Why are so many people living in cities? Homes are way cheaper and life is better in the country

Why are so many people living in cities? Homes are way cheaper and life is better in the country.

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Jobs are in cities
Cities have more to do
Distances are shorter

City people are just dumb, there's no question about it.
>no secured access to a means of food production
>"this is fine"
dumb as dogshit.

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you need that more than fresh air? more than food?

wtf you need a job for. oh, that's right, so you can BUY air and food! lol

Yes because san fran is such a great place to live and raise your children.

that house looks like shit for 98k looks nothing has been done it for the past 50 fucking years. If that is the case there are probably problems with the house itself

Yes because we, unlike you, aren't backwards abo scum who think farming is the apex of human achievement. I buy food, and I can go to the forest to shoot some if I want

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>San Francisco is the only city you can live in

Implying anyone would want to live in that shit hole Michigan

carpet in the bathroom????

I lived in a rural area for my entire life until last year when I decided to move to the city to go to university. In the end, it isn't something that I want to continue - I just don't want to live like this for the rest of my life. I want to move back, but the area that I am from has some of the highest unemployment rates in the country. The only industries are natural resources, which were great for a long time, but they're all being made obsolete. What sort of jobs are worth pursuing in rural communities? I have my own small business that I ran prior to moving, but I see minimal possibilities of growth.

>distances are shorter

>taking a two hour long train ride and walking another thirty minutes is shorter than living in the country and driving for thirty minutes

>Cities have more to do
Can't really argue, but this also means more stress and less enjoyment.

>Jobs are in cities
Cities also cost more to live in, effectively negating any benefit you had from said job.
You need to find a job and area that positively nets you anything.

Us 'City Folks' fair better at social interacting. You rural retards might be better off with some outside people to talk to and fuck, y'know, besides your own sister or cousins.

>social interacting

Wow much interaction, so social.

Wew lad that looks like itll be icey af in winter

Reminds me of Jew York! So much fun. So kind. Lovely place. Great bagelz!

city people walk past beggars all day. nobody from the country is even capable to letting someone sleep on the street.

Affordable living=nigger neighbors

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>no comments about sister or cousin fucking
>not surprising

That's not aggressive or negative. You might develop some thicker skin if you drive into the city and talk to some strangers.

That's not true. The Homeless know where to go for free food and shelter, free used clothing and showers daily, hell they even get their meds, heroine, and beer for free. Some choose to live the vagabond lifestyle and begging strangers for money. That's there choice.

Not fucking with you, only thing I miss about city life.

Walking down certain streets and just having like thirty types of foods, fresh made right there.

In the cities yes but outside of it in the country it is safer to live in and it is also way cheaper to exist. You don't have to be a 5 minute drive to the city. If you can buy a house of the same size outside the city for 2x less with actual land but a 30 minute drive then it is a no brainier choice.

>Homes are way cheaper
not true
here the cheapest home goes for 600K

how am I supposed to buy a house when I only have like 50 bucks left to live for this month

In the country, I don't know where the hell you live because you are using a meme flag.

(((finance))) it

how are you supposed to make money on the country side ?

A friend of mine is a broker for horse sperm, but besides that... no money to be made.

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in the countryside the cheapest goes for 400-500 k


>live in the city
>pay double for half the commute time

>live in the sticks
>pay half for double the commute time

depends on what you value more, money or time. personally, i value my time more. i'd probably an hero if i had to drive 1.5+ hours one way to work every day

so you're admitting that cities actively waste resources?

>Jobs are in cities
Ackturaly there is more job creation in the suburbs.
>Cities have more to do
Moot if you have to work all teh time or too poor
>Distances are shorter
Traffic is worse so you have to take public transit. Also no parking.

>i'd probably an hero if i had to drive 1.5+ hours one way to work every day
I wasn't talking that far out. There are little towns in america all over that have shops and businesses. You don't need to drive that far to find them.

>Ackturaly there is more job creation in the suburbs.
please do explain