daughter because I'm not sure she'd be able to relate to a girl.

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>be friends with a friend since diapers
>be was more of a brother than my actual brothers
>people even joked about us being fags due to how much time we spent hanging out and doing everything together
>he stops calling me anymore come highschool because he met other friends
>ignores any attempt on my part to hang out in any possible way
>become so jaded that someone who you spent almost the entirety of your life on this green earth can just throw your friendship in the trash like nothing ever mattered
>become so jaded that i cant emotionally bond with anyone anymore, be it girl of guy

Hold on to your bromances bros, you dont know how good you have it, pray it never goes away.

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Ill be your bro, come up to Troms Norway and meet me on the North Western island at midday on the winter soloist.

they want them so they fawn over them and them only. no competition from other women and see guy men as just sluts who never are in a lasting relationship

fuck off poor cunt I can afford to get smashed every day and pay some dumb indian bitch to come clean up my mess

thats gay desu


>have friend since 3rd grade
>ended up moving to the same city after college, hang out at least once a week
>he regularly refers to me as his best friend when he's drunk or thinks I can't hear him
>tfw I honestly don't think I like him very much, but I really like the idea of having a best friend and don't know how to deal with it

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>that gif
I'd rather hang out with my dog than anyone else, man or woman. If I was Canadian, I'd also fuck that dog, but I'm not, so I won't.

A very large amount of the population is bisexual to some degree or another Roasties are pushing men to go gay ---I don't know why this wasn't an obvious consequence to them. Now all they have are their pet basedboys.

That’s the natural course of things for some. My childhood friends never talk to me or reach out any longer. People grow up and move on.

It isn’t to say you can’t make new friends though. Get out there and find people doing the same things and hobbies you enjoy (not at the bars and drinking pls).

It’s good to have a social circle with your fellow man; to exchange ideas, for therapeutic benefit, friendship, etc. a significant other is cool, but have some friends as well, even if it’s only one or two good folks to confide in.

>right wing
Are your fiends Moslem. All the Anglo whites I’ve met from the city are pozzed up.

stop listening to the fucking jews

>excuse what the fuck are you doing having friends?
>No I'm not not going to stop fucking other men, stop being a bigot
>.t feminist journalist gf

corps don't have dicks so can't fuck'em why would they put up with picking up the tab for someone who works less and costs more?

Women are just jealous because men can form actual bonds. Women just talk shit about each other when one isn't around.

have you tried not peeing on the floor

Join a men's only sports league. Over time ask the ones you think youd like as friend to come for drinks. Over time you guys can watch movies together go camping etc. Again be patient and develop your bond. The sweet release of your first fuck makes it all worth it.

do you sit down to pee like a faggot?

>Do women really think guys socialize with them for any reason but to fuck?
Women instinctively know they're just a hole that birth babies to men. What they're doing is trying to shame men from forming bonds with each other by calling it gay. They see it as a threat for whatever reason.

Missing the toilet is what Mexicans and other retarded people do
Just piss in the bowl

men don't fucking watch movies together. what the fuck?

i'd invite you to a midnight drive-in screening of crocodile dundee and try to work up the courage to put my arm around your waist.

hey jews cut my foreskin off so sometimes it doesn't go into the bowl

I got a long shlong over here brodies.... come have a bromantic taste...

You in el paso bro?

and then i'd grab your cock and say you call that a cock this is a cock and shove mine into your nose

>implying there's anything gay about putting ur best mate's balls in your mouth

Haha found the woman in this thread.

for an ugly guy like me they dont want that anyways. its amazing how repulsed they are that I just want to have a conversation with them. my bros could care less

What's all this bromance shit?
It's like women don't understand the concept of friendship and have to make it gay.


Fuck women, they did this to themselves

she either had a sex change or she doesn't actually love you.
women can't feel love. men are a resource. children are social tools. marriage is power. sex is just work to secure a man, a marriage, and/or children.
this is the mind of a woman. this is why a woman will not hesitate to terminate a pregnancy if children would be even slightly inconvenient. this is why divorce and child custody laws are the way they are.

not him but i want to move to norway so bad.
cold and rainy with beautiful mountains and fjords and northern lights. it just seems right, i don't really know why.
but immigrating there is a bitch if you don't have a bachelors degree and you aren't a refugee. i was only able to afford my associates.
if i can get my bachelors then i can go to school in norway for free on a student visa, but then i can't earn enough to afford the cost of living there over two years.
the only hope i can see is getting my bachelors degree somehow and then finding a nordbro i get along with who wouldn't mind letting me use a room for a bit so i at least don't have housing costs weighing down on me

not asking you to do that, i don't know you. but damn fuck it reminded me of these feels.

If you're over 25 and still looking for "friends", you might be a faggot. Don't get me wrong, I like to keep in touch with the guys I grew up with. But other than that, the last thing I want is a "friend". I'm not a "friendly" type guy, I'm ultra competitive (which is another reason why women love me). I'm not here to be your friend, we're competing for jobs/careers/women/resources out here. Its game on buddy, you better bring your A game because I'm not fucking around, I take life VERY seriously.

Women do not understand the concept of friendship. All of their relationships are based on mutual use alliances.

>They consider gays their cute pets
So fucking much this

Story Time
>High School sophomore year
>Known all these people since elementary school
>Every girl is either indifferent to my existence or hates me
>One of my friends goes full retard and tells everyone I'm gay
>Suddenly girls who I barely even remember the name of are clamoring all over me to be their best friend
>I'm one of a handful of outed gay dudes so the pickings for gay friends is small
They didn't even talk to me like a normal person. They talked to me like I was some silly child or pet that could talk. It was fucking infuriating and emasculating as fuck to be talked to like some retard and treated like one.

The whole point of homosexuality becoming a public matter was to make men uncomfortable with being close with each other and thus give way to women obtaining more power in society, leading to the mess we're in today.

Look at this picture. This picture was taken in a time in which people didn't even know what "homosexuality" even was. These two men were friends and nothing more.

Because homosexuality became a public matter that everyone is aware of (despite being a tiny minority of the population) men became afraid of being too close in affection with each other and of physical contact too.

There are many examples of similar old pictures that at first glance with today's views one would immediately assume it's a couple of fags.

Friendship with your fellow men, comraderie. This is what they have taken from you.

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oh look it's terry tuff cunt

More examples incoming.

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Then why would women give a shit about men hanging out?

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i can't form relationships with anybody any more

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Are you a based spic too man? I feel like we get those kind of girlfriends

I have no problem hugging or maybe kissing a friend, but I probably wouldn't sit on his laps.

it's because you are a faggot and they can talk to you about sucking dicks while feeling superior because they aren't faggots


>men form normal friendships