Remember, YOU wanted this

Looks like he might start a war before the Midterm elections over the usual Iranian saber-rattling propaganda without having a legal Casus Belli, to distract from the consequences of the Mueller Investigation and Russian operation being blown. I’m honestly not surprised Russia would give up their former Iranian ally so easily to protect their new position on the World Stage. Of course NATO and the United Nations will not be in favor of greater destabilization in the Middle East, further sundering the alliance, and expending our precious military resources and and the lives of our soldiers in yet another expensive, unnecessary foreign war, after which Putin can paint America as unstable aggressors and swoop in as “peacemaker” on the World Stage. The danger: Iran will immediately launch short range nuclear missiles at Israel upon being attacked, Israel will retaliate, and WW3 will result. That Iran Nuclear Deal Trump broke is looking like a better diplomatic outcome now that it’s gone, eh? This is what happens when espionage succeeds at the highest levels.

Attached: unfit.jpg (702x200, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

> be me
> have only ever voted Republican
> army veteran
> afghan war veteran
> gun owner
> concealed carry permit holder
> work in law enforcement
> son of police officer, grandson of police officer
> hate the gangs, criminals, and SJW leftists destroying this country
> hated Hillary
> think that Trump is a coward and a traitor to this country for many reasons
> think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
> get called a shill on Jow Forums

As more and more of us turn our back on this joke of a president and on the cultist movement you guys blindly follow, the more you'll say Jow Forums is infested with "shills" and Democrat bots. But we are real people that are expressing our frustration and disillusion with this president and his administration. Face it, user, there are a lot of us oldfags who think this president is fucking pathetic and that you guys are even more pathetic for supporting him. Either wake the fuck up and get right, or realize you're too-far-gone and neck yourselves, or wait until you get dragged into the streets and punished for being such faggots.

Peak Boomer hysteria

>more dead slimes
I'm voting for him in 2020 already.

Attached: 1530518577211.jpg (350x282, 12K)

>legal Causus Belli
There is literally no such thing

What a basedboy president. He might as well claim he has navy seals ready to take down Iran

Thanks for naming yourself shill. kys faggot

>has only ever voted Republican
>Democrat meme flag

Fuck off, Shill.

Is this pasta

t_donald was a mistake

>have only every voted Republican
>meme flag is Democrat
Really activates my almonds


I would be ok with him nuking any part of the mid east

>t. california larp

They were WARNED

Attached: Trump%20Jewish%20Puppet%203.png (949x472, 243K)

>the lives of our soldiers
They go there because they make a lot of money, it's their choice.

>I'm voting for him in 2020 already.
same desu


iran is an ally of convenience.

what does iran do for russia? oil?
if all iran does is saber rattle for russia.
then iran is simply a pawn.

Blow up the pawn and attack the rook.

That's exactly what I wanted, yes.

>implying I dont want to see iran glassed
Give me one good reason trump shouldn't drop a dozen nukes on iran.

Maybe if you are a rabbi.


Attached: ccd57af49d2be7939c2f22403ab27e948b78e1a3f4c60ef6bf3f499dbb629da0.jpg (255x170, 16K)

He just needs to drop enough shit in enough places to get Iran to unload all over Israels face. The rest will take care of itself

>I'm voting for him in 2020 already.

its reverse psychology what Trump is using. Trump make everybody scared with his obvious all caps message. Now people don't want to go to war and the kikes gets outplayed. 4d chess master in play.

its reverse psychology what Trump is using. Trump make everybody scared with his obvious all caps message. Now people don't want to go to war and the kikes gets outplayed. 4d chess master in play.

>>legal Causus Belli
>There is literally no such thing
Military necessity, along with distinction, and proportionality, are three important principles of international humanitarian law governing the legal use of force in an armed conflict.

Military necessity is governed by several constraints: an attack or action must be intended to help in the military defeat of the enemy; it must be an attack on a military objective, and the harm caused to civilians or civilian property must be proportional and not "excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated".

Not "I'm mad because they insulted me."

>t_donald was a mistake
Yes it was.

>They were WARNED
They were.

They're already pushing the Iranian exile propaganda

Attached: Screenshot_20180723-033943_Twitter.jpg (1080x1044, 407K)

> be me
> have only ever voted Republican
> army veteran
> afghan war veteran
> gun owner
> concealed carry permit holder
> work in law enforcement
> son of police officer, grandson of police officer
> hate the gangs, criminals, and SJW leftists destroying this country
> hated Hillary
> think that Trump is a coward and a traitor to this country for many reasons
> think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
> get called a shill on Jow Forums

As more and more of us turn our back on this joke of a president and on the cultist movement you guys blindly follow, the more you'll say Jow Forums is infested with "shills" and Democrat bots. But we are real people that are expressing our frustration and disillusion with this president and his administration. Face it, user, there are a lot of us oldfags who think this president is fucking pathetic and that you guys are even more pathetic for supporting him. Either wake the fuck up and get right, or realize you're too-far-gone and neck yourselves, or wait until you get dragged into the streets and punished for being such faggots.

Some of us have been blocked from Shitctor's Jewish propaganda, what is he saying?

Attached: 1515456492941.jpg (1332x938, 1.06M)

>Give me one good reason trump shouldn't drop a dozen nukes on iran.
: Iran will immediately launch short range nuclear missiles at Israel upon being attacked, Israel will retaliate, and WW3 will result.

nice copy pasta

Attached: shills.png (1300x424, 45K)

This may be another North Korea.
>Trump REEE's for a bit
>Acts tough without taking any decisive action
>Ends up negotiating something

I forgot the source but I remember something about Trump trying to establish dialogue with Iran at least 4 times before. If true, it may mean he is trying to force dialogue onto them.

Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice.

> dragged into the streets

Nice try commie, when LARPing as a neocon remember that they don’t use the language of revolutionary thugs.

Attached: killary's cell.gif (800x686, 2.92M)

Attached: 7e3aadd04eb3a572e0b9291c3a2f4421.png (616x2552, 627K)

Can't tell if this is pasta or not with the meme flag

It is.