>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

TrumpTV Weekly Updates:

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>CyberCommCdr ArmyGen Nakasone @Aspen Sec Forum 7/21/18
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OP pastebin:

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Jej, the complete list of "RINO" or outright leftists pretending to be conservative to subvert the party from the inside

Look at Ana Navarro, for instance, can you believe she batted for Senator Bob Menendez? Yes, that New Jersey Bob Menendez! [1]

> MIAMI, Sept. 24 (2009) — He shook hands with supporters at Versailles Restaurant on Calle Ocho in Little Havana. He was given the keys to the affluent city of Coral Gables, Fla., at a reception attended by more Republicans than Democrats. He received two proclamations from nearby towns, including one with a Republican mayor who declared Sunday “Senator Bob Menendez Day.”
> Yes, that Senator Robert Menendez, the Democrat from New Jersey.
> “I want to keep a Republican majority, but not if it means losing Bob Menendez,” said Ana Navarro, a Republican political consultant who helped organize three Menendez for Senate fund-raising events at the historic Biltmore Hotel on Sunday. “He’s part of our extended family.”

Now, for the punchline [2]
> She served on Gov. Bush's transition team in 1998, and served as ambassador to the United Nation's Human Rights Commission, devoting much of her energy to condemning human rights violations in Cuba.
> In 2008 she served as national co-chair of McCain's Hispanic Advisory Council, and in 2012 served as national Hispanic co-chair for Jon Huntsman's presidential campaign.

And here is the blockbuster
> Helping develop her vast stable of prominent political friends is Navarro's longtime significant other, Gene Prescott, a Democratic fundraiser who owns the grand Biltmore hotel in Coral Gables, which hosts more Democratic and Republican political fundraisers than most any address in America. And she's tight with two of the brightest lights in the national GOP — Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio.

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so fucking funny. when is Tuck going to invite him on Fox?

Well that doesn't sound very legal at all, now does it? How does this guy call himself a lawyer?

>I don't think they'll unseat him

I don't either. But there is enough pressure on him to pretty much guarantee he will vote yes on Kavanaugh.

Alchemyanon's mars bullshit better fix this schlump.

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The "stay hydrated" meme is actually real, holy fuck

>he doesn't spend his Mornings In Maria

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Ana Navarro is married to a democrat fundraiser, fundraised for Bob Menendez and is a Bush/McCain/Rubio insider. Cannot be any more uni party than that.

You should have listened to abuela

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fuck, thanks for the reminder i haven't had a drink all day.

im only voting for white, pro 2A freedom loving patriotic males, for the rest of my life.

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She is on too early here on the west coast

>I don't either. But there is enough pressure on him to pretty much guarantee he will vote yes on Kavanaugh.
He doesn't need to vote "yes", just not vote "no". 50-49 does just fine

Nice try buddy but as long as cnn refuses to publish it I have to assume its fake because cnn owns me

shitty OP is shit
someone take the thread back


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Tom Arnolds mystery tapes do not count, bastaboy

Could this alcoholic bring something useful to Europe or nah?

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Just remember it took a week or so for the dragon energy to kick in.

>mars will fix something thats for sure.

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Do you think Trump ever watches movies on the weekend?

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You can't up your salt intake without consequences

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You fucking niggers are so annoying with your larping about this shit

I don't know why a few people are insisting that there's some sort of issue when there's not, and playing make believe doesn't influence affairs. You can joke about it all you like but you can actually make things better that you don't like, but people like you rarely name it.

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Not when Rubio and Mccain are already NOs. Also we don't know about the two bitches.

McCain won't show up to vote

Remember to headpat your platelolis

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Ate too much and now Im sleepy bros, looks like the cianiggers have won


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>She is on too early here on the west coast

It repeats later, you can catch it then

Reposting from last thread. Globalism or Nationalism? Adversity or Diversity? Which path leads to a more advanced mankind, to achieving our destiny of interstellar conquest? No judgment, no feels. Just facts.

Sorry but we are anti loli, if u wanna go play with kids go to reddit

Yeah, I can't believe I actually have Jow Forums to thank for getting rid of my acne problem and that water was the solution all along
Thanks frens

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Is there any primaries news we should be keeping abreast of? Candidates, states, races, news we should be watching/keeping track of? What are things looking like for the primaries in total?

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Nah, as Italy and Austria proves they need no carpetbagger coming from outside

The reactions of Front Nationale in France, Law and Order in Poland, and the current admin in Hungary will tell you whether he's welcome over the coming weeks.

Rubio is a yes on Kavanaugh though.

Trying to speak spanish with a jaw like that must have sounded hilarious

perhaps. depending on how hard the jews try to shut it down. the right wing counter could grow alot.

Im not so much concerned about it having an effect or not.
Im just concerned about the nature or the effect. Its either going to be really good or really bad.

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Whatever results in fewer minorities in western countries. Most minority populations are basically a massive economic burden that will never become economically productive.

Kill yourself

>how one user will summon the legions of Hell
>how (((they))) will write articles about how we should accept (((their))) demonic cousins rampaging

>Not when Rubio and Mccain are already NOs.
Are you fucking illiterate? The hypothesis put forward is that "McCain no show changes nothing as 50-49 is enough". Fucking retard

> Also we
Oh, hello too, fellow conservative

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Its time, boys

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LOOKs like Vin Diseal with aids

Someone give me the QRD on this Disney director guy

Why are you replying to yourself pretending to be someone else, faggot? Are you astroturfing?

There's no impact from playing make believe on politics.

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europe was alredy swept by right wingers.
european politics more complex than america.
it will be a publicity stunt

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>What are things looking like for the primaries in total?
I'm honestly not really paying attention because it doesn't look there are any primaries for the next few weeks at least. The most important primary, IMO, is Arizona. When is that going? When is the last primary happening?

'Toxic' must the latest buzzword

He's making true conservatives shine all day

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We Cyber Nazis now

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you should already realize from your list that Right wing movement swept in those countries
bannon is a sutpid meme

>Pinkie drinker leading with the priorities of the American people again, as always.


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Of course a mormon weirdo like beck would say that

Apparently it’s fairly close, hope he wins

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Yeah, this man isn't biased AT ALL

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He said he wanted to mouth rape mickie mouse

Everybody, point and laugh!

And just like that, they Left will hate Comey again

James Xomey wants investigations to FBI end lol

Also ethical leadership is such a meaningless phrase

not gonna lie. i'm not a nazi, but CYBER NAZI's sounds cool as fuck!

Listen to this WHITE MALE



For fuck sake, what motivates a man to travel thousands of miles to snatch defeat from the jaws of certain victories when his help is not and never was need at all, SPECIALLY NOW that he has no control over Breitbart.

what a faggot

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>those replies

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Booker T beat his ass in a lockerroom

HAHAHAHA, the uniparty is fucked
> Trump to the right
> Bernie / Ocasio to the left

They can't fight both without losing a sizeable share of the vote. They can't ignore either because the same happens.


Ideally Europe goes right wing enough to fracture the EU, but not so right wing that they become better competitors with us. Nothin’ personell kid

>The South Carolina Republican Trey Gowdy suggested that some members of the administration may need to consider leaving if Trump continues to disregard their advice to stand firm against Russia.

>That concern has dominated discourse in Washington since Trump’s summit with Putin in Helsinki last week, at which he spoke more harshly of the FBI than of Russia.

>“It can be proven beyond any evidentiary burden that Russia is not our friend and they tried to attack us in 2016,” Gowdy told host Bret Baier. “So the president either needs to rely on the people that he has chosen to advise him, or those advisers need to reevaluate whether or not they can serve in this administration. But the disconnect cannot continue.”

>Gowdy struck a tone of admonishment Sunday on Trump’s refusal to side with the U.S. intelligence community — comments that the president later partially walked back.

>“I’m glad he corrected it,” Gowdy said, “but when you’re the leader of the free world, every syllable matters.”

Rowdy Gowdy just BTFO Drumpf

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>I'm honestly not really paying attention because it doesn't look there are any primaries for the next few weeks at least.
Why, whenever I mention this, do people insist we just wait until the last minute of the whole thing instead of helping campaign for people friendly to our cause and trying to chart out the whole thing? It seems incredibly counterproductive. Is there nothing to be gained from knowing about this stuff only a few months in advance and having a game plan to help out?

It's August 28th, around a month from now and people know nothing. Early voting is August 2nd and mail voting is the 17th. This is very worrying that people aren't hardly campaigning.

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>he doesn't know about meme magic
Well we'll see.
I hope in a couple weeks you'll have the grace to admit you were wrong

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Beck is a pedo too.

I honestly don't understand this man. Does he want everyone to hate him? Wants to be a victim or something? It doesn't make any sense at all.

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Their strategy now is to make ppl so afraid of trump that they vote establishment even if they are hostile to the progressives redditors want

hilarious that bannon immigrates to eurppe to preach against immigration

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They grow a sack after announcing retirement. Gowdy will be fine in the CIA.

I would admit I was wrong if I was wrong but I'm not. If we invested the same amount of effort from offline nonevents and things which have no impact into discussing an planning for the upcoming primaries then we could have a real impact on the situation instead of doing nothing important.

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Nationalism vs Globalism is essentially the same argument as Capitalism vs Communism. One system requires competition based in rational self-interest (in the case of Nationalism, collective self-interest), the other requires all participants to ignore self-interest in favor of absolute altruism and disagreement-free cooperation.

The latter, therefore, is a philosophy which ignores human nature. At best it is naive, at worst it is actually concocted to enable its leadership to take advantage of the naive.

>but not so right wing that they become better competitors with us. Nothin’ personell kid
That's a mistake. A hard right wing Europe that ever prospered would be a god send to the United States. Imagine the US can stop paying for the EU defence or picking up the bill of every Europe economic fuckup

Imagine that, for a change, America had 30 prosperous and competitive european nation states to trade with instead of one large moocher.

The question to always ask is what is the motivation behind these republicans who say these things; and no an honest opinion isnt he answer, they always do things for political reason

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Can Gowdy just shut the fuck up

He'd probably have the fucking nerve just to show up and vote no. He won't even step down from his seat and is effectively waiting it out as long as possible just to fuck the Rs over.