Why is a brown pride tattoo acceptable but if I get a white pride one I'm a racist fuck
Why is a brown pride tattoo acceptable but if I get a white pride one I'm a racist fuck
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because white people are supposed to be above that kind of shit
Tattoos are stupid.
Put one on chest then learn to fight like that guy and you won’t give a fuck about what anyone thinks. That’s why he can and you wont
Because liberals have successfully steered the conversation on race for a decade. I've asked this same question.
white pride is scary, because whites are superior
brown/black pride is just cute
It's the same reason other asians start kvetching when japs get nationalistic
have a nope
Do you seriously believe a white guy can walk around with racial slogans on his chest and get off scot free just because he can throw a punch? Mexilards really are fucking dumb
White Pride is about pride as an oppressor. Brown/ Black pride is about pride despite oppression. Not a difficult concept to understand
Yeah I’m sure the UFC would allow a white dude with SS bolts tattooed on him to represent their brand because he doesn’t give a fuck. Way to miss the point entirely.
>implying whites weren't historically oppressed for far longer than any other people
Whites are oppressed
so it's fine to oppress, it's not O.K. to be proud of it, gocha
>mexican intellectual
What about Melvin Costa?
Hadn’t heard of him and so I looked him up.
He’s not in the UFC and officials want him banned. My point exactly.
Melvin Costa isn't in UFC. He's in KOTC which is a small regional south California promotion.
Both are fucking trashy. Just live with pride for your race. Hitler would be loling hard at anyone with a 1488 Tattoo desu
Double standard.
Making posts like this on Jow Forums is a waste of time, dump them on left-wing sites.
>Do you seriously believe a white guy can walk around with racial slogans on his chest
whos stopping you faggot, do you, just don't complaint when your only friends are nothing but low life losers, i am sure as fuck any mexican with shitty ass tattoos has a bunch of intellectuals and well established friends as his support group.
like the other user said already, unless you're military with some sort of meaningful branding, tattoos are fucking stupid