Pfft, Lobsters BTFO

pfft, Lobsters BTFO

Attached: zhmuaswUXphT2gzAINrQBVT6avCSZTkEtNn38Gov0Io.png (640x853, 822K)

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Imagine the mentally ill subhuman that sat down and wrote that,

Peterstein is still a backstabbing movement riding faggottho”

>emulate the lobster

Haha what the fuck does that mean? Does he want people to eat shit?

>Survival of the Fittest is what got us into this mess
Pretty much, you fuckers are going to be gone in a generation or three tops, because existence doesn't cater to feral, screeching autists that hack their cocks off.


Fuck Jewden Peterstein

Friendly reminder that anti-JBP shills are the enemy of humanity, bad buckos and afraid of cleaning their rooms

explain the lobster because I dont even know what is that supposed to mean

Trannys are gross and should be killed with fire.

Attached: 1517504639367.jpg (1107x1118, 165K)

>types out a short story to get their point across

Attached: 1513498907228.png (1200x680, 679K)

That caricature is anti semetic