You know something... if conservatives got with the times, and starting supporting legalization of the sweet Mary J Blige, they could probably win over all the centrists, and half the left.
You know something... if conservatives got with the times...
Colorado is always going to be a good example to bring up
dude weed lmao
Or the could just run a campaign saying they will pay out reparations to all POC and then just dab when they win. Dems have been doing it for half a century
California is botching the legalization attempt with over regulation. From testing to packaging, its basically turned into a luxury vice, meanwhile, the poorfags and sick people are back to buying on the black market.
kek is there anything Californians have ever touched that hasn't turned to shit
Here in Canada every party supports marijuana legalization so it's really not as big of a deal.
People will know the affects of weed, those who are smart will stay away from it or use it rarely, and those who want to go nowhere in life will smoke it every day
t. machiavelli
But that would mean less POC go to jail over a plant, and Republicans wouldn’t allow that
Weed aside there is a good point to be gleaned from the OP which is that republicans can capture a wider range of votes on the political spectrum if they move towards the center and leave the dems slurping from an ever evaporating puddle of hard-core far left terrorists
marijuana is the one drug that with proper education on the matter and proper use can net you its positives with minimal drawbacks
Also more money to the state and less money to the criminals. I think it is logical to legalize this substance
Dudeweed, they already do, they just don't say it. It's the fucking boomers who are antiweed
Lol.... walk into dispensery pay 20 bucks, get 4 joints.....
How do people purchase weed off the deep web? I once tried to buy some bitcoins and they block my account a few hours later and received a refund.
>be me
>30 yo boomer who despises weed and all degenerate activities
this checks out
>full house confirms
why the fuck would anyone buy weed off of the deep web? it literally grows out of the dirt.
Been saying this for awhile now. Trump would be guaranteed until 2024 easily. We need to make this happen
Well, not just weed but pills and stuff.
They say pot is a gateway drug. it actually is, maybe not for the user but for the places where it is legal. Seattle has become a shithole of heroin addicts since pot was legalized. our fucking city council and bitch mayor have made seattle a heroin sanctuary city. they will give you a safe place to shoot up and not punish you for it. there has even been talk of supplying the heroin so these addicts will stop breaking into houses and businesses to support their habits. dont even get me started on the homeless and homeless camps or RV's. the state and local governments have spent hundreds of millions on the homeless and have nothing to show for it or any accountability. im starting to hate this democratic shithole.
whats better is walking into a dispensary only paying $20-$30 for a gram of wax
Trump is doing it in 2020 guaranteed
Less POC going to prison for weed means more POC goes to prison for more serious crimes. Overall statistics won't change.
No shit they would win in a 80/20 landslide nationwide.
He’ll float it
>like the wall
Lmao you trump bootlickers are delusional
Fuck off moralfag. The War on Drugs is an objective failure.
Cause weed possession is the only crime niggers commit
I know, he's probably one of those boring faggots who doesn't drink alcohol either, probably just recently kicked his 'teehee coffee addiction' and was suffering life treating withdrawal symptoms. I bet he's the type who just goes jogging for five hours a day and runs a boys scout club.
Please do not equate degeneracy with such venerability.
Legalize Weed
End the Drug War
Allow discharging student load debt in Bankruptcy.
Conservatives don't support weed? Must be nice living in a sane country.
How to end the American migration crisis:
>End the War on Drugs
>Build the wall
>Offer assistance to South American countries ranging from intelligence gathering to targeted drone strikes against cartels
I'd also say abolish the CIA but thats a pie in the sky fantasy
atleast once a year for as long as I can remember:
>today weed was legalized in this place
>*audience bursts into an euphoria of applause and cheering
>wooo 420blazeit!!1 dude weed lam0
old people trying to act like "cool" teenagers about weed, It's sad
>Mary J Blige
That's an ugly nigger who was popular 20 years ago.
fucking DUH that's why they media is constantly making Liberterians look like turbo-retards... if "liberals" woke up for a second and saw what Liberterians really represent they would drop the DNC in a heartbeat...So many angry kids living in cities long to go roll in the grass and stare up into the clear blue sky....
We could all have that...
We could all be free....