Everyone gets mad at AMERICA for taking land from the North American natives, but why does nobody ever get mad at France for taking land from Brittany and Normandy?
Everyone gets mad at AMERICA for taking land from the North American natives...
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It was a logical union
Brittany seems comfy.
Normandy was never an independant kingdom.
You might think so because the Brits called their conquest by France the "Norman invasions", to not have to face the fact they were invaded by the French, of all people.
You "logical unioned" your way through Savoy, Brittany, Normandy, Burgundy, Provence, The Papal State, and Lorraine.
All perfectly fine, if we didn't do it these regions would have been absorbed by someone else
You are wrong.
"In 1202, Philip II of France declared Normandy forfeit to him and seized it by force of arms in 1204."
As is the case with the USA and Indian lands.
>american education
Yeah I guess. I think it's only pro immigration leftards who ever use the "b-b-but AMERICA immigrated and stole the land" bullshit though
We saved them from genetical teeth decay
"The territory ceded to Rollo comprised the pagi of the Caux, Évrecin, Roumois and Talou. This was territory formerly known as the county of Rouen, and which would become Upper Normandy. A royal diploma of 918 confirms the donation of 911, using the verb adnuo ("I grant"). There is no evidence that Rollo owed any service or oath to the king for his lands, nor that there were any legal means for the king to take them back: they were granted outright."
Communists try to destroy civilization.
Is normandy any nice anyway
>part of France invade England
>that part of France becomes part of England
>France takes it back
not an independant kingdom, is that hard to understand
>French education
Reread your post
>american comprehension
even taiwan know better
It was basically a viking colony, baguette. Not really "part of France"
>a viking colony
Not an argument. You going to surrender again?
you obviously have no idea of what you're talking about
Is English your second language or something? I have no idea what that post means. Are you using a translator?
Everywhere on earth was conquered usually multiple times
>Amerishit lecturing french ppl about french history
Normandy was French clay given to vikings to stop their chimping out. They were still supposed to be subordinate to the french king.
Normandy was never really foreign to France, they had some Vikings taking it for sometimes and that's it.
It's a different story for Brittany. Britons left Britain to settle in Armorica, we don't know exactly how many they were but they were enough numerous to export their language (Breton is closely related to Welsh and Cornish) and genetic studies shows important proximity with others Celts from Britain and Ireland. Plus they created an independent kingdom and duchy. The national feeling still exists.
they have taken land from belgium, rijsel is unironically flemish. it is our land.