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who gives a shit if he was or wasn't. even if he was born in kenya he would still be eligible to be president.
Wasn't Trump born in Russia?
Or it means he has Kenyan roots, not that he was born there.
It’s like an Irish American saying i come from ireland
u already used too much logic for these right wing retard inbreds
that was literally ted cruz's argument u know
>even if he was born in kenya he would still be eligible to be president.
100% WRONG !!!
trump was born in russia
>parents are German
that would be a no shill
obvious shill thread
>parents are German
holy shit IMPEACH
Did he pause afterwards because he knew he fucked up, or because he was joking and he was waiting on people to laugh?
lol fuck off shill
NO, he got golden shower in Russian hotel room from Russian girls.
>trump was born in russia
Based Obama does this just to fuck with right wing retards
good point
>What difference, at this point, does it make
t. demented grandma
exactly this. i hate when sensationalists from my side exaggerate shit
>Did he pause afterwards because he knew he fucked up,
YES !!!
monkey finally told the truth about himself.
>hahah obongo was just joking
lmao liberals are a joke in every country leaf
gross, this is where the shitblue pedophiles gather.
It's so filthy in here
>Ted Cruz was prepared to argue a point
>the point is unassailable
Obama's father was Kenyan. Are you inbreds seriously this retarded?
if that's the case, go police CNN and Huffpo or fuck, go to Ebony and police their shit or maybe Occupy Democrats with their sensationalist shit or Palmer report
or what, it's OK as long as it helps your side?
Next prez' name is Arnie! Say it with me Jow Forums
>Arnold Blackednigger
we have talked about this before!
that curve is because of Obama care and explosion of the part time workers
You know that you are spreading misinformation (deliberately)... while knowing the real truth
why do you do this?
Obama's job creation was 95% full time. You shills get destroyed on this every time. Stop falling for fake news headlines from zerobrain and and actually pull up the jobs data
there are picture of Obama's mother naked, sitting with her pussy on a bourbon bottle.
Was she a prostitute or just slut dancing in strip bars ?
Or both ?
technology is amazing ...
Hmm... I don't think so. Someone would say they're Italian not that they 'come' from there
Don't blame him if he did
I think its time we impeach Obama
She looks so delicious.
1. It doesnt matter at this point, he cant be prosecuted or impeached, he is no longer POTUS
2. He said he was FROM kenya, which is true enough, as he did spend a great deal of his life there
3.why are we still giving this nigger faggot attention?
I answered you abou this before
once again you are once again misleading people
the definition of full-time job in Obamacare and BLS are two different things
Employers were forced to hire people part time based on the Obamacare definition... to not pay for the healthcare
but those part time workers (who are now going to work two or three jobs with different employers) are considered full time workers based on BLS
how can a person work two full time job??? your BLS stats are calculated based on the jobs created... not number of people hired!!!
Qualifying for Obamacare has nothing to with how BLS tracks full time. They track the same way they have for decades.
You get destroyed on this every time.
>who cares if the influence came out of russia, the US shouldn't exist because no boarders
hes done this like 5 times tho
Yes they were different until they changed it recently!
but still 40 hours/week is a part time job (so employer don't pay for healthcare)... but 40 h/week is full time in BLS
>You get destroyed on this every time.
hummmm... you write like (((ben Sheephero))) employees!!!
interesting!!! are you getting paid from the Mr. #nevertrump ben sheephero?
this is BLS tho has absolutely nothing to do with obamacare
u know u lost
Employees hire people based on the obamacare definition of part time work! so they don't pay for their share of health care for a full time worker
the BLS, is only measures the employment.
so, it is dishonest for you, to still debate me about this after I proved to you 6 months ago that Obamacare destroyed USA jobs market
made USA employees less suitable to be hired for the (real) full time job... and made them work 2 or 3 different 40 hours/week part time jobs (based on Obamacare definition)
but since a person who used to work 1 full time job before obamacare, is now working 3 40 hours/week jobs (which are counted as full time jobs on Bureau of Labour Statistics "BLS")...
you can falsely claim the jobs market is better (while the workers are less efficient)
say something bad about Ben Sheephero so I make sure you don't work for that kike!
Please stop asking president those questions.
Yes he can still be impeached actually
People of Jow Forums this is what happened when you trust a jew
Ben Shapiro is sending his employees to advertise for him... and bash trump (with false information!! and lies... old jewish tricks to be honest)
you know what you need to do!!
I can find this fucker who is posting in this post with two different devices... in probably 48 hours
but you Jow Forums can find him/it/xe faster
>hugging your daughter In a photo means you fuck her
wow!! that was quick!
So what? They put an asterix by his name in the history books?
So the fuck what
If Obama’s has been born in Kenya he would not have been eligible for the presidency and indeed that’s probably why it’s easier to go to Area 51 than to get Obama’s college applications. Obama’s probably put foreign student status on his application.
The comments are fucking halarious
His hair got blond since.
Must be some strong urine flowing from those Russian pussies on his head.
among a lot of other things too
>means you fuck her
but did they used protection ?
to inspire you to do this...pic related. LOL
I would hope so.
>obviously Obama is warming up his daughters butt
Look at that juicy cock n balls
While I don't disagree with you, Obama never said he was born in Kenya. It makes a difference.
Wrong. You might want to read up on your laws if you're going to be a massive fagioli about it.
Wrong faggot retard?
I'm "Irish" but I have never fucking said "I come from Ireland". That's completely retarded.
But his mom was a US citizen, no? Same as Cruz being born in Canada. That's how I understood it.
that doesn't make it any better. what kind of country should be ruled by someone with sympathies or attachment to another country? i would never say "i come from england." no real american says shit like that.
even if he was born in hawaii he's still ineligible. a natural born citizen has two citizen parents, not one.
>Natural BORN citizen
If you're going to be a retard, don't make it so obvious
>But his mom was a US citizen
*who never properly applied for her son's citizenship
No. The USA Nationality Act of 1952 is crystal clear. Obama’s mom was 18 when she gave birth and the law says “must be presentin USA for at least five years after attaining the age of 14. So it’s impossible she met the requirement for her son Obama’s to be “natural born”. The same rules applied to Obama’s siblings as well as Cruz.
The law was made less restrictive in for 1986-present but at the time by a technicality Obama WAS NOT eligible to run for president.
Nyet! Nyet! Russia. Stop making me think such dirty thoughts.
Stop showing your teeth.
you inbreed
Obamacare has nothing to do with how BLS tracks full time. why r u people so mentally handicapped?
>Employees hire people based on the obamacare definition of part time work!
this might honestly be the most retarded statement of all time
u basement dwelling retards have no fucking clue what a job even is
>Nyet! Nyet! Russia. Stop making me think such dirty thoughts.
you weak American...LOL
it's even simpler than that. the whole point of the clause is to prevent someone with divided loyalties from becoming president. both parents must be citizens in order to be natural born. otherwise you have a nigger like this with an attachment to kenya, regardless of where he was born.
Obama is most definitely a creation of the CIA
>Implying people no longer looking for work and the rest settling for shitty part time jobs is obama fixing the economy.
It needs to be a goal of republicans to revamp and more importantly clarify citizenship in the USA through law and court cases in Trump's second term. It would also be nice to see an end to all dual citizenships in the USA too but I don't know if that's possible.