I thought it was just a joke, but it seems like many of them are actually openly supporting it.
What the fuck, I didn't think people like that actually existed.
I thought it was just a joke, but it seems like many of them are actually openly supporting it.
What the fuck, I didn't think people like that actually existed.
Other urls found in this thread:
That is a tall claim.
Some source to back that up would be appreciated.
what is google
The more we attack Pedophiles the more they'll defend them
it's just too easy kek
Look through twitter and all the people supporting James Gunn - all Democrats
The world is a terrible place to live
Problem is once you say that any non-heterosexual sexuality is normal and you're "born with it", then you can't stop and say that this is not the case for sexuality X. Thus leftists go further and further down the rabbit hole.
the slippery slope is real
Hey, shithead, "drag kids" used to be called "child abuse"
nice no show
>all the people supporting James Gunn
Give me names, links, examples!
Stop being a summerfag and give sources! What the fuck happend to Jow Forums???
It is child abuse
That crusade against Roy Moore sure didn't age well.
Go to Gunn's twitter and look for your fucking self. lazy faggot.
That's the point.
They've gone too far.
Normal people are done with their bullshit.
Sören, hör auf Scheisse zu pfostieren und geh in's Bett. Morgen ist wieder Sonderschule oder willst die 6. zum 5 mal wiederholen?
"But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was. - 2 Timothy 3:1-9
You're right user. Even the Boomer Democrats are getting redpilled.
Wake up you are surrounded by pedos. Actually all men are pedos. Fact.
Thanks. Much appreciated.
The more they defend pedophiles, the easier it becomes to raise RWDS.
Search twitter for his name you dumb fucking muslim
> What the fuck happend to Jow Forums???
Yea you must sure as hell not know. I mean if you'd been on Jow Forums longer than 2 minutes you'd know full well Democrats support pedos. There's links given here all day every day, and threads made.
But suddenly it's our responsibility to spoon feed your ass.
They support trans and gay kids. That's assigning children a sexual identity. Why do liberals want to do that?
Meanwhile liberals talk a lot about child consent, which is a far more fucking obvious.
>all these blue checkmark soiboi bloggers pretending to be journalists defending pedos
I am so glad they made this their hill to die on.
this is why they're into kids. its how homosexuals multiply.
Psychopaths can't trust people they can't blackmail and it's no longer possible to blackmail people just for being gay. Hence the politicians have to do more serious things to be able to trust each other.
Proof fag
yes. but its mostly the jewish ones
>Nathan Larson
>Roy Moore
>Trump and his kiddie beauty pageants he used to walk in on little girls changing
>Trump and other Republicans flying on the "lolita express" with teenage girls with Epstein (in fairness so did Bill Clinton)
Republicans probably shouldn't throw stones in glass houses.
>all faggot commies defending the pedo
Theyre more concerned with "ebil notzees" coming in and filleting the pedo than with what the pedo was doing, or at best has done in the past.
This is the left, kids.
Browse the fucking archive and catalog you fucking lazy nigger.
There is no proof of this democrats want to evolve humanity to be more peaceful and we got to the place where we are today because of them.
Nope you guys are losers because nazies lost two world wars. Mean while communists are actually winners.
This has been debunked by Rine and gay people on a discord.
Funny enough there is no rebuttal guess all of you morons ran away.
> nazis lose war
> nazis are losers
> commie system fall apart
> commies are winners?
Trump is obviously not a pedophile. I unironically think he loves mature grown women. He married younger women than him but not Jerry fucking Seinfeld younger.
>the absolute state of shill astroturfing
WHose the first ones in space? Oh right soviet union.
How am I wrong?
>Actually all men are pedos. Fact.
Wrong, you goat fucking faggot pedo
MOST MEN are Hebophiles, not pedophiles
And since you're such a downy illiterate product of incest, I'll be happy to explain to you the the difference is, you would fuck young children, when most would not go younger than 14/15
Still can't counter it huh? HAHAHHAHA But is china starving?
Nope you are wrong
And they have no labour rights.
And they have to pay to breath decent air.
Democratic leadership does not represent any democratic voting group. While republicans tend to have individual representatives which cater to their own consituant groups, democrats are a monolithic uniparty that ignores each group of their constituents and only cares about points on which most/all of them agree. As this evolved, democratic politicians eventually formed their own group identity outside of any of their consituant groups.
Yeah I have no fucking clue how dangerously close the normalization of pedophilia was to our day to day lives. But here we are.
Pedo's should get the rope.
Not quite.
They snake around it by saying “pedophiles are people too.”
dems support anything that gets them votes
end of story
> Oh no gay people would never lie about molesting kids!!
> come on goys you gotta believe my jew ass!!
fuck off, faggot
I don't have Twatter anymore, can any user do God's work and post screencaps?
And who were the first ones on the moon? Who collapsed in less than 100 years?
At least china is gonna get richer and be a world super power against america.
It collapsed because america didn't want to fight the soviets on 1v1 and went to fight them unfairly.
Again what is wrong being gay?
Because they are.
of course the slippery slope is real
Looks like a girl.
Because they are not.
I see nothing wrong with this.
Pull all factories out and we sink the chink overnight. No more made in China bullshit.
Yes, they do.
Everyday democrats don't but the political elite in this country has been infiltrated by pedophiles for generations. Look at former House Speaker Dennis Hastert for example. The vast majority of these pieces of shit never get caught so the ones that do are merelyh the tip of the iceberg.
There's a documentary on youtube called "Boystown" that I would recommend to anyone curious about this subject.
Locked and loaded
>atleast China is going to get richer
>at the expense of its working class
>lol communism works
>we believe in equality
It’s going to be funny when the working class goes full swastika kike and eats you.
What is that stuff on his lips? STDs or something?
they don't support pedophilia per se, but more complicated... they support children consenting to sex with adults which requires children being conditioned from early on. so yeah they want to fuck kids because vanilla sex is boring I guess
you actually think the country who can fight individual man versus individual man should rule the world. Are you a nog, do you have a bone in your knows. You embarrass actual Russians with this notion.
>All the people supporting James Gunn are Democrats
>therefore all Democrats are pedophile supporters
Quite a jump in logic there even if this is true
I remember a few months ago I overheard a conversation at the bar where someone claimed the Alt Right were Pedo supporters for supporting Roy Moore. Saw the same guy friday and aked him about the Gunn thing and he had nothing to say because the shoe is on the other foot.
I'm not mentally ill! I'm a DAP (Deceased Attracted Person), get over it Bigot!
Mainstream Dems don't support pedophilia... yet. Give it ten years.
They should be.
First man made projectile technically “in space” was a German artillery round.
You are just jealous that china is going to be the next super power.
Thank god nazism is dead.
So no argument?
At least russians don't use proxy wars like a pussy.
Just double checked this and apparently the Paris gun didn’t quite get its rounds INTO a space, but to the edge of it.
But the first object was still German. Nazi German, in fact. V-2 rocket, October 3, 1942.
No. Republicans do tho.
kiddie fuckin commies bro, firing squad when?
>But is china starving?
China isn't really communist anymore. They're a dictatorship that's communist in name only. They're also destroying their environment and in a huge real estate bubble. Pretty much on the verge of perpetual collapse despite being propped up by Capitalism
Hey fuckface it used to be called stop asking to be spoon fed and look it up yourself faggot
They are a kosher party and therefore yes they automatically support pedophilia.