Why do they hate us?
Why do they hate us?
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Our continued support of Israel.
I wish we can have an Iran Summit.
Because you have oil and no election process they can manipulate.
America is the world's #1 Arms producer. Peace is not good for business
we kill all their friends
Because they're muslim and we're dirty infidels
If Jews didn't exist maybe we coulda been frens. Too many stupid people won't see that Jews are pushing us to war.
They hate Jews, and see you are owned by them.
Because, Im just a singer of simple songs im not a, real political man. I watch cnn but Im not sure I could tell you, the differemce tween iraq and them
If we can start a Persian stampede into Europe, it would be better than the nigger one. It wouldn't be "racist" if Persians turned back the niggers.
They are low iq inbreeds who brought a filth regime upon the country. And now they are reaping the fruits of their endeavors. Starving with high inflation.
So glad my parents left that garbage low iq state.
they hate the jews and neocons/neoliberals
This is worth watching if you care. The persians aren't just literal sand rats like the Iraqis were:
Nice Iran propaganda, Amir
>Why do they hate Jewmerica
>Why do they hate imperialist murderous countries that are trying to take down their legitimate government
They Don't Hate us.
Well kind of but not really, all they want is peace and economic liberty.
Who they really Hate is Saudi Arabia and their Wahhabism, a belief that Shiite and Sunni people can't be Friends.
Because we couped their government to take their resources
They later revolted and overthrew the US backed govt
Immediately afterwards the US funded Iraq in an invasion of Iran
The US also shot down an Iranian civilian passenger airliner and didn't apologize for it
Among other things. And people are surprised that this country chants death to America
>Iran propaganda
he's a closet fag US travel video writer you cocksucker who has been doing it since I was shitting in diapers and watching it on the electric jew.
You forgot your meme flag
You're fucking nation has become the shitting ground of the world. I would bet they send their faggots, mentally ill, and jews there since your PM is dumb enough to take em.
>legitimate government
well, ahhhh…. During the Revolution they teamed up with liberal secular groups to defeat the Iranian Monarchy, then they Betrayed those groups and Flipped on Islamic Rule.
Until now, these Secular Liberal parties are pushing the Iranian government to try to make peace, however Like Batman and the Joker, Israel cannot let Iran become a Peaceful nation and loose US Money and military Support.
That's why the Zionists want war with Iran so bad.
It's 2018 we don't need to hide on Jow Forums anymore
I hope someone turns that place into glass.
Your garbage country did this as well. Without Israel and Mossad the Middle East would be a better place even with all the inbreeds
But then what excuse you'd have for raping it for resources?
I don't know if you know this, you fat American pig trash, but the entire world hates you with a passion because you are world dictator. Project it on Jews all you want, nobody will ever like you still.
You don't know this, but we've actually gotten along with Muslims before the Jews came along.
>but the entire world hates you with a passion
the entire world hates you, Jew. They hate ZOG for letting it be dragged around on its nose by your tribe.
This is worth watching if you care. The persians aren't just literal sand rats like the Iraqis were:
39:50 around the river looks comfy as fuck. I'd be tempted to go in as a minion of ZOG if they let me sit by that river at twilight.
Because you hate them and suck Israel's cock every time.
Stop attacking our ally you fake American fucker. Israel has strong support in America. Douchebag.
>Why do they hate us?
Hm, I wonder why...
You might wanna un-X Syria, cause that failed miserably.
No we didn't. The muslims sided with the nazis and before that they were on the side of the Ottoman Empire.
And also add before that the US fought a war against the Barbary Pirates.
because you are the slave of the jew.
lol muh ZOG
The American will go to great lengths to avoid any and all responsibility for his condition. Guess that if we can drag you by the nose, you don't deserve autonomy you pathetic subhuman. Obey your master.
They don't hate us.
>. Israel has strong support in America. Douchebag.
Everybody hates you, dont worry.
>The American will go to great lengths to avoid any and all responsibility for his condition.
Jew, you have a system where by you bribe my congress, get free weapons, and drag this nation into war for you. Then when people try to remove you so the world can live in peace, you screech in hebrew. I think if you get your war with Iran, I won't be the only one talking about "final solutions" to our Jewish problem.
We toppled their democratic government and ruined their country.
Because you are unpredictable psychopaths who murder people and destroy countries purely to score points in your internal political squabbles.
because iranians have to deal with israel who are only alive because of us
They're muslims, anyone who isn't muslim is hated by them, that and kikes don't help.
>Iran’s sole Jewish parliamentarian branded Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu an “insane vampire” for repeatedly saying that modern Iran, like ancient Persia, is bent on annihilating the Jewish people.
>“Netanyahu is an insane vampire drowned in crimes from head to toe and the recent remarks made by the racist Israeli prime minister [are] not surprising to me,” Siamak Moreh Sedgh told the Iranian parliament on Tuesday, according to the semi-official Fars news agency.
>Sedgh further claimed that anti-Semitism and racism have “never been witnessed” in Iranian culture.
So how is it YOUR congress or YOUR nation? It seems that you are incapable of holding it, goy. It's my nation - you obviously don't deserve it. If I can drag you across the ocean to die in the desert you don't deserve to decide whether you live or die - you are either too weak or too dumb or both. All it takes is some loud Hebrew and you faggots bend over and spread your buttcheeks.
Please see
>unpredictable psychopaths
Says the country that produced Blokhin, the guy who personally shot nearly 10000 Poles in the head over the course of a few weeks. Good one, comrade.
still pretty destabilized
itt people completely ignorant of history and politics.
Pro tip, Iranians used to be the original best ally of Murrika in middle east. Thats why you dumped their ruling class full of money, supported a corrupt autocrat Shah who wanted all that military tech, gave them the original technology to start nuclear process etc etc.
Then came all this.
They dont you fucking idiot
>you are incapable of holding it, goy. It's my nation
you even speak like the parasite you are. Because a dog cannot (yet) remove a bloodsucking tick, the tick is not more powerful than the dog. When the dog finds the right tree, the bloodsucker will be crushed.
LOL, I talk like this because you are infinitely insecure. You have put your entire existence in my hand. People like you don't deserve autonomy, plain and simple, because you cannot take responsibility for yourself even to admit that you allowed this to happen and that the parasites in your nation are still American citizens that you allow to operate. Honestly, you are the most impotent sounding dude I've ever spoken to on Jow Forums and that says a lot.
And there we have it, our greatest ally.
>Call user a slur
>Get shit back
>omg friggin kikes
Like I said, the American will go to great lengths to avoid any and all responsibility
You should learn the history of Iran before implying
>they hate us
The world has a gun to its head by (((them))) because they stole weapons grade uranium and formed the Samson Initiative. Die Israel Die
kek, good job jew. The more talmudic poison you bark out under that flag, the better. forever post here, 10 are reading. The browsing boomer evangelical cucks are getting their first taste of what real jewry looks like up close and what Jews actually think. Screencapped to save.
iran is the fertile crescent. its the origins of the aryan race. aryans still live in iran today. israel will annex iran, they will genocide the aryans. we will eventually lose our indo-european roots. the man of the future is the man of the longest memory, we are already losing our memory.
Yeah, screencap this:
A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.
It's your fault only.
Are you really saying you don't want to kill these clearly evil people for the Jews? Didn't you pay attention in holyco$t class?
Not good Hasbara Hymie. not good at all.
Lmao you don't even know the quote, surprise surprise. a retarded American ignorant of even his own "ideology".
the whole world hates you
>o you don't even know the quote
"Hasbara" is the Pr spin you kikes are meant to present to the rest of the world. You let it slip and showed your true reptilian, blood-sucking nature in public on an international forum. You failed.
You still don't even know the quotes of the historical figures who agreed with you completely. A true American. Stay ignorant that's the road to victory.
they hate jews
we're the jew capital of the world
they want to finish the jobs with nukes
we want israel to completely run the middle east because they want a monopoly on the world's most important resource (oil)
make sense?
They're Muslim fundamentalists
Because you are Aryans and not Muttkike faggots
>You still don't even know the quotes of the historical figures who agreed with you completely.
It could be Henry Ford, Lindbergh, Father Couglin Nixon, Billy Graham, Truman, Franklin, they all said the same thing at different times.
>they hate jews
>we're the jew capital of the world
>they want to finish the jobs with nukes
>we want israel to completely run the middle east because they want a monopoly on the world's most important resource (oil)
>make sense?
Retard, they don't. They want a nuke to protect themselves from Jew psychopaths, and they should have one since Pakistan has one which means the Saudis do. Their 2 deadliest enemies have them, and ZOG has taken out Iraq, Syria, and Libya. Put yourself in their position. Would YOU trust ZOG? And now they're trying to say Iran can't export any oil? I'd tell ZOG to get bent too.
Yeah mate but it's a very famous quote of Corneliu Codreanu, just fyi.
And if all those great Americans had the same opinions, why don't you agree? Could Jews really take a vigilant and proud America that's always on guard from foreign influence?
true that does make more sense. iran with nukes makes more sense than pakistan and poodia having them.
>Why do they hate us?
But they don't. only low IQ retards believe everything they hear.
Other than that, we overthrew their government in 1952 and installed the shah of Iran who was a puppet of his kike lords.
>? Could Jews really take a vigilant and proud America that's always on guard from foreign influence?
That was the fault of the corrupt WASP elite who enabled Jews and allowed them to become exploiters and then a hostile, nepotistic elite. Trump is just dancing around the edges and only naming the symptoms. But you've REALLY fucked yourselves in the UK, since if your tribe and Soros try to cuck Brexit, you'll get Corbyn who very openly despises you. That's going to be fun to watch.
It's true.
> Mfw no Persian qt because Jews
>f Corneliu Codreanu
he's a Romanian. You said it was a quote from MY ideology, implying it was an American.
We overthrew their government and turned their country in to a shit hole.
Don't watch the Jew user. Highly recommend the Rick Steves video since he's autistic and not a Jew like Bourdain.
>no Persian qt because Jews
Because Trump pulled out of the Iranian Nuclear Deal. Looks like he might start a war before the Midterm elections over the usual Iranian saber-rattling propaganda without having a legal Casus Belli, to distract from the consequences of the Mueller Investigation and Russian operation being blown. I’m honestly not surprised Russia would give up their former Iranian ally so easily to protect their new position on the World Stage. Of course NATO and the United Nations will not be in favor of greater destabilization in the Middle East, further sundering the alliance, and expending our precious military resources and and the lives of our soldiers in yet another expensive, unnecessary foreign war, after which Putin can paint America as unstable aggressors and swoop in as “peacemaker” on the World Stage. The danger: Iran will immediately launch short range nuclear missiles at Israel upon being attacked, Israel will retaliate, and WW3 will result. That Iran Nuclear Deal Trump broke is looking like a better diplomatic outcome now that it’s gone, eh? This is what happens when espionage succeeds at the highest levels.
Iran doesn't hate us, well the government does but not the people. The don't like that the US is the puppet of Israel. You should see the American muscle cars they collect and love to drive. If they hated us so much, why would they do that?
Maybe this is why he committed (((suicide)))
Outside of their government, Iran is a fairly secular country. Pew Research found that, on average, Americans are slightly more religious in comparison and are more likely to attend weekly services.
>Because they're muslim and we're dirty infidels
Found then retard!
dude that's a fuck brick of text no one will read. Here is a better reason we should not fight Iran for the Jews. The more I see of Iran, the more I'd seriously consider converting to be a Shia muslim and live there:
>Iran propaganda
Yeah, looks like they really hate us a lot! The jewish media would never lie to us about Iran hating our guts. just look at how the treat those classic American cars.. Tsk Tsk.
I've been on a 7 hour YT video watching spree on Iran. the more I see of their culture and how they protect their people from ZOG cultural marxist jewish poison, the more I want to find a blue-eyed Persian QT and live there.
Not sure if you're retarded or a shill desu
What kills me about our country is that people who claim to be so smart, are so easily fooled by jewish media. Iran hasn't attacked anyone in hundreds of years. Iran has complied with IAEA nuclear inspections. Can't say that about Israel tho. I get it it's politics, but why do so many people fall for this shit. Anyway I hear you user. Watching those vids makes me nostalgic and pissed off and sad all at the same time. I hope the world comes to it's senses and you get to do that and find that persian QT.
This 100%
>Rick Steves
I watch Rick Steves and he's an even bigger kike that Bourdain was. He sucks israels dick every chance he gets.
read the small print, lol
Either because the US military surrounded them for Israel or for your freedoms.
:( I used to binge watch his series but he's a super cuck politically.