The new article from the NY Post claims Elon Musk is a "fraud".
The media doesn't stop trashing Elon Musk
I don't even like Musk, he's a corporate welfare queen, but that article is complete trash,written by an utter loser.
Funnily enough this whole pedo shitstorm came into the awareness through his tweets. It all started with him. Pure coincidence?
Read about Hyperloop's stalled progress.
Read about the Model 3's production problems.
Read about "The Boring Company" and what it plans to do for Los Angeles. It's ideas are literally IMPOSSIBLE to implement at least in our lifetimes.
And then there's his tweeting, which just confirms he'a glorified manchild. All point to one sad conclusion -- Musk is indeed a fraud. Oh and thank god the Thai cave kids didn't use his submarine, they probably would've died in it.
well he said (((you know))) and that's a career death sentence. so you got to keep supporting /ourguy/ hope he pulls through. and we have to get away form those people cause they are killing us.
>opinion piece by a fashion and music writer
In case anyone doesn't "get" the image:
>In male gay culture, a bear is often a larger, hairier man who projects an image of rugged masculinity.
This image from
Didn't know this but
I recently watched the new Jungle Book movie.
In it mogli gets hypnotized and strangeld by the snake only to be rescued by big musky balu and taken into his comfy cave. Mogli is relieved as fuck but Balu wants him to climb a rockside to get the "honey" from the top in return. As he gets closer and struggels to get to the dripping honey Balu is making weird fucking noises and kinda "climaxes" when Mogli reaches it.
To add to this, Mogli gets repeadetly stung by the bies but goes trough the pain anyway.
If thats not some fucking jizz and rape analogy I must be deranged but the pedo symbolism pixar put on the dvd and had to remove(triangle spiral) leads me to think that there is something going on.
Watch the short clip, it's fucking up weird.
Don't think that s just a single case. I suspect that manipulative evil subconcious stuff is put in almost all kids movies.
(Movies in general I guess)
You noticed he only started acting the way he is since he started fucking that revolting ugly Grimes chick?
Read about SpaceX's progress....
Are you actually surprised?
I see what you're talking about, Balu does sound like he's getting off and in that scene he would be looking up at Mogli's ass.
>but that article is complete trash,written by an utter loser.
look at the garbage she writes
But the NY Post is a fairly conservative newspaper, no?
I don’t like the guy. He is self absorbed like a true narcissist. However, the two companies that he heads make good products, better products than competitors right now.
1. he's got fascist tendencies and actually speaks german
2. he's a boer and is a white nationalist
3. he's deceptive and claims he's a "socialist" but he requires work ethic so he's a crypto capitalist
4. he claims everything is fake news from his biased tower
5. he himself is fake and his technology is nothing special he probably outsouced to indians and chinese
6. he claims everyone who critiques him is a ped but he himself is dating very young girl who is probably just turned 18
Why does he have a freak as girlfriend ?
I'd bet good money one redpilled the other.
They're both occultists. She's an obvious witch. Pic related Musk on the left.
short sellers want to sink him.
look up the names, EVERY TIME.
I bet they drink each others blood.
Elon sold out and his soul back in 2013 right around the time of those gov contracts pending....
Elon is a fraud and just another elite to not listen to, pure and simple
He had a goth fetish in highschool. I'd bet on it
Elon Musk is a fraud
I hope so.
>disrupting powerful aerospace, transportation, oil and energy monopolies
>taking mankind to Mars
>holding the media accountable
>anti pedophilia
>anti diversity hiring
If this man is your enemy, you are on the wrong Thai spelunking forum
why does Grimes look 20 years older han elon
>believes space is real
>((((the media))))
This is what happens when your country is taken over by Muslim gangs and you're scared to leave your own house
Space is for kids. Grow up.
I watched the launch of the car, are you saying the launch was fake now too? lmao. Oh wait wait no, they launched an empty rocket and just made the car in the studio right??
Elon hasn’t taken a dime. The buyers of tesla, like ME get a tax credit. But we are net taxpayers anyway. Unlike 50% of the country. It doesn’t actually cost the taxpayers anything. You just get a little LESS of my money. But you’re still getting plenty.
>the two companies that he heads make good products, better products than competitors right now.
Tesla's are pretty shit compared to competitors:
Interior is garbage.
Build quality is abysmal.
All they have is a big battery, but you also pay out of our ass for that.
dressed like a preacher man no?
there is the cross
>Oh and thank god the Thai cave kids didn't use his submarine, they probably would've died in it.
he should made the submarine a mobile gas chamber so that he could humanely euthanize those little gook freeloaders. Little rats prolly din't even ave a caving loicense to begin wif
Thats correct
Yes, the rocket launch is real but they never actually go into space, they land in the ocean.
Fuck off
He's a genious. It's all under control. In due time anons. You'll love him very much.
That's not how the economy works.
No matter if it's the consumer of the producer who gets the money.
Net result is the same: Tesla can increase their margins while still remaining competitive.
If they gave Tesla the money directory instead they would lower prices for consumers, to be competitive.
because he's living the incel dream with his (((Big tiddie goth chick)))
Musk visits the Dominican republic on sexcations at least 7 times a year. My father works at the Gulfstream maintainence base in Florida and sees all the flight plans come up.
Musk is a self-made man, so I wouldn't say he's a corporate welfare queen
You can be a self-made billionaire and still got to that due to using billions from government schemes promoting certain technologies.
Explain. In the context of Musk
holy fuck at all the verified nobodies. Reminds me of pic related.
He called a hero a pedo because he made fun of his dumb water coffin.
He might have gotten money for promoting such technologies, but he was gonna promote them anyways, so you might as well get paid for it. The only fool in this equation would be the federal government.
And the tax payers who were made to pay for it, but we've got the awesome Tesla, so can't really complain too much
Only brainlets believe in spaceX
Well, for good of reasons or not (I think the reasons are good), the US government and various state governments promote electric cars through subsidies for consumers to buy e-cars. Additionally, Tesla is exempt from various taxes for their factories to promote them producing in the US (again, not a bad thing). In total, Tesla cars have benefited at between 10k and 15k by car in subsidies and the factories have received billions in tax breaks and subsidies.
SpaceX is e.g. currently on a 2.5 billion grant to modify the Dragon capsule (itself developed also with a 1bn grant from NASA) for astronauts. Again, I think this is great, because America needs spacecrafts, but yes, NASA is paying for its development.
Any white men in thailand are there for pedophilic reasons or boi pussi.
The food & drink is disgusting and full of pathogens, the place smells like rot, the women look like monkeys, the people sound like imps.
Elon is a very lucky, weird autist, but he's right about the pedo diver.
>America needs spacecrafts
I don’t have a stupid enough wojak to post
well, at least Musk isn't a Robber Barons. He seems to really believe in the stuff that he makes. Kind of like a modern day Walt Disney
Did he really meant the jews tho ?
Not all of them nigga, just like 99%.
Do you smell it anons? They're afraid.
>Did he really meant the jews tho ?
At this point, Elon Musk is going to fund the RNC for decades to come.
Elon seems like a nice guy, doing stuff, i don't care if he succeed or not, the point is that he is trying, more poeple like him and we could be colonizing other planets already
America is paying for rides on Russian spacecrafts. Why should this continue? American spacecraft for American astronauts on American rockets.
I think patriotism should extend to space.
tesla is the new enron
his face="if you only knew how bad things really are"
who then
most of what you just said is absolute shit or not a bad thing so
kill yourself
What is your opinion on MEMES??? Are they a cheap comedy trick??
Or are they the beginning of our evolution into telepathy and MindSpeak???
>memes are a medium for us to channel energy and ideas
We are telepathically speaking to each other...
>memes need to be preserved
We need the meme archive OFFLINE... we need carvings, sculptures, statues and art memes made and stored inside caves for future generations..
>we must escape the digital serfdom
Create real life meme replicas and STORE THEM UNDERGROUND!!
>a meme time capsule
Also how will future generations view memes???
As hieroglyphs??? As simple art and nothing more...
We need to preserve them
This is something you gotta see
>God speaks to anons 177777777
Proofs of pizzagate
Ritual satanism music video
Also this is THE ONLY non monotized and anti shekel goblin YT channel... zero ways to donate and zero jews
You will approve
yeah man earth is flat loooool
>believes government education
The earth is flat, motionless and infinite. No government has any interest in telling you that.
how do they get the wind going so well?
Everyone know that the biggest frauds in the world are journalists.
They're full of hot air.
proof or gtfo
good one
>Did he really meant the jews tho ?
No, he meant cia space niggers
Hes got quite a life, your normal hot girl wouldnt deal with the volatility, let alone understand him. You virgins wouldnt know this though...
Can't be bringing pedo awareness or Jews involvement as a billionaire without lots of hate
They've been relentless since he insinuated the jews control the media. Really makes you think