Reminder that intel CPUs are literally the least secure and have built in operating system that works outside of your bios and operating system and has many backdoors.
Plus they're overpriced and underperforming
And yet no one is enterprising enough to make a disruptive CPU to take over the market
>what is AMD
>intel made in California
kek good sir
most of their shit is in Israel
AMD are based. Ryzen is the way forward.
>aipac is somehow legal
This is not even a suprirse the jew took over everything. Ww2 was a mistake fuck you hitler this is the worst timeline
Intel CPUs are part of a botnet used without owner knowledge or intervention to conduct complex short term share trades from which the proceeds are being used to rebuild Solomon's Temple.
True story, goys.
Shut up i own intel stocks and don't want them to fall
Yeah but it runs arma 3 best.
AMD sucks
Also show your flag (((you)))
kill yourself
Intel is overpriced kike garbage
AMD delivers the same or better perfomance with its new Ryzen line for hundred bucks less
suck a dick, muhammad
>r5 1600 masterrace
>AMD sucks
Enterprise is moving over to faster, more secure and better priced AMD Epyc CPUs
Ironically, you have to follow the advice of a nonpracticing Jew to get rid of the computer Jews - Long Live Richard Stallman!
Also, don't ask about the flag, I'm just a Christian Arab (actually atheist, but Christian ethnicity) stuck here in israhell (90°F).
True and heterosexual.
>What is AMD (((PSP)))?
Check out for actually free (as in freedom) hardware.
Mainly R&D and software, no hardware is made here really.
Also, the last architecture they designed here was (the legendary) Core2.
> Way better single thread performance ( most games do NOT support 8 threads )
> Their CPUs last longer
> Lower chance of CPU errors
> Lower energy cost
> Overall best gaming CPUs
Intel is like the mercedes of cpus and amd is like the opel
And noone likes opel
DESU, doesn't seem far-fetched.
Fucking German faggot.
>faggot gaymer
>Australian flag
Why am I not surprised?
But modern AMD CPUs are still botnetted, actually x86 as a whole is beyond redemption at this point.
They're both shit, x86 is an objectively shitty architecture, and almost all modern x86 CPUs are extremely botnetted.
>i'm pro gamer, top od the leaderboard in CoD every single time, i know shit about things and stuff
Remember back in 2001 - 2005 when Intel had a crisis because they were to autistic to build something else than Pentium 4 and everyone was buying AMD athlon because they were cheape and faster
Than intel came with core 2 series and made a complete comeback
AMD got raped so hard
Same qill happen again. AMD will have maybe 3 years than intel will have an epic comeback again just like back in the past
> Way better single thread performance ( most games do NOT support 8 threads )
le gaming cpu meme
kys casual
> Their CPUs last longer
> Lower chance of CPU errors
> Lower energy cost
miniscule difference
> Overall best gaming CPUs
get lost , casual scrub. as long as you spend over 150 bucks on a CPU you will never use more than 70% of your CPU when playing any game
game performance on CPUS are like tits on a fatty
Screencap this btw
i mean, you guys are alright but if shit hits the fan, are you with me, or with them?(ayyrabs)
Damn, a christian Israeli. What's it like there outside of the heat?
I'm on my own, especially after these shitty racist laws man…
I'm moving to Canada as soon as I can (free weed and cool summers).
Shitty, and keeps getting shittier - after Trump, the goverment is really going further right, and they're trying to choke us out.
Also, the Israeli public is generally racist and while they might claim that they're OK with Christians - we're still Arabs in their eyes.
Correction, legal weed, not free.
kek we might be neighbors for all i know. technion?
also it depends really. the well behaved christian arabs who do their part are looked up to and don't you say that's not true, it is. the rest (even if they are just loud, which seems very common with arabs) get the stick. but so do the mizrahim, and understandably.
i myself am south american and not even jewish and ive never been treated any differently than a well behaved native, and i definitely don't look native.
Who the fuck has a problem with Christian's Arabs in Israel?
The only problem you can have is in dating.
Most Arabs benfite from living outside the law (taxs, construction limits and army service) and get all the benefits.
Christians Arabs arent even considered a side in the conflict by a vast majority
of Israelis.
And you are Arab it's just that Islam is more violent now.
I don't care. Israel is a friend of North America.
Man I'm sorry to hear that, but I expected as much. Jews don't like sharing.
Our right-wing presidents love their jewish overlords. At least Obama pushed back.
FUCK OFF AMD NIGGERS, TSMC is the way to go.
What's the best CPU now? I want to get a Ryzen, can I make it work with Win7?
git windows 10 then git TSMC
At least i paid only 150 euros last year for my 6700k
I'll trust Israel 100% of the time over fucking shitskins that want to rape our kids and take over our countries.
A steaming pile of shit. Every AMD card I tried was fucking awful despite great (((reviews))) by professionals and users. Every card overheated instantly on startup, required more power than any other card I've owned, drivers cause computer shutdown, poor performance across the board
And none of the cards were actually defective! Just defective by design
kid or intel shill, probably just a kid.
Nevet going to buy intel again.
Israel just sent in a bunch of white-helmets (shitskins) to your country. Now you can thank them like the good goy you are
Games are getting progressively worse every year, the gaming performance won't matter anymore. Intel is already focused on restructuring everything to mainly market mobile cpus for phones and tablets, whenever it becomes unprofitable to produce the high end hardware they will just tell you tough luck and tell you that you are lucky to be able to buy low end low performance hardware like all the other goyim.
Looking at the technoethical laptops and they all have intel processors. Seems like putting a bullseye on your head.
ya I'm gonna downgrade because some alphabet kike is maybe someday gonna gaze upon my pepe collection on an external hard drive which may or maynot be connected at the time.
Fucking Intel and AMD going full jew with Windows though.
Ryzen is the best. And you don't have to do anything, it just works.
Install gentoo
There is literally nothing wrong with Israel.
>And you are Arab it's just that Islam is more violent now.
Islam is not cucked like Christianity. The only reason Lebanon agrees to US terms to not have anti-aircraft missiles in their territory is because the country is half Christian and therefore half-cucked. I would side with Muslims any day to exterminate Israel.
>mfw Solomon's temple will have traces of my cum on its pillars
I am euphoric, amigos.
DESU if your not downloading degenerate shit or a government worker you have nothing to worry about. anyways....
Except existing
>Islam is not cucked like Christianity.
being unable to find pussy and going after 9 year olds is pretty cucked m8
You're wrong.
Just thought I should tell you how much of a faggot you are.
We are talking about the CPUs here. AMD GPUs are shit.
so amd cpu's are okto go?
t. Cumdrinker
Is there really anywhere to turn with a non-backdoored CPU? I heard after a certain year, all Intel and AMD CPU's have the same NSA backdoor.
Can someone with a real answer respond to this? I have no idea where to turn on this. I read a while ago there's allegedly some way to disable it which had mixed results. I don't care if I have to spend a few thousand dollars to get the chip "fixed."
But these days German cars are overpriced shit, just like Intel.
>Multi-core doesn't matter!
>Productivity doesn't matter!
>Price/performance doesn't matter!
>Performance per watt doesn't matter!
>Power usage doesn't matter!
>Temperatures don't matter!
>Soldered dies don't matter!
>Stutters don't matter!
>Streaming doesn't matter!
>Data centers don't matter!
>Locked CPUs don't matter!
>OEMs don't matter!
>Hyperscalers don't matter!
>Upgradeability doesn't matter!
>Anti-competitive business practices don't matter!
>Locked platform features don't matter!
>Synthetic loads don't matter!
>PCI-e lanes don't matter!
>Burnt pins don't matter!
>ECC support doesn't matter!
>*NEW* 7nm doesn't matter!
>*NEW* StoreMI doesn't matter!
>*NEW* CPU exploits don't matter!
>*NEW* Stock coolers don't matter!
>*NEW* Games don't always matter!
Intel Shills BTFO
Reminder that they have your every single keypress no matter what os or cpu you're using.
Amd blows for single thread performance. Always has. Sorry I picks jews over a womyn ceo
Is there ANY measures around this? I don't like being spoonfed information, but I don't even know where to begin to look.
>Is there ANY measures around this?
Get off the computer and go outside.
No I'm stuck here for life.
Well then start doing this.
[Disclaimer: Every post made by me is satire]
build your own processorfrom scratch with a 3d printer ofc
Disconnect your internet to type, then reconnect and then hit send
Utilise copy paste and pre written stuff
>dump bios
>extract management engine firmware
>delete everything except for bup partition
>set killswitch flag for ME
>flash bios to chip externally
ME now gets eternally stuck in bring-up state. not sure if this works on the very latest CPUs, but at least 6xxx and lower have the ME killswitch in the firmware.
I only care about CPUs for gaming, any enterprise level activity I outsource to the amazon cloud (in my case that's CPU based CGI rendering).
Use Linux
Only Ryzen 2200, 2400 won't work with win7
That's why I use AMD.
meme magic Jow Forums curse will hit intel
For the average mortal, no. This is tinfoil territory, you'll have to wade through a sea of shit to find any decent info and even then it's something ridiculously complex and hard to believe. The tinfoils are much closer to the truth. Everything is a lie.
This unironically would not help.
Welp after five seconds of googling, it's actually kind of upsetting.
So why hasn't someone written a virus to disrupt every Intel CPU in an effort to raise awareness and or make massive amounts of money shorting intel stock?
Just buy a TPW.
Amd is good
>you intel shill
Reading comprehension much? Or fake trap
Amd 'bro' , intel nigger
t. Fucked up intels wikipedia articles
You blow for cum, fuck you
Amd or die
lmao you're retarded engineer