Any military anons?

What made you anons join in the first place? Were you not a very political person? I've heard stories of young kids faking their age to just to serve their country because of some burning passionate belief. I feel that sort of motivation just doesn't exist today. I remembering during the height of that gun grab episode just recently watching my local news to see Rick Scott sign a bill making the age to buy a rifle 21. Right after that story the news station had the audacity to do an "ode to our veterans" segment where they spewed empty words of appreciation for some 18 year old who went in to serve at 16. You could just say "so what he just has to wait a couple years" but it just seems to me that this kid went to serve his country, could have came back legless paralyzed or in a casket, only to find his supposed rights being chipped away. I just don't understand why people would want to serve right now except to basically act as a mercenary please help me understand if I'm wrong.

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Jesus Christ that’s the most boomer tweet I’ve ever seen.

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Kek boomer wants to suicide his own kids.
When are we gonna euthanize these dangerous creatures.

The eternal boomer

I'm joining up because I fell for the college degree meme. Can't find a regular job with it, so I figure that getting a cushy officer position is best.

War is fun, till your son is coming home in a box. Or your best friend just took a bullet to the spine and will be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

Important fact to note, liberals almost never join the military. So soldiers dying means more chance of democrats winning in elections, so they love war now.

I enlisted to kill Muslims in revenge of 9/11 and stay in because rapefugees, trucks of peace, etc.
Do it for pic related. So help you God never reveal your true power level, but know anywhere you go you will have brothers

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To help people out. I knew that when I joined I would be spending most of my time in the horn, and that was fine with me.
I obviously don't/won't discuss any of my experiences here.

I remember when Trump gave his state of the union speech and he said just mundane patriotic stuff even stuff democrats should have loved. The democrats just angrily sat there on their hands. Then I see stuff like pic related and it makes me wonder why the fuck I'd wanna join the military.

Floridafag hanging out in leafland if anyone is wondering btw.

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>Floridian going to Canada in the summer
So like a reverse snowbird?