Twitter now literally hiding replies to your tweets

Don't know if anyone has seen this but twitter now has a "feature" which makes it impossible to see the replies to your tweets.

Yes, they are literally hiding the replies without any link to have them shown. No "if you want to see the replies anyway, click here." There is no way of knowing if this feature is really for long conversations or simply being used as an excuse to hide controversial tweets.

it's all for your own good goyim

Attached: twitter.jpg (881x289, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:


this seems pretty new, I've only found a few tweets talking about this issue and not a single article on any website

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>it's all for your own good goyim
Stop using fucking twitter. FB and farmville too.

It's not new by any means you retard, It's used to hide long reply chains, and never hides a singular reply to the original tweet (the ordering of these replies is a completely different matter of course).


even if I stopped, there's millions of people using it, lots of people who don't believe they are being censored online. The same idiots who only read the headlines on facebook and don't even bother researching

problem is, we share the world with those idiots, so we should worry about this

Oh wow, you unmasked me! What on earth will I do now!

Twitter is for retards anyway, yall deserve what you get for using it

>who cares about retards

>democrats win
>"why the fuck are there so many retards in our country"

have a (((you))).

Attached: cowboykitty.jpg (1920x1920, 637K)

Only deranger 72yo boomers use that crap

Spare Dhe Rod, Spojl Dhe Goj

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Fuck antisocial media. Whenever I see these zombies on their phones I want to destroy the internet. Fucking hell. People used to have conversations and do shit outside. Now everyone is out for their dopamine kick like junkies and taking pictures of trivial shit.

Attached: goy19.png (368x376, 2K)

>i'm stupid and i'm proud

no sliding

Also what's up with youtube greying out the like/dislike bar unless you either like or dislike the video?

Attached: 54678763565768.png (1727x1226, 1.75M)

>pagination is a conspiracy now
you need to adjust your meds

Attached: refugee sandnigger's thoughts on Americans.png (1440x745, 1.19M)

>psychopathic CEOs deciding who gets censored on the internet
Reminder all of this should be entirely illegal.

Why not make a new platform not run by jews? Oh wait right. Pol is retarded.

>just throw a few billion down the well to have a chance at making a youtube competitor
>what are you, stupid or something?
Better idea: the government simply passes free speech legislation to protect the basic human rights of citizens against being censored by psychopathic corporate execs?

Shadowbanning ain't news nigga