American Gluttony

What makes Americans so fat? I think it's the sugar and refined carbs. I switched to a ketogenic diet and once I got adapted, I felt much better and calmer and blood work has improved. Pretty much only eat meat, eggs, cheese, spinach, and a bit of low carb veggies here and there.

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Sounds delightful

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It's physically impossible to drink a gallon of anything at one time. Not the least of which is oil.

Peta Griffin?

look at him bro, he's literallycomposed of no less than 68% disgusting cooking oil

Convenience of fast food, less time at home, no reliable wife or significant other to cook for the man of the house or the children. Weak parents that don't lead by example for their children and instead down a 2 liter of Coke right in front of them.

Also corn subsidies turning all of our corn into syrup

Fucking Hell

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Maybe so. But it's a fake headline.
You can't drink a gallon of ANY substance in one sitting.

Mirin bulk dedication

Sage. How many motherfucking times are you going to post this?

>It's physically impossible
Hold my canola

real and straight

Fun fact if you drink 10 litres of water it will get you high.
You'll also die of kidney failure but you will get high.

fake & scarily believable despite being impossible.

fuck, stand up Florida man

mental obesity begets physical obesity

A gallon of oil at 7.2 pounds. 25 gallons, 180 pounds of oil.

I bet I could drink a gallon of beer

Low-iq. That's why the rates of obesity go from nigger, indigenous, white, asian.

Stop asking for the obvious.

"do what you like, I've already won".

Go keto, eat like your ancestors

It's fake you mongoloid

anyone actually interested in going Keto, I recommend Primal Edge Health on YouTube, his motto is literally "Eat Meat, Make Families"