/SIDG/ Stop Israeli Degeneracy General - NO HUMAN TRADE FOR PEDOFAGS

The faggots here want the law to let them buy babies for single fathers from a surrogate mother and basically enable pedophiles to buy babies for their own needs
This thread is for discussion of how to stop the bill Netanyahu wants to pass into reality

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I will appreciate a bump


Thank you Candabro



"look retards on Jow Forums i'm against the gays plz be friends with me ill suck ur dick while you call me a kike"
yep this is going in my cringe compilation

Can you spread this

תודה על הבמפ


No you fucking kikes, you pushed this onto is now suffer like we do, you deserve this more than anything

I didn't push nothing. Most Israelis didn't push nothing. Stop lying

wtf are these digits?
I'm not really sure how legislation works in Israel. Do you guys have a congress like the US that you can appeal to?

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So here we have that good jew vs bad jew dichotomy. Thing is the anti pedo jew got the digits 3 times do I say some will be saved in the next holocaust but for others they will perish.

Of course you didnt, your rat tribe only does this in goyim lands. But now time has come for you to get a taste of your own medicine. Meme it lads.

>Do you guys have a congress like the US that you can appeal to?
Sure, I even called the parliament once, it doesn't do shit

עבור אנשים שגרים ליד האוקיינוס אתה בטוח kikes אוהב להישאר בתוך פירסום חרא על זה bo

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It's just fucking digits idiot.. it is 1/10 chance for every post to have double digits

Not all Jews are open borders globalist trash

Bad google translation
What did you want to say

Sorry Shlomo but goyim know and mitosis wont work anymore. There will be reckoning for all crimes of the jew.

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>but goyim know
Maybe some goyim believe conspiracy theories by David Duke lol

You're being so obvious.

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>You're being so obvious.
I'm not hiding anything!

>xddd degeneracy lol gays so disgusting btwww fucking fags ISRAELIS RISE UPPP

fuck off retard

>This thread is for discussion of how to stop the bill Netanyahu wants to pass into reality

you mean the bill that did pass? the one that dosn't allow gay couples to use a surrogate?
what are you in favor for anyway?

>the locusts all swarm

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Duke went too far.

What is all this new legislation about? Also are you guys against circumcision and shit like that?

I don't give a fuck, go to your own Chan kike.

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Okay Schlomo, I bite.
Do you have any credible news sources, polls, opinion pieces on this issue?

I was all over the news yesterday, there was a big pro gay protest that filled every news coverage spot

Just google it

Bump for Haredim

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Traditional white family.
No gays and no degeneracy
nothing to hate

>No link to archived article in English
Well... I dont read shalom-chaverim-scribble

Google "Israel lgbt"



Chosen digits for sure.

Jow Forums pls help these People. Remember they were rained upon with frogs in Egypt. Truly Kek smiles on them

Because all men are perverts and not that most of these men just want to be a parent without having to deal with roasties.

Singles moms do such a terrible job that I am very confident that these men would raise much better children.

the numbers have spoken, no fags in israel

This law also encourages single mothers. It is absurd and must be shut down.


I’ve been getting conflicting reports on the lgbt situation in Israel. I keep tabs on Israeli news from Israeli English language press a la Harretz and Jpost. Not only do I get the impression that lgbts are tolderated and embraced in Israel, they’re kinda proud of it. Columnists always brag about how Tel Aviv is a beacon of progress and the gay capital of the Middle East. Yet, I saw an Israeli user yesterday who claimed at least 70% of Israelis despise lgbts and don’t tolerate them or their lifestyle at all.

So which is it?

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Trump is a pathetic Hyper-Boomer posting his impotent threats in ALL CAPZ.

orthodox obviously don't tolerate, seculars mostly do afaik. also haaretz and jpost are our leftist globalist-ran media fyi

Bump. I'll help the Jews on this one.

Thanks ameribro

greatest ally

Dont get me wrong I still fucking hate your guts.

>stop a psuedonation of natural born degenerates from being degenerates
yeah ok good luck with that

Those digits... What did kek mean by this?

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Kek don't like fags in the hollyland

>I saw an Israeli user yesterday who claimed at least 70% of Israelis despise lgbts and don’t tolerate them or their lifestyle at all
I am that Israeli user. and it's true, don't believe the fake news by the media

damn straight


שינית תמונת פרופיל בליאט

שנה תמונת פרופיל יהודון מסריח


תצחצח לי את הכיפה שעל הזין קודם

וואו שתי כוסיות

אתה הומו?

אפשר מציצה? אני ליידיבוי

נחמד וי פי אן מתרומם

Why should anyone care about what jews do to their own poeple?

nah whities are the most pedo accept multiculturalism and it will be all fine

Tel Aviv is filled with fags, there is no stopping them now.

We must do our best
Israeli is already multicultural!
This thread is for Israfags like Aussies have their own, why can't we

We can't do anything, sure the government is right leaning but these sick fuckers are getting popular by the second in the name of freedom of degeneracy. FFS isn't there any crazy Rabbi ready for stapping fags like what happened couple of years ago.

We could start a campaign that would make the leftist lose their shit, that'll be satisfactory

You're going to stop yourselves then?
For some reason I have my doubts.

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>Aussies have their own, why can't we
Jow Forums is a progressive board and you can't close the borders.
Talk in Yid and stop appropriating anglo culture, just because they dumped you in the desert doesn't mean you have to think in their language.

I am mentally healthy person
To not be confused with GLOBALIST Jews

Yeah but we sure are tolerant for all the money we get for allowing gays. We sold our souls for shekels we thought we can make money from all the gay business but nothing is free and now we starting to pay the price.

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>hurr durr muh it's not natural
surviving pneumonia is not natural either, so give me good reasons for why to people who love each other and shouldn't be able to get children just because one of them isn't naturally endowed with a VAGINA

picture related, it's alexander and his hot israeli bf shlomi feeding their daughters

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forgot link


Would you want to grow without a mother

would rather have two fathers that love me than a single mother that got pregnant after a threesome at an afterparty DÆSU. also, Alexander looks kinda feminine, I guess he's just a good mother (father) as a real women, it's not like i plan to fuck my mother anyway, so why should i care wether she/he has a penis or vagina?

The different is that a son of a single mother can't be taken away at this point, but you can save a baby from being taken by couple of faggots


if the other option is jewish mother, then absolutely, 100 times out of 1

Number will decide if fags get their own medicine

Netanyahu wants this law passed? Don't his Haredi allies oppose this at all?