Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Yet another Monday Edition


>Meme Collections

>Enemy intel - Dönermann's Discord leaked

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Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.

>English language analysis

>Self improvement (Basic bodyweight workout) (No excuse for being fat)

>Counter culture

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E


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Other urls found in this thread:

Wage Keks are wage keking?

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Based Uli Hoeneß!

It's 10 am, what do you think?

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Check out whats on the google front page today.

oh no

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Someone is going to be happy about that...

If only...

>migration lobbyis..researcher
>resettling intensifies
>resettles self

She is completely right. We are in Weimar 2.0. Politicians who are completely disconnected from the people, sexual degeneracy everywhere, loss of traditional culture and crass materialism wherever you look.
Too bad lefties will never accept the part they played in creating fascism, and are blind to what they are doing now.

respect belgium neutrality in WWIII thanks.

short post
found this gem (?)
article is worth the read, even though it has uhm... controversial statements (3e R working for/with then copying kikes)
oh, fair warning - written by kikeboy who is (((not practising)))

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Guten Morgen aus Bielefeld.

>Fellow Kartoffel

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Of course! And as a fun side porject I am checking EPA regulations like crazy during my breaks!

Oy vey!!

as promised, on the importance of deutungshoheit of terminology and language use.
controll connotations and framing.

and who is that pathetic weisswursteln?
is it even ok to be weissdeutscher?!

he really looks like a passionate reader of that prantl blog,
> der umvoelkische beobachter

winner winner halal dinner

Attached: shitpost of the month.jpg (882x956, 152K)

Have fun with that, I am just procrastinating on Jow Forums while trying learning for an exam.

rat smells a sinking ship

Time to order some books from amazon.

Playing shit isn't enough anymore for resigning apparently.

I have high respect for Phillip Lahm, Schweinsteiger and the other guys who said it's enough and retired from the national team after winning the cup. They knew when to leave with class like sportmen without sullying their reputation.

Don't know what he wants in the national team anyway. It's not like he was enjoying the experience or happy to play. The guy isn't exactly enthusasiastic about being in the team. Low IQ dude who stayed too long until he ruined his legacy.

read it? it has some interesting insights into kike mind, if one can believe what he writes. on a short break got a fucking splinter under a fucking fingernail.
some are free in digital form!

We italian futurism now, boys.

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>Zwei Jahre habe er in einem Sportverein geboxt. „Haben Sie da gelernt, dass Fausthiebe gefährlich sind“, fragte die Opfer-Anwältin.
>„Nein“, sagte der Angeklagte da nur.
>„Kiffen und Chillen war seine Lebenseinstellung“, sagte Verteidiger Buhr

Brian P. Tanzanian rapist, been in Germany since age 2. Just got out of prison, rapes a 21 yr old in park, Cologne. Another integration success story.

While I don't think the criticism of Özil performance wise is justified completely I think it's funny that they all go like "what about Thomas Müller?". Müller seems to be the token German the shitskins use to get their racism going.

der *umvölkische beobachter* is grinding it even harder

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> Foroutan, die aus einer deutsch-iranischen Familie stammt, sagte, sie selbst sei kurz davor gewesen,
> mit ihrem Ehemann und ihren drei Kindern auszuwandern. Sie spüre eine Entfremdung,
> von der sie nicht glaube, dass sie kurzfristig sei. Sie habe lange an ein „neues deutsches Wir“ geglaubt,
> „das nicht mehr anhand von religiösen, kulturellen oder migrationsbiografischen Linien das Deutschsein definiert,
> sondern als eine Haltung für eine plurale Gemeinschaft neu entsteht“, sagte sie.

kek, it's so delusional, they really believe crap like muhh plurale Gemeinschaft with different cultures, ethnicities and races
can work together within the same Lebensraum....

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and of course they reinstated the reader forum for this:

is there some diversity faction that tries to do some putsch in the dfb?

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Well the delusional ((Germans)) are the only ones that want to interact with them, so they believe all Germans are that way.

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how to implement the sneaky fukken strategy successfully

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Weimerica fuck yeah, coming here to cuck the motherfucking dykes here.

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Ouch!!! Halfway through it so far, will continue during lunch break...

>> be me
>> have only ever voted Republican
>> army veteran
>> afghan war veteran
>> gun owner
>> concealed carry permit holder
>> work in law enforcement
>> son of police officer, grandson of police officer
>> hate the gangs, criminals, and SJW leftists destroying this country
>> hated Hillary
>> think that Trump is a coward and a traitor to this country for many reasons
>> think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
>> get called a shill on Jow Forums
>As more and more of us turn our back on this joke of a president and on the cultist movement you guys blindly follow, the more you'll say Jow Forums is infested with "shills" and Democrat bots. But we are real people that are expressing our frustration and disillusion with this president and his administration. Face it, user, there are a lot of us oldfags who think this president is fucking pathetic and that you guys are even more pathetic for supporting him. Either wake the fuck up and get right, or realize you're too-far-gone and neck yourselves, or wait until you get dragged into the streets and punished for being such faggots.
> be me
> have only ever voted Republican
> army veteran
> afghan war veteran
> gun owner
> concealed carry permit holder
> work in law enforcement
> son of police officer, grandson of police officer
> hate the gangs, criminals, and SJW leftists destroying this country
> hated Hillary
> think that Trump is a coward and a traitor to this country for many reasons
> think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
> get called a shill on Jow Forums

you are , and now show tits or gtfo

Just figured out I could maybe design a plant that does not produce ANY waste by EPA standards by processing the 'waste' into valuable resources through simple means ... fugg, if this works out ... even with the rather lax environmental regulations in the US waste disposal is a buerocratic and cost nightmare!

Seems pretty complicated good luck with that.

This is an interesting read.

both parties suck user,
America is screwed no matter who wins
move the fuck out of America if you can

Thx! Mostly about understanding all the excemptions and doing some basic math and chemistry. Complicated part is staying cost-efficient ...

Stop resisting kagg nadsis, just stop it , okay

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is what I feel

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>Jakob Aug(((stein))) hurts, Jow Forums.

>social parasitism and strong selection for ingroup cohesion

See I find it funny how my ideas are always verified ... damn, I don't have that one copypasta of mine on the 'Jewish question' around.

>it's fascism if people don't cater to my needs
>why can't we all be rootless, cultureless nomads again?
>all i want for the world is to mindlessly consume and praise allah
wtf, i hate völkisch now

that's pretty hot desu

Exactly! as soon as I read those words, I thought about that discussion we had.
ficken uncanny!

Anyone who wants to be a career politician, a cop, etc shouldn't be allowed to be one.
My aunt always told me this, wise words.
what class?
unfortunately, european leftist communist shills are promoting a non-white refugee crisis to mask the white refugee crisis.

>what class?
Its about Numerical Algorithms to solve linear systems of equations.

>wir müssen uns vom sozialstaat wie wir ihn kennen verabschieden
Most based thing this shithead has ever said, even though he probably means expanding it instead of getting rid of it.

so basically high school math
>german education

who here #TeamOezil?

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>Numerical Algorithms
I had thought the same, "SO like ugh, trigonometry?"
You have to be 18 to post here user, just fyi.

Hes not even for real. His father was cucked by some other cucky writerboy.
His siblings are a tranny and a SZ journalist, whole familiy is rotten to the core. His „father“ even married his mother after she cucked him

Yeah, it's okay to have a shitfest of a family and still be normal person. They are just random people at this point, it seems.

>so basically high school math
You wouldn't actually belief what you have to do at some points for error estimates and such.
It legitimately goes into functional calculus stuff at some points, but yes, it mostly relies on basic linear Algebra and some analysis.

I am talking about things like this:

Why do Turks in Europe love Erdogan so much? Had a Turk in school that converted his girlfriend and her family to islam and then they all shilled for Erdogan, people just asked why they didn't move then. Never really looked into it.

Unz is great, check their article on post war germany and france.


>you wouldn't believe
>goes into functional calculus
Yah, wait until you take trig, kid. I remember I preferred my algebra lessons, failed my expectations for geometry, and when it came time to take trig I was a shining star.
It is summer time in Germany? Are you in fall back school?

Yeah,it's called the german government.

>Yah, wait until you take trig, kid. I remember I preferred my algebra lessons, failed my expectations for geometry, and when it came time to take trig I was a shining star.
I have done a bit of differential geometry, does that count?

>It is summer time in Germany?

A german girl converted and got TURKED?

German autism strikes again

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What area of physics are you covering right now?

>Tfw where ever DG and his steel plants go mutations like down syndrome show up in the general population

None, just mathematics.

Are you a CS nibba?

same here
Krautanons obliterating the entire thread to shreds
most satisfying exploitation thread I ever saw!
Weiter so!

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2 things;
giving birth in a playground
fucking teepee

Attached: Modern_Native_TeePee.jpg (259x194, 8K)

>Are you a CS nibba?
Just a math Nibba.

he doesn't even look jewish wtf

Germs are just hard to understand, they do bants and it's better than when literal niggers do it.

I’d imagine that very few jews are pureblood khazars at this point.

example, when bantz with germans, you have to remember that their literal hair is just the same stuff as their beard hair, and that they usually don't have spaghetti noodle hair but literal afros.
that should be a good start.

>example, when bantz with germans, you have to remember that their literal hair is just the same stuff as their beard hair, and that they usually don't have spaghetti noodle hair but literal afros.
>that should be a good start.
What does that even mean?

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Spaghetti noodle hair is like stringy, straight hair, and beard hair is like thick and usually curly. And anytime I met a Kraut they have literal beard hair for their head hair.

>And anytime I met a Kraut they have literal beard hair for their head hair.
Are you sure you spoke with a german and not with a poodle?

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Exactly, I think they were Bavarians.
Ex. this Bavarian stud muffin's afro. Considered a delicacy to Bavarian women.

Attached: Bavarian_Afro.jpg (383x233, 13K)

>Überlassen wir unser Land nicht den Hetzern und Spaltern

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question is, who wrote it for him

>and this is dangerous for society
I can tell you that was a female, for one.

not unplausible, but could just be a combination of general language canon and onion juice

You are right

Attached: average looking bavarain woman.jpg (658x580, 37K)

>Dem Türken wird hier nichts verziehen

Hello my fellow germans! How are you today?

She told the class one time her life ambition was to get pregnant. Suppose it didn't matter to her if a Turk was willing to do that.

archetypical daddy issues

females are the leaders on the left, which make them directly responsible.
OMG LOL @ file name.
I bet she makes really good cookies.
>life ambition was to get pregnant
And you did not jump on that perfect opportune to do it???

sind doch überall schon ferien?

>Özil does not make himself a slave of the synchronized lying German press and defends his photo with Erdogan.
>This courage and this civil courage is a prime example of successful integration"
t.Salafist hate preacher Pierre Vogel

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>females are the leaders on the left, which make them directly responsible.
nah, that just looks like it, they are improperly used to sway opinion

she was the daughter of a single mother, thats not a good sign. I think she just wanted the gibs from being a single mother with a Turk in the background