Im a christian communist. debate me

im a christian communist. debate me.

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>Christian Communist
Sharing is voluntary.

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So you are a Heretic, because both the Pope, Evangelical and Orthodox Christian Leader declared Communists as Heretics

Good day

Faggotry is a sin.

Thou shall not steal faggot. God was pretty fucking clear about this.

that's incorrect. slavery, the appropriation of the content of man's creative activity by another (the capitalist) is no voluntary. therefore the liberation of man from this condition will not be voluntary.

we do not expect that a capitalist will surrender all that we made voluntary.

It's a disease of the western mind to equate forced redistribution with charity.

The soviets would have sent you to Siberia. Religion was 1000% not okay in communist regimes.

Why do you want to debate? Is there something you want proven to you? To say you're either christian or communist takes a leap of faith, but to say you're both...

Catholic cucks not welcome on this server

>I follow an ideology explicitly anti-religious

Literally this

How did they become slaves?

they declared a state bureaucracy. the representation of the working class as Heretics

we declare the church bureaucracy, the representation of Chist on earth as Heretics

How can you force people to give up Gods greatest gift to humanity, free will? Giving should come from the heart not be forced.

>I'm a Christian
>I also subscribe to an ideology of pure materialism

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>im a christian communist.
you know how i know you're catholic?

the prime example of this was when the English government privatized the Commons. land that was Common and provided an the basis for an independent existence of the commoners was put into private hands.

likewise, when the Buffalo hoards were exterminated the natives had no choice but to sell their labor power to a capitalist

>Poor people are found in pre-agrarian and agrarian societies on every continent; if they are not poor enough to be willing to sell their labor when the capitalists arrive, they are impoverished by the activities of the capitalists themselves. The lands of hunters gradually become the "private property" of "owners" who use state violence to restrict the hunters to "reservations" which do not contain enough food to keep them alive. The tools of peasants gradually become available only from the same merchant who generously lends them the money with which to buy the tools, until the peasants' "debts" are so large that they are forced to sell land which neither they nor any of their ancestors had ever bought. The buyers of craftsmen's products gradually become reduced to the merchants who market the products, until the day comes when a merchant decides to house "his craftsmen" under the same roof, and provides them with the instruments which will enable all of them to concentrate their activity on the production of the most profitable items. Independent as well as dependent hunters, peasants and craftsmen, free men as well as slaves, are transformed into hired laborers. Those who previously disposed of their own lives in the face of harsh material conditions cease to dispose of their own lives precisely when they take up the task of modifying their material conditions. Those who were previously conscious creators of their own meager existence become unconscious victims of their own activity even while abolishing the meagerness of their existence. Men who were much but had little now have much but are little.

im an Anabaptist actually

>im an Anabaptist actually
bull. fucking. shit.

Communism is replacing God's provision with the state. The glory of God replaced with the glory of man without God.

we welcome each man to become poor, poverty was Christs way of life and its ours as well. we own nothing but we use everything. non of us owns here the English language, if some one was to appropriate it to himself then all of us would need to pay this man for every written and spoken word.

under communism, all things are common, just like English now. we are all poor since non of us owns nothing and we use everything since all is common

plz sthap...
Communism is literally Satanism.
Repent and reject Satan
I will pray for you user

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You are a retard.
Marxism understanding of society and reality comes from its metaphysic root in dialectic and historic materialism.

Both fiercely deny the existence of non-material forces, thus impeding religious people to arrive to marxist ideological conclusions. You are not a marxist, nor a christian, but an illiterate man that doesn't have the shame to atleast don't talk about what he don't knows about

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Literally all the communist leaders were against it, (((lenin))) himself said it was a tool of the rich to control the workers.

Attached: JewsInTheUSSR.png (650x994, 600K)

Btw there exist a church-designed proper christian catholic political ideology (distributism)

materialism and spiritualism are false dichotomies. a human body is nothing but an organized spirit

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Nobody is scared of your kind.

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As a christian, how do you justify killing people who disagree with you?

Yeah were all against Late Stage Capitalism. But your alternative is worse

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The owners of capital aren't forcibly taking products from laborers at gunpoint. They make agreements with each other. It is a voluntary relationship. People in capitalist societies are perfectly free to do things like work for themselves, or create co-ops, where everybody shares in ownership and decision making power. People don't do these very often because they tend to not work well.

that was the church he was referring to.

ironic, since he himself became a thigh priest of Marx.

the church created countless horrors. the inquisition being only one of them

the USSR, the church of Marx became what the Holy Roman Church was for Christ. it produced countless horrors in Karl's name.

however, one should not confuse neither Christ nor Marx for the Holy Roman Church nor the USSR with its Gulags

The Pilgrims were too lazy to make communal property work. Can you outdo them?

retard to retard here:

how did you decide you wanted to become this?

>Using coincidence brackets as a commie
Larp detected.

That's retarded. The body is material. The soul is spiritual. The self is a product of both. Regardless, Marxism is absolutely materialistic.

Late Stage Capitalism is a meme. It never happened, because Marxists don't understand economics and couldn't actually predict what would happen.

was the appropriation of land that was common into privet hands was voluntary?

how can any man own land, not man has made the earth, how then, has land became private property?

So what's the price on that? How much value has to accumulate to the working class scots and native Americans before it stops being a valid cause for complaint?

>non of us owns here the English language, if some one was to appropriate it to himself then all of us would need to pay this man for every written and spoken word
This isn't a very good metaphor.
Words are unlimited.
Food, shelter, transportation, and technology are limited.

With that perception you cannot arribe to marxist ideals, so you are not a marxist

What is your position on the current state of Nicaragua.

>communist flag
>bible verse

I know you are a Canadian but could you not be a faggot of a day?

Late stage capitalism is a term used since 1890
The reality is that capitalism keeps evolving into a more debt-based abstract people-slaver system, and to make that happen cultural marxism is needed

A communist regime has never existed, and is literally an oxymoron. There is no State under Communism.

Yeah, I know.

what the price of what? i dont understand.

you mean compensations? we dont want compensation, the only compensation that can satisfy us is the abolishen of the process that dispossessed us, the negation of the negation.

the appropriation of the expropriated. the last shall be first and the first shall be last

don't mind me just posting things communists can't have

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>t. someone who has never read the bible

These aren't even quotes you fucking retard

those things are made limited by capitalism itself.

surly, if a man would indeed appropriate English to himself a scarcity of words would fallow since many people would find themselves to poor to speak.

I think this communist is calling himself christian only to justify the outcomes.

>Dont you get it??? It's a GOOD THING that everyone is poor!!!

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>Secure at first food and clothing, and the kingdom of God will come to you of itself.

– Hegel, 1807

>that was the church he was referring to.


Why do you hate your existence?

>those things are made limited by capitalism itself.
They're made limited because resources are limited. Land, time, and labor are all resources.

How many times were you dropped on the head as a child?

And you should fuck off back to /leftypol/ where you and your shit tier posting belongs

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>im a double retard. debate me.

If you are an anarchist, how can you enforce communism? If you’re a Christian, shouldn’t you be ashamed of communist enforcement tactics?

Thou shalt not steal

how can you say land is unlimited? for it to be limited one has to put a limit to it, the limit of land is what we call a fence. i fence a plot of land and claim it as my own. you, from now, are limited from it. if i wouldn't limit it it would be unlimited. land is unlimited becouse no man has ever reached its supposed limit. is you reach lands limit, you can fall from land to who knows where.

This thread has been shut down.
The /leftypol/ shill has been exposed, and is probably having an overwhelmed psychological meltdown before retreating to regroup.

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Its figurative, it means that though economic justice comes utopia.

the capitalist steal.

In capitalist society, creative activity takes the form of commodity production, namely production of marketable goods, and the results of human activity take the form of commodities. Marketability or saleability is the universal characteristic of all practical activity and all products. The products of human activity which are necessary for survival have the form of saleable goods: they are only available in exchange for money. And money is only available in exchange for commodities. If a large number of men accept the legitimacy of these conventions, if they accept the convention that commodities are a prerequisite for money, and that money is a prerequisite for survival, then they find themselves locked into a vicious circle. Since they have no commodities, their only exit from this circle is to regard themselves, or parts of themselves, as commodities. And this is, in fact, the peculiar "solution" which men impose on themselves in the face of specific material and historical conditions. They do not exchange their bodies or parts of their bodies for money. They exchange the creative content of their lives, their practical daily activity, for money.

he sale of living activity brings about another reversal. Through sale, the labor of an individual becomes the "property" of another, it is appropriated by another, it comes under the control of another. In other words, a person's activity becomes the activity of another, the activity of its owner; it becomes alien to the person who performs it. Thus one's life, the accomplishments of an individual in the world, the difference which his life makes in the life of humanity, are not only transformed into labor, a painful condition for survival; they are transformed into alien activity, activity performed by the buyer of that labor. In capitalist society, the architects, the engineers, the laborers, are not builders; the man who buys their labor is the builder; their projects, calculations and motions are alien to them; their living activity, their accomplishments, are his.

No, the commandment is for YOU

Thou shalt not steal.

Just because men in top hats steal does not make it right for you to steal.

Case closed, next.

Exposed... Op go back.

All money represents is your time/labor

If you produce something of better quality you're going to make a lot.

There's nothing wrong with working to make money, it just shows how productive you are.
You can thank Capitalism for all the scientific advancements and societal advancements over the past century or so.


So what do you do for a living? Do you pour my coffee or do you scrub my toilet?

Either way, I'll see you tomorrow. Keep crashing and burning :)

Please read Divini Redemptoris by Pope Pius XI




Choose one and only one.

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> German economist

Yeah, okay.

i cannot thank "Capitalism for all the scientific advancements and societal advancements" (which a dubious anyway) for those achievements since Capitalism is merely a Fetish, a false Idol to which people attribute THEIR power.

some people believe that "money works" however pieces on paper on digits on a screen are inanimate objects. it takes concrete human beings to plow a field or rear cattle.

the workers did not know that their situation was a product of their own daily behavior; their own activities were not transparent to them. To the workers it seemed that low wages were simply a natural part of life, like illness and death, and that falling wages were a natural catastrophe, like a flood or a hard winter.

However, Capital is neither a natural force nor a man-made monster which was created sometime in the past and which dominated human life ever since. The power of Capital does not reside in money, since money is a social convention which has no more "power" than men are willing to grant it; when men refuse to sell their labor, money cannot perform even the simplest tasks, because money does not "work."


9. The doctrine of modern Communism, which is often concealed under the most seductive trappings, is in substance based on the principles of dialectical and historical materialism previously advocated by Marx, of which the theoricians of bolshevism claim to possess the only genuine interpretation. According to this doctrine there is in the world only one reality, matter, the blind forces of which evolve into plant, animal and man. Even human society is nothing but a phenomenon and form of matter, evolving in the same way. By a law of inexorable necessity and through a perpetual conflict of forces, matter moves towards the final synthesis of a classless society. In such a doctrine, as is evident, there is no room for the idea of God; there is no difference between matter and spirit, between soul and body; there is neither survival of the soul after death nor any hope in a future life. Insisting on the dialectical aspect of their materialism, the Communists claim that the conflict which carries the world towards its final synthesis can be accelerated by man. Hence they endeavor to sharpen the antagonisms which arise between the various classes of society. Thus the class struggle with its consequent violent hate and destruction takes on the aspects of a crusade for the progress of humanity. On the other hand, all other forces whatever, as long as they resist such systematic violence, must be annihilated as hostile to the human race.

i beg


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You're right, money is only a representation of "work".
You need a system to represent labor/productivity in order to trade effectively.

why do you want everyone around you to starve to death except the jews?


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This is so incredibly satisfying to watch.

we do not trade since trading already imply ownership. with what can i trade if i own nothing? who's to say what belongs to me and that i can rightfully exclude others from its use?

the things that we made were made collectively, the people who built the Trump tower had to rely on food that produced by other workers, we all rely on each other. except on the capitalist. he rely on us but his trick was to make us believe that the opposite is the case.

Trump building, as everything on this planet should be made Common, when everything is everybody's trade becomes a thing of the past

no man is excluded from Christs Kingdom

>Economic Minister Jewish

Does nobody remember what happened when Jews had control of of Germany's economy in the 1920?

Its a Photoshop. I can tell from the pixels amd from seeing quite a few shops in my time. And the colour is wrong.