Death to Iran

The Iranian shills /diaspora are out ij full force lets discuss how Iran is an Islamic theocracy and not some based nation

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Hamas is part of the Islamic Umah. Let us read Article 2 from the Hamas Charter

The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of Moslem Brotherhood in Palestine. Moslem Brotherhood Movement is a universal organization which constitutes the largest Islamic movement in modern times. It is characterised by its deep understanding, accurate comprehension and its complete embrace of all Islamic concepts of all aspects of life, culture, creed, politics, economics, education, society, justice and judgement, the spreading of Islam, education, art, information, science of the occult and conversion to Islam.

>muh based hamanso
>muh based hezbollah
>we dindu nuffin
>we ain't terrorist we are gud bois

Islam was in Iran long before Khomeini
USA are not responsible for Iran to have embraced islam

- The original name of the mosque in Persian is Masjed-e Naseer ol Molk
- Built by the order from one of the lords of the Qajar Dynasty, Mirza Hasan ‘Ali Nasir al-Mulk, it took 12 years to complete in 1888.
- Built in late 19th century, not very new and not very old, it is a celebration of both classic and modern times embedded in Islamic heritage. Speaking of this heritage, it has roots in Islamic art, architecture, tile making, geometry, patterns and other arts that flourished in the Golden Age of Islam

- Mosques are the most important works of architecture in Iran since the advent of Islam.
- Fahraj Mosque, the oldest Muslim house of worship in Iran, is the only ancient mosque across the Muslim world whose structure has remained intact.
- The mosque located in a town with the same name in Yazd Province was built about 1,400 years ago.

- The greatest Arabic linguist and grammarian in history was in fact Persian
- Sibawayh, a non-native speaker of Arabic, wrote the first book on Arabic grammar, Al-Kitāb fī an-Naḥw.
- This monumental work was central in setting the standard for explaining Arabic grammar, especially to non-Arab converts to Islam.
- The 12th century philosopher, jurist and mystic Al-Ghazali, is regarded as one of the greatest theologians of Islam.
- Known as a mujaddid, renewer of the faith, within Islam, Al-Ghazali’s influential writings made Sufism an acceptable part of orthodox Islam

relationship between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula
- The admixture analysis results indicate that the majority of Iran's mitochondrial pool is derived from Arabia (Table 3)
- These genetic affinities are also evident in the MDS projection (Figure 2a) in which all the Iranian populations plot between the Arab collections, and the Levant-Anatolia and the northeast Africa assemblages.
- The genetic affinities between the Arabian Peninsula and Iranian groups may stem from gene flow at various points during the time continuum since the initial out-of-Africa dispersal including: (1) ancient migrations during the initial out-of-Africa exodus in which the Strait of Hormuz is believed to have played a major role (see ref. 1), (2) during Neolithic times as a conduit for pastoral nomads and/or (3) during the Arab expansions of the third to the seventh centuries AD.

- similarities between the Peninsular Arabs and the Iranians suggests widespread (involving the movement of large numbers of individuals) rather than discreet (a few scattered communities) migratory waves
- the close genetic affiliation between Persia and Arabia and may suggest gene flow between the two regions.

Iran is nothing more than Shia Pakistan, prove me wrong

this is why iran will die

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Iran isn't flooding only and all white nations with non-white refugees in an act of genocide... but Israel is.

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>selling drugs to raise funds
Typical Shia taliban, also no one cares about money island
Oh so i forgot that makes Iran based and Hwhite


It makes Iran not my enemy.
And it makes Israel my enemy.
Dumb JIDF shill.

based poo

Fuck off poo Jew

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You can be opposed to both, faggot.

>it makes not my enemy
Iran is the enemy of all mankind as it is Muslim and tbqh America is an israeli colony you should look into repealing kosher tax before declaring them the enemy

Iran opposes Israel.
Why would I oppose Iran?

Persians are pathetic, they ignore their past history to act more Arab than Arab, they think aping sand nigger bedouins makes them a great civilization.

>Israel genocides white people
>Israel subverts America
>b-but Iran is the problem, goy!

fuck off kike

A very small percentage of Iranian are Persian

>India’s ability to counter growing Chinese influence in the region and have strategic access to Afghanistan and Central Asia rests on its ability to maintain close ties with Iran.
>Pursuing a closer relationship with Iran increases the risk of blowback from Washington, particularly in the form of angry tweets or comments from Trump.
>Stepping back from engagement with Iran, however, leaves the door open for India’s rivals to woo Tehran into their camp.

Westernized Iranians and Indians are both actors on foreign behalf, stepping over their nations interests. Nothing new.

Joraji i clearly said both of them are a problem quit with your either with me or against me bs

Yeah Iran should be nuked.

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Dear Iran,
Come fucking get some.

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Dismantle the wto mafia and I'll support trade with Iran, right now the ball is in the US court and we'd like to play with the winner

Why is Iran a problem for America and Europe..or anyone besides Israel?

Hahahahaha, my sides.

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I can use a VPN too, kikestein

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>Taking Iran seriously

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Cause they are Muslim? Read

Israel did 9-11, fuck off shill. Stop being led by these Semitic fucks into attacking their enemies and dying for them.

>when Iran starts talking shit

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Islamic theocracies are all extraordinarily oppressive. It’s a fact of life.

>When you see a shitskin in your sights

Attached: 595aad29d084cc08538b6c4d-1136-757.jpg (1136x757, 205K)

>when your dog is better than any doggo ever.

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>everyone i dont like is from Israel
Nice one joraji

>when an Iranian fat fuck runs his mouth

Attached: 595aad29d084cc1e008b73f6-1136-757.jpg (1136x757, 142K)

>when a nigga wants smoke

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That's a really nice doggo
>you can hate only one of them

What Iran is, where Iran is doesn't matter to me, nor any American. Only a JEW wants to have a war with them, that includes the Kike Pawn President.

Definitely a good doggo.

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Trump is a zionist stooge confirmed.

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We don't CARE about Iran. Iran's government is Iran's business. Iran is literally 6,000 miles and two seas away from the US - it's not our problem.

>The Iranian shills
mooshie outsourced to pajeet land to same a few sheckles huh

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What race is that US soldier

I can't answer that.

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>not knowing about Iranian diaspora /shill


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Just go ahead and post more Iranian QTs Mr Ayotallah.

Time to go die for Israel now.

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Iran keeps their Islam in Iran.
I dont give a shit if they're Muslim or Scientologist if they leave me alone. Israel, however, is genociding white people.

Fuck off JIDF you low IQ kike

(((fellow white person)))

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Iran is an Islamist dictatorship which is developing nukes.

who gives a fuck, i would dance in the streets if they nuked tel aviv tomorrow

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good i hope they nuke israel

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*iran sinks your aircraft carrier*

They'd nuke the US aswell

You're not secure either

only because the US is Israel's puppet.

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my man
>american cities gutted of all industry and shipped to china
>chock full of niggers, shitskins, and jews living off gibs
t. nothing of value was lost

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>Iran keeps their Islam in Iran.

Your president is a Zionist puppet you fucking retard. That's the only reason he's shilling this Jewish warmongering shit. Iran is one of few countries that doesn't support terrorism in the west. The only outcome of a war will be dead whites and more migrants to Europe helped there be Israel. Shill somewhere else, kike

Moar Persian babes!

>chock full of niggers, shitskins, and jews living off gibs
also faggots, forgot about the faggots
lol this one is super relevant now:

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Why don't you sink criminals, you maple bitch? Didn't 9 people die tonight?

I'm not an arab, but I'm still against invading Iran.

So, since you hate radical islam so much and people who support it, you should also be against Israel for supporting ISIS and being allied with Saudi Arabia right??

Moslem Brotherhood is shit. AIPAC controls the entire government and are the ones that push these wars.

I hate all cut dicks equally

My god Americans are fucking stupid kek

Have fun dying in some freezing mountain trying to find Habibs and hosseins you Israeli pawn

No war, let Israel bomb them if they want to but keep the rest of us out of it. fuck you and shave my balls bitches.

>Iran is an Islamic theocracy
Is this supposed to hurt my feelings or what the hell, why should I care if they are Islamic democracy or Islamic theocracy?

what you need to understand is that iranian girls have asses user, asses that need to be stretched out and cum filled. nuff said suit up let's get to fuckin these hoes

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