Jow Forums should be pro-Israel

some facts for you to chew on

>Jews are actually split on the subject of Israel
>most Jews are Democrats and Democrats tend to be anti Israel
>the more liberal you are, the more likely it is that you are anti Israel
>Israel is a Jewish ethnostate
>if you are in favor of the ethnostates existing as a concept, you should be in favor of Israel's existence
>"if Jews are entitled to a home of their own, why not X"
>if you feel that there should somewhere be a white ethnostate, you should be in favor of an ethnostate for Jews, to serve as a precedent

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Israeli jews skew moderate/conservative, whereas US jews are predominantly liberal

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I'm from the US and I say kill them all .
All the races would get along much better with out Jewish antagonists

Also 5463

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Democrat support for Isreal has plummeted, no doubt related to its sharp turn to the far left

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>c'mon Gentiles! Be like us and reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior even though all evidence suggests he is!

No thanks. Fuck off you filthy fucking Jew. Bible states that all eyes will be on the Lord and Savior come down to Earth and stop the final battle for Jerusalem. I can't wait to see every filthy Jew be forced to lay their eyes upon the Lord and Savior. It will be glorious.

All Jews are in favor of child molestation as a matte of their alleged religion.

>liberal democrats increasingly sympathize more with Palestine than with Israel

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>millenials are increasingly likely to be pro Palestine

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fuck off

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if Democrats, the far left, and US Jews abandon Israel, they will need to look elsewhere for allies
the far right can be that ally
imagine if Israel used its intelligence services to help undermine theUS's far left
imagine if Israel used its propaganda network to advocate for a white ethnostate
the enemy of your enemy is your friend

daily reminder a majority of isreali think homosexuality is morally wrong while in the most western countries its like 25%. The jews in isreal are less degenerate and more nationalistic than us. they are our friends

What the actual

you know i'm right

>sayanim alert

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>sayanim alert
not an argument faggot


No one benefits from Israel except for Jews and the worst kind of Jews too.
Also I'm not a contrarian brainlet like most of Jow Forums so trying to play with labels and identities to subvert me won't work. Fuck Israel.

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Reminder: All Jews get the rope.

>conservative, rightwing Jews are the worst kind of Jews


Another important fact to note- Israel has just agreed to end a war with Syria that has been going on for 40 years. The globalist Jews intended to start a nuclear war between the US and Russia in Syria and this development really fucks them up the ass. The Israeli's have agreed to allow Assad to maintain control of Syria, which means Syria will have a capable governor to rebuild the nation, not some proxy for the globalist jews.

This is the reality of our world- the globalists and the nationalists have chosen their teams, ans Israel has chosen nationalism. They are our allies in the fight against globalist jews and the assistance of netanyahu in ending a 40 year war to stabilize the middle east is solid proof of that.

Of course, as soon as we win this fight the israeli's will be fucking with us, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Right now we are in the fight for our lives and we need to handle that first.

>Shameless, lying, thieving, shilling, deceiving, false flagging Jews are the best kind of Jews
Typical burger

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>israel engages in white genocide

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>No one benefits from Israel except for Jews and the worst kind of Jews too.

The children of Israel do not benefit from the modern Israeli state. The State of Israel has made babylonian mysticism their national religion and 90% of the "jews" aren't jews, but ethnically European. The children of Israel exist in a state of slavery to the Jews and they don't even know it. Once we're done with the globalist jews, we'll begin the process of freeing the children of Israel from talmudism and fake jews so that they can restore their religion, nationality, and relationship with their God.

Israeli Jews predominantly share our sense of morality and are concerned primarily with the continuance of a Jewish ethnostate. acts that might be construed as subversive being in furtherance of that goal.

US Jews are overwhelmingly liberal and do not share the same sense of morality. They tend to be more involved in cultural subversion and general degeneracy.

>US Jews are overwhelmingly liberal
because their relationship with judaism comes from their synagogue, and their synagogues are the equivalent of the catholic church to christians- they are wholly corrupt dens of satanism and slavery.

>Israeli Jews predominantly share our sense of morality
Explains why you both Israelis and burgers have zero morals. You gonna keep shilling Moshe?

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>starts shit, gets hit
Israeli soldiers have some of the most restrictive rules of engagement of any army. If the kid was shot it was likely for a good reason.

>USA being pro-kike
Imagine my shock.

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Honestly, yeah. The Jews should be allowed to have an ethnostate. Everyone should.

>Israeli soldiers have some of the most restrictive rules of engagement of any army.
Of course they do burger, keep reading off that hasbara script.

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I've never seen such a lame attempt on shilling

fuck off proxy fag

Shut up kike.

Jow Forums should be left-wing

fuck off jewish fag

US Jews just destroy civilization and with it the Israel


Israeli Jews are racist pricks that have attacked the USA numerous times and you wan to be their friend?

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Israeli Jews are the Talmudic ones, while liberal Jews are for social justice
The Liberal Jews support Palestine over Israel
Liberal Jews are not nationalists or care about religion
Jow Forums is extremely hypocrite in terms of the Jews
Most people shill here for Alt-right parties (Trump/AfD/Swedish Democrats/National Front/etc)
Most protestants are Zionists


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Hitler set the standard for callaboration with zionists. Hitler wanted to ship all the jews to madagascar and let them form an ethnostate there.

Here's some secret history- zionism and nazism were never in opposition. they both collaborated against the rest of the jews then and they'll do so now.

it worked out so well for hitler, huh? im SO glad hitler deported Jews to Palestine and finally ended the jewish menace.

idiot shill

They were and fuck off Americunt
Grand Mufti of West Bank told Hitler so and Hitler did start to exterminate all Jews. Bibi blames holocaust for Palestinians.
Also fucking reddit spacing, Amerimutt Zionist Nazi larping should be illegal (unlike real nazi larping)

>Jow Forums should be pro-Israel
I'll be pro-Israel when you Jews are pro-White. Deal?

The Holocaust literally did not happen. There is zero evidence for the Holocaust.

It's Zionist meme, put as I can understand, this has been pushed here for a long time
>The Shocking Alliance between Zionism and Anti-Semitism
>When Right-Wing Anti-Semites Call, the Jewish State Answers
>The Zionist-White Supremacist Alliance in Trump’s White House
>Binyamin Netanyahu is Soft on Anti-Semitism when it Suits Him
>Why Israeli Leaders are welcoming Rise of Anti-Semitism in U.S.
>How Pro-Israel Politics and Anti-Semitism Coexist in the Alt-Right


The Alt-Right is not pro-White.
Conservatives are not pro-White.
Republicans are not pro-White.

National Socialism is not Jewish.

The USA is a White nation.

Jews simply do not belong in White nations.

Jews do not belong in anywhere
They belong in ovens and national socialists didn't give a shit about "white nation", for them it was the German nation or the Germanic nation or the Aryan nation, depending what would have happened if they won

Daily reminder: right-wing zionists in Israel (Irgun, LEHI) offered Hitler a military pact.

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>They belong in ovens and national socialists didn't give a shit about "white nation", for them it was the German nation or the Germanic nation or the Aryan nation, depending what would have happened if they won
Sure you can claim that if you believe the lies about NSDAP Germany and National Socialism.

>Zionism’s Ongoing Love-In with Neo-Nazis
Is this what you want?
Those neo-nazis are not even, but the mainstream names them so
Most neo-nazi and antifascist movements are CIA psyops also

Well memed, Jews
It's a good excuse now
However, most of Jow Forums will still hate Zionists, even if you push that meme (le based israelites)


*even neo-nazis


>make X important issue
>normies make it go away under public preassure
>because Y was the one YOU were betting on

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Too many Middle Easterners here and other nonwhites to have a pro-Israel opinion.

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Nobody sane wants to recreate a 1930's German political movement.

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Compared to Middle East armies like the one in Syria that rapes everything it encounters or the one in Iran that send teenagers to clear minefields, the IDF seems far more moral.

But you follow an ideology that is completely incompatible with Western values.

most of the Nazis on Jow Forums are actually larping Muslims

The biggest Anti Zionists are lefties and people coming from Muslim backgrounds.


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Day of the rake!

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Anyone who wants to be friends with the one that masterminded the 9/11 False Flag, Israel, is a traitor.

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If you support Trump or any other right-wing group, you literally support Israel


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>sends sayanim to subvert other countries
yeah, no



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MRW I hear a holocaust sob story

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>Jow Forums should be pro-Rotchild state
>"if Jews are entitled to a home of their own, why not X"
isreal is money laundry and sancury for all jewish scum. there are rules for jews and rules for goyim. don't who did 9/11, middle east conflict and flooding europe with nogs and muzzies. israel is enemy number one.


No patriotic American citizen can support an ethnic nationalist state like Israel

My ancestors died fighting ethnic nationalism around the world, not going to make an exception for you just because you're jewish. You can't leverage the holocaust forever, it won't excuse your own sins.

To support Israel is to support endless war, terrorism, and expansionism.

Israel gives you no thanks for that. Remember this when you deal with the serpent.

It doesn't matter if Jow Forums will or not. European identitarians, civnats and even some ethno nationalists are pro-Israel. Anti-Israel stance is only typically taken by leftists in Europe.

In the US, the centrists are still pro Israel but those with left leaning seem to be becoming anti Israel. The far left is anti Israel and the far right is also anti Israel. But Americans are typically dumb so don't know what they are really doing. A European ethnostate is not possible in America without killing off large sections of non European Americans or without bringing millions of European migrants. But even then Americans would need to modify the US constitution.

America is a civic nationalist country that's not honest about it. If he wants to become any sort of ethnostate, the more likely ethnostate it can be is the state for the mongrelized people. 40% white, 40 % beaner, 10% Asian, 10% Black.

Fuck off kike.

not if it is your enemy

get Zyklon'd, OP.

>giving foreign aid to a first world country committing genocide and turning the entire muslim population against us while their people occupy our government and media for the benefit of said country and detriment of my own

Fuck off

Majority of Jow Forums supports Israel tho


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The US hosts a large number of Jews that Israel won't accept because Israel is worse than the Nazis and our Jews don't want to go back anyway.

The solution is to liquidate them. Two birds with one stone.

>the more liberal you are, the more likely it is that you are anti Israel
Literally everybody who knows the firat thing about anything and isn't a brainwashed parrot is anti-Israel. AND anti-islam. A sane man wants the middle east vaporized after all muslims are driven back to their shithole of origin.

If hating Israel is a lefty thing, why does my navbar read Jow Forums and not /leftypol/ bud?

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Israel existing isn't "muh fair" by the standard you gave. The rats that inhabit it are the REASON multiculti has become terminal.
>"Hurr muh being pro-gun means giving up our guns and just being happy that cops get to have them"

fuck off kike


Are you retarded?
>First post: "the further left you are the more likely you are to be anti-Israel"
>Like a minute later: "democrats strong support for Israel hurr"
God damn m8

develop some fucking reading comprehension skills jfc

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