YET ANOTHER fucking oil war in the Middle East

>YET ANOTHER fucking oil war in the Middle East
oh my fucking god MAKE IT STOP

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got to clear it out for Israel after all

>when you realize Trump is making America great again by forcing America into every major war that is likely to happen within the next 40 years so that America can get it over with

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This reminds me of the ending to 1984

>muh oil war
So how much oil did we get out Iraq?

Yeah this meme won’t die with the low IQs. For some reason it makes them feel really smart & insightful. Lol. They’ll never explain though.

>A war started over a tweet
Now, where have I heard that one before?

You think this is just about oil kid? Its about oil alright, and some other stuff.

You voted for it.

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You MUST die for Israel goy

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Texas just became the third largest oil producer in the world. We dont need sandnigger oil anymore.

Texas independance when?

There's a country left to bomb?

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(((oil war)))

>make it stop

Ok destroy the federal reserve and stop using oil as an excuse to print endless money

Soon I hope.

t. Texan

It's about the dollar mantaining reseve currency status. Since it's easier to fuck with Iran than it is to fuck with China and walk away unscratched.

So yeah, it's not about oil per se but about forcing oil trade to be done in dollars.

Chill out user. This is the same thing he did win NK.

Never Texas fag

it'll stop when the whole region is our vassal or a smoking pit pick one

Hahaha have fun armycuck.

I'm sorry user.
you are hijacked by the kikes.
either take to the streets or continues paying 50% of your income to zionist wars.

You gonna come down here and stop us yankee scum?